Mid-August Testers

Super quiet on here recently girlies! Any one got anything exciting to report?? I am just eating my body weight in Easter eggs!!

How are the bumps coming along Bea and Snow?? I am starting to get quite broody for another one.....feels wrong to say it but I want my period to come back! I'm now of 5 breast feeds a day, fingers crossed it won't be too much longer!
Hey there Bex!!

Things are going good on the baby front. I had an appt Tuesday. I am measuring spot on 32 weeks and have gained about 20 pds so far. Doing well. Can't complain at all. I feel great and just feel so blessed everyday to even be pregnant. Still getting the nursery put together. I can't wait to share pics with y'all when it is complete. Still working on names. Oh well.

Hubby graduates finally next month. We are so excited but some are things are going on at his work and I am really worried and super stressed about it at the moment. We just got some not so good news yesterday so I am still trying to digest it and we are trying to figure alot out and it's been taking a toll on me yesterday and today. Happy that it is the weekend - I think I am going to get a pedicure to try to relax some.

My sister will be back from Africa for good in June so I am so excited to see her and so happy to have her stateside again.

I have decided to take off 12 or so weeks after baby is born - I will be off til Labor Day which will be til Sept 3rd. I only get 6 weeks of maternity leave at 60% of my pay and then I am taking the additional 6 weeks unpaid. :/

We recently took a Budgeting for Baby class and a Breastfeeding Basics class. We have our Birthing class coming up soon too. My girlfriends are throwing me a shower in a few weekends as well. I have Maternity pics coming up soon on my Birthday (4-14)!! So I am excited to have them done - I will be sure to share them with y'all!!

I don't know about you guys weather but it has been a god awful Spring here! I wish Spring would just come. It's been so cold and rainy!! I hate it! I hope it warms up soon!
Spring is yet to arrive here too!! It's rubbish, we are still having SNOW! Can you believe it!! I hope this means that we are going to get a super nice summer to compensate!

Glad to hear that all is going well with the baby, this last stretch really will fly by!! Sorry to hear about all the stresses, a pedicure sounds like a good plan, I had a pregnancy massage when I finished work and it was brilliant, have a look to see if you can get one anywhere, I would say it was well worth it and will help you destress :hugs:

You certainly sound busy with all the classes!! If you need any help or advice on breast feeding, then remember you can always give me a shout. My experience is that it's the hardest thing that I did but also the most rewarding and I love it now, planning to carry on for a lot longer. So if you need someone to offer a bit of advice and support then give me a shout either on here on on fb. I'm no expert by any means but I found it helped to talk with people going thought the same!
Picture time!


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Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't had the chance to catch up on my reading but on a rare occasion at the PC so I thought I'd post some new pics for ya Hopefully will read up soon and hope you're all doing great! Miss Melina is army crawling all around the house now so I'm getting a good work out in! LOL

Majenta Easter.jpg




Lovely to see new photos on here. Sorry I've been a bit lame. We've had a rotten two weeks with Finlay catching a stomach bug and being off his food and then OH got Gastroenteritis over Easter. He ended up being off sick for most of the week and then I was away for a Hen Weekend. A very hectic and a little stressful period that's for sure.

Finlay is now causing chaos. :haha: He has become extremely fast at crawling. He can climb one step and cruises one handed. He pulls himself up on stuff, empties drawers and boxes out and pushes things across the room 'walking'. He also says hello and hiya non stop. We also have teeth number 5 and 6 coming through and very nicely bit my sister on Sunday and left her with teeth marks and a bruise. :dohh: He is fast becoming a serious monkey!

Snow - fantastic news about your sister being back. Will she live in a city near you? Exciting plans for our birthday too. Have you got anything else in mind for the day?

Bex - we are still eating our way through Finlay's Easter Eggs. White chocolate could be a great diet tip as it's so sickly its impossible to eat that much in one go. How is Elliot's weaning going?

Bea - How do you feel this time around? Have you got your booking in appointment through? How are plan's going for Miss A's birthday? Or have I missed it?

