Lovely to see new photos on here. Sorry I've been a bit lame. We've had a rotten two weeks with Finlay catching a stomach bug and being off his food and then OH got Gastroenteritis over Easter. He ended up being off sick for most of the week and then I was away for a Hen Weekend. A very hectic and a little stressful period that's for sure.
Finlay is now causing chaos.

He has become extremely fast at crawling. He can climb one step and cruises one handed. He pulls himself up on stuff, empties drawers and boxes out and pushes things across the room 'walking'. He also says hello and hiya non stop. We also have teeth number 5 and 6 coming through and very nicely bit my sister on Sunday and left her with teeth marks and a bruise.

He is fast becoming a serious monkey!
Snow - fantastic news about your sister being back. Will she live in a city near you? Exciting plans for our birthday too. Have you got anything else in mind for the day?
Bex - we are still eating our way through Finlay's Easter Eggs. White chocolate could be a great diet tip as it's so sickly its impossible to eat that much in one go. How is Elliot's weaning going?
Bea - How do you feel this time around? Have you got your booking in appointment through? How are plan's going for Miss A's birthday? Or have I missed it?
Hands - Hope you, Dex and Mr H are all doing okay in the hotel. Fingers crossed you move soon and get back online and update us. Is Dex running yet?
Lisette - Seriously beautiful photos again. Are you back at work or are you taking longer off. I have one more month left of maternity leave and I'm returning pt. We need to figure out what we want to do moneywise and then we might just think about TTCing again. Scary thought! Anyone else beginning to try again?