Hands - Hope you, Dex and Mr H are all doing okay in the hotel. Fingers crossed you move soon and get back online and update us. Is Dex running yet? :haha:

Lisette - Seriously beautiful photos again. Are you back at work or are you taking longer off. I have one more month left of maternity leave and I'm returning pt. We need to figure out what we want to do moneywise and then we might just think about TTCing again. Scary thought! Anyone else beginning to try again?
Well.......We've finally got internet again and our new house. Dexter loves all the new space to walk in. That's right. WALK! Not crawl, not cruise, but walking by himself across the room. Oh I'm not ready for this!

Bea - how did Adriana's Birthday go?! and a HUGE CONGRATS to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's wonderful news about the baby!!!

Bex - How is Elliot doing with his table foods? Dex's favorite is mac and cheese. He's getting so big. The time sure does fly. :(

Nic - What is Finlay eating these days with his 6 teeth? Can you believe it's almost been a year?! How serious are you guys on thinking about TTC? We are so totally done here. No more plan babies for us.

Snow- He's almost here!!! hahahaha.... Just a month and a half now. Almost full term. Are you getting stretch marks? How are you feeling? My feet were so swollen. What type of birth do you plan on having? I WANT DETAILS MOMMA!

Lisette - She's gorgeous. How do you get her to pose like that? Hahaha..... once the baby starts to move... it's all over. Just take a look at my and Nic's kitchens. Everything gets pulled out! Fun time are about to begin.
Wow! Go Dexter!! He always did prefer being on two feet. :)
Finlay pretty much eats everything. Most of his food is chopped now. If I get a baby ready meal for a day out he eats the 12mths+ / toddler meals. He is a proper little foodie and even eats olives! :) Yay for being in your own place. Did you do anything for Dex's room?

Bea - how's work going? Hope you're feeling okay.

Snow - wonderful birthday wishes were sent to you from us here. Hope you got them! I saw your new fb profile pic. You are too cute! Any name ideas yet?

On sadder news I've seen the news tonight. Here's hoping that you all stay safe, and that any loved ones that might have run are healthy. When i watched Mr Nic run the London Marathon in 2010 I worried for his health. I would never have dreamt that he might have worried for mine. Hands I hope this doesn't affect your hubby's work too much.

Hello my beauties!!

So sad about the Boston Marathon... My direct co-worker ran today. She is OK thankfully. But just so sad! I love Boston. Such a beautiful city too. Hubby and I went to Martha's Vineyard twice when we were dating and would always make a point to stop in Boston for a day or so.

Nic - Yeah for Mr. Finlay eating so well! I love Olives too - he has a great food palate already!! Awe thanks about the photo. We really enjoyed doing them yesterday - so crazy she already had some edited that same night! Glad you had an excellent birthday as well - Sounds like you got an early start Sat evening with an early bedtime and a glass of wine!! We have a short list going on names... Nothing set in stone. My sister is unsure of where she will be living when she gets back to the states so I don't know if she live near me but I am guessing most likely not.

Hands - Welcome back! So happy to hear from you! And WOW you got yourself a busy little boy it sounds - walking across the room! How crazy! Mac and Cheese is another one of my favs! I can't believe I only have like 6 weeks left! No stretch marks at all! *knocking on wood* I am still feeling great! I can't complain at all. Just still having issues sleeping but I deal with it. I honestly do not have a birth plan. I know myself that I am too much of a planner in life and if I do a birth plan and it doesn't go according to how I want then I am not going to be happy about it so I figured by not having one I can't get anxious if things don't go how I want. This way I can just go with the flow and hopefully be as relaxed as possible.

Bex - Love the new pictures of Elliot!! Esp the 2nd one with all the food - so cute!! I am sure I am going to be taking you up on the offer of BF advice!! I am quite nervous about it and hope that things go good for us.

Gorg pics as usual Lisette!! She's getting so big!

Baby has been so busy today, he's getting really strong and the kicks are so hard and almost uncomfortable sometimes! Plus, he gets the hiccups ALL the time. He has them now for the 3rd time today already! I can't wait to meet him and see what he look like - what features of each of us he inherits! Sooooo excited to meet him!!
Snow - Try to get all the sleep you can now. It's been 9 months and I sure do miss it... though during the hotel stays we did decide to do sleep training and most nights he sleeps through the night... but he likes to wake up at 6 15 am... it makes a long day. I dream of the day that I can sleep in again.

I am sure everything will go fine with your labor... but please be sure to tell us all about it! Oh and be prepared... however your little one is moving now, he'll move the same way once he's born. It's amazing to see them move the way you've felt for so long.

EEEK! I'm so excited that buster bunny is coming so soon!

Nic - Sounds like you have a great little eater there! So cool. What do you plan on doing for Finlay's Birthday? I need ideas. My hubby is going to be gone once again this summer, thus missing Dex's and my birthday again. *sighs* Oh wells... such is life with the military.

As for Dexter's room. We didn't do too much. I bought a train that spells out his name to put on a self, and a seaport/island play mat for the floor. I rearranged the wall art to make it more like a boarder and it looks real nice. Everything else is pretty much the same... except for the fact that most of the stuff is in his closet due to him grabbing everything.... including door knobs!!!! He can't open doors yet... but he sure does know how to slam them shut if I forget to shut them! hahahaha.
Haha hands - your comments about him not being able to open doors yet made me laugh. Reminds me of Jurassic Park when they say they are safe until the raptors learn to open doors...hehehe! Glad to hear dexters room is coming along nicely. It sounds lovely what you have done. Rubbish news about your hubby though. You sure do have it tough hands :hugs:

Snow - we were also really sad to hear about the marathon in Boston. oH does lots of running and is doing a marathon in October. We also loved Boston when we visited on our honeymoon, I would say it was probably my favourite city of all the ones we went to, or at least the one I want to visit again!

Nic - Sounds like F is a cute little monkey bless him. I have a sting feeling that Elliot will be the same as soon as he can get going. At the moment he is just getting frustrated that he can't get anywhere!! Sometimes when I go to get him up out of his cot I find him on his hands and knees trying to crawl! He also does very fast finger walking which he loves.

Lisette - great pics as usual! I meant to ask how you were getting on with the boob to cup transition?? Elliot is now very good at drinking water out of his sippy cup at mealtimes, I've been by impressed. Not done any milk feeds out of the cup, but really Elliot now only has boob 3 times in the day (7am, midday and 7pm) so I think I might as well stick to boob for now.

Bea - did you say your AF came back when A was down to 3 or 4 feeds a day was that right?
If Elliot is anything like Finlay Bex, you're going need to fit in some early nights! :haha: The lady at his baby sensory class can't get over how confident he has become now he moves. He is into everything! He kept crawling off to the toy area and climbing up on the Vtech walkers. By the end of the session he was running, pushing the walker! My mummy friends couldn't believe it as a lot of the other babies have been crawling for months and have no interest in walking. He also lets go and stands for a few seconds unaided. I really hope I don't miss his first steps when he goes to nursery. :(

Hands - to answer your previous question we are very keen to have more children, but we won't be trying until the autumn. I want to settle in at work first before trying and I want to enjoy the summer and our first family holiday.

Snow - how are you feeling? When do you finish up from work? Xx
Snow - Just about a month away! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's Coming! Can you believe how fast pregnancy goes? Is his kicks starting to slow down? You don't have to tell us yet, but I sure do hope you and hubby have come up with a short list of names. Please know we will be here for you for any support you may need.

Nic - Finlay sounds like he's gonna be a handful when he becomes a toddler. I hope you don't miss his first steps either. It's an amazing thing to see. They get such a look on their face when they realize they just moved all by themselves!

Bex - When do you think you will give him milk in a cup? Im so proud of you for sticking it through with breast feeding. I was so disappointed when it didn't work out for Dex and I. What mile stones has Elliot been reaching? The Church nursery lady that has been taking care of Dexter is pregnant and due June 27. I bought her that same Neptune sea life floor gym. Dexter loved his so much! Does Elliot still play with his?

I had to take Dex to the doctor last week because he had a fever of 102.4 and Tylenol wasn't bringing it down. They aren't sure if it is a virus or bacterial, so they gave him an antibiotic just in case. He's doing better, but he's still not feeling like his old self yet. He is however clapping his hands more and he's starting to refer to me as NaNa more often.

OH and big leaps in his eating. He 1) Does not want you to break anything up into little pieces... he can bite himself (or at least he seems to think so) 2) He only wants sippy cups. You give him a bottle and he just chews on the nipple and won't actually drink from it. 3) He had his first McDonalds Chicken nugget the other day when we went to the park. He held onto that thing for dear life as he played. Eventually he ate it all, but only after it got to see the whole park.
I have been totally slack on updating you guys and I'm sorry!!! I suck as a Mid-August Tester!! I love you all!!

Hands - Can't believe that little man is already having Mickey D's!! They have the best fries if you ask me!! So glad he is feeling better and how cute that he calls you NaNa!! Baby boy seems to like to push alot and drag his elbows or knees across my belly!

Nic - Wow! Pushing the walker!! How awesome!! I got a walker toy type thingy for my shower and I can't wait for him to use it someday!! I am going to try to work til I have bad contractions and think I;m in labor so I have more time off with him when he is born.

Have either of you ladies started planning 1st B-day parties yet? Can't believe they are coming up so soon!!

Bex - I saw you post on FB about Elliots teething! Hoping for more sleep soon and that he feels better too!! Poor baby!!

Hope you are feeling good MrsBea!!

Not much going on here - just watching Sixteen Candles - one of my fav 80's movies. Weather is still crummy - actually made Chili for dinner tonight!! Crazy spring for us in the southeast!! Time is going by so fast - 36 weeks and almost fullterm! Hoping for baby to come in May!! I had an appt on Monday and I am not dialated or effaced at all so I am thinking that baby boy is going to be in for the long haul!! They won't check me again til 38 weeks or if I start having contractions - which I haven't had any yet! Dr. seems to think that he's head down though so that is positive. Baby has hiccups all the time!! I am still feeling great and can't really complain at all - loving being pregnant!! Oh yeah, hubby got a new job and starts May 13th! We are so super excited! xoxo
Snow- so great to hear that you are loving being pregnant! I did too! I am going to be checking here lots from now on to see if there is any news. I have a feeling this little one will be a week early, that is my guess :thumbup: just make sure you take it easy at work. The last few weeks are surprisingly hard and can take it out of you more than you realise. Listen to your body and stop when you need to stop, not when you think you should.

Hands - Elliot doesn't really play with his floor mat so much now as he is very mobile and prefers to be moving around or in his play nest thing. Current milestones....we now have 2 bottom teeth!! He was grumpy for a couple of weeks while they came through but I am a proud mummy now! Also we have just (literally yesterday) start to crawl. Only small distances at the moment, but he can now move all his hands and legs in the right order and travel forward. He can do maybe a metre or so? Once he gets stronger he will be off in a flash ahahahah! Sounds like dexter is turning into an independent young man, you must be a very proud mummy too!

We have had a lovely sunny bank holiday weekend here. Yesterday we had a thanksgiving service for Elliot which was lovely and great to see all our family and friends. My friend also made him an amazing cake.....Will upload some pics when next on the PC :flower:
Snow - Full term and a watermelon!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you feeling? Any symptoms yet?
Hello everyone! Sorry its been ages. We had Finlay's Christening today and its been a busy few days. I go back to work on Wednesday so Finlay's had some sessions at nursery too. We had a wonderful day and Finlay was so good. He didnt cry at all. He was very smiley with the vicar and clapped him when he was finished! So cheeky!!

Nursery sessions went well. I'm a bit worried that he might accidentally knock the small babies over though. He's so strong. He's like Popeye! His key worker is lovely. She said that he was a proper cheeky chops and too cute. He was making her broody! (Which we can't allow as I don't want her to go off on mat leave and leave him behind!!)

Hope you are all doing okay. Hopefully I'll be online a bit more when I'm away from Mr Man. I'm eagerly awaiting Baby Snow's arrival. I wonder if he'll share a birthday with Finlay like me and his mummy do! xx
How's Finlay's Birthday arrangements coming along?

For Dex... it will be just me and him for his Birthday so we aren't going to do anything real big on his birthday. But my mother will be coming into town a few weeks after and we will do a small celebration just me and her and then walter and his mom will be here in late July and we will celebrate it then. So kind of a 13 mo birthday lol

I haven't really come up with a theme just yet but I know what we are going to be getting him.

He likes the theme song to Duck Tales..... and dances to it. So cute. Too bad its an older show and thus no decorations for it.

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