Mid-August Testers

Wow! I can't beleive that Elliot is crawling! Yay!!

I saw you are back to work Nic! Glad that Finlay is doing so great at Nursery. That would be awesome if our babies shared a B-day just like we do! I never thought of that! ;)

Hands - Yeah for Birthday planning! Can't believe Dex is going to be 1 already! Where has the year gone!! Duck tails def has a catchy tune!

Me and baby boy are hanging out. Less than 2 weeks now. He could come any day now! But have motherly instinct that he'll be late! I had my 1st contractions last night for a little over an hour - didn't time them but they ended dying out and I just went to sleep. Just hoping they are doing something. OBGYN will check me on Tuesday!! Yah!! I'm excited to find out!! We can't wait to meet him!!
Oooo first contractions, exciting! They will definitely be doing something....let us know how it goes with the obgyn!! Baby snow will be here soon...whoop dee doo!!

And I can't believe we are into first birthday celebrations already!! Sounds like dexter will have lots of little parties to make it feel like it is an ESA long birthday for him :thumbup:

How was your first week back at work Nic? Not too painful I hope! X
10 days till due date!! YAY!!!!!! Does it seem real yet?

Life has been busy over here. I'm hoping it will calm down some soon. I can't believe I have to say goodbye to my hubby again. It feels like he just got back.

Has anyone been putting stuffed animals or lose blankets in with their babies yet? I was wondering when I should start doing so with Dex.

It's hard to believe that Finlay's birthday is so close and that we aren't a bunch of pregnant women, not knowing the genders, names, and etc anymore. Time sure does fly.
Just a quick pop in. Went to Dr. this AM and I am not dilated at all (he said my cervix is quite closed) and my effacement is "nothing to write home about" (what ever that means!). :nope: So I think I'll be in for the long haul - my motherly instincts tell me he will be late and I will have to be induced. I have to admit I was kinda disappointed and bummed out even though I do want him to stay in and plump up a bit more. Just wishing something was happening to make me feel better. My mom bought plane tickets months ago to come down on Saturday if the the baby came early - I told her today to cancel the tickets as I am pretty sure nothing is going to happen in the next few days. They also did a super duper like 5 sec ultrasound and baby boy is head down so at least that was good news.

Ah Snow. This is why they don't check you over here (unless there's a problem). It just adds to the stress. When he's ready to come he will. I don't think you'll be mega late. A lot of petite mummies I know have had early babies or only just overdue ones. This is especially true when their OH was muscly, broad or tall. 31st May is a great day. :) Also statistically first babies are most likely to be born on 41+1 so don't get upset if you're kept waiting a little. He's worth it!

Hands we've been using blankets, comforters and toys for months. Finlay is very tactile and loves his teddies.

Finlay isn't walking yet but I can't help feeling it might be soon. He's poorly though so that might put him back a little. I have work tomorrow and I don't know what I'm going to do. The juggling act has started already!!
Here are some pictures of Dexter that I took today. Almost 11 months old.


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Just checking in to see if there are any signs of a baby snowflake yet :haha: .......

Great pictures of dexter! He's definitely a little boy now, and looks like a gorgeous cheeky monkey! Elliot has a few small soft toys in his cot and a ladybird thing that is a comforter, he doesn't pay too much attention to them at the moment though, he is more obsessed with pulling himself up to standing just because he can!

Snow, as some one who went very overdue, and never had any 'news' at a check up the only advice I can give you is to just ignore everyone!! Haha! Don't feel like you have to reply to everyone asking how you are and 'any twinges yet?!' because it gets very annoying. Just ignore them, put your feet up, watch a film, have a cup of tea and tell yourself I am going to enjoy this time, because in a couple of weeks, this won't be happening again for a very long time!
Bex - I was just about to ask Snow if she had any twinges :haha: Looking back I think my twinges were in my head because I was meant to feel something. :) Honestly the only clue I had was that I became extremely heavy and slow those last few days. I can't even remember when I had a show. :dohh:

Work is going pretty well Hands. Don't feel I have enough hours in the day but going back now was the right time. Finlay and I were both ready for the next step.

Dex looks so grown up. He's so fair too. Finlay's hair looks quite red these days. Well strawberry I suppose. Next to his cousins he looks proper blonde!! I will sort out some new photos for you guys soon. He's changed a lot recently.

Bea - how you doing these days? Any updates?

Lisette - Are you back at work now? Any more photos?

Snow - keeping my fingers and toes crossed Baby Snow doesn't keep you waiting a day longer than 31st May :D 39 weeks already. Your baby will be here before you know it. Is your bag all packed? Xx
Hahaha Nic! Well the truth is that mid August testers have a special exemption and are allowed to ask that! That's because you ladies know more about my cycle, uterus, :sex: boobies, and cervix that anyone else on the planet....therefore you guys were the only ones qualified to ask! :haha:
Kellan Michael was born on May 25 at 6:20pm. 7.8pds. 20.5". So in love. Will post pics and a birth story when on computer.
Wowee!!! I will let him off for not sharing a birthday with Finlay, since he didnt keep mummy waiting. Congratulations family Snow!!! Can't way to see him. Rest up. We are sooo proud of you! Xxxx
Yaaaaaaaaaaay!! Congratulations Snow!!! :happydance: brilliant news and love the name!

Very very proud of you! Looking forward to hearing more details once you feel like you can come up for air.

Lots of love:happydance:
YAY!! Welcome to the family Kellan!!! Can't wait to see him and hear about the birth. Congrats Snow!!! You finally got your lil snow bunny.
Ariana, Finlay, Dexter, Melina, Elliot, and Kellan make up our bump family so far with more on the way :)
Don't our babies sound lovely together? Almost two years ago we started this journey together and look what we made. Good work Mid-August girlies!!! Love you and your little ones so much xxx
They sound like a very cute little gang! Isn't it amazing that you can feel so close to people you have never met!!

Here's to the next arrival to the gang! Give us an update Bea!! :thumbup:
a few pics while i'm on the PC....


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awwwwwwwwwww he's so adorable! Thanks for sharing Bex. It's amazing how fast they grow!
Hey girls!

A super quick labor story.

On last Friday, I was at the store and felt a gush of something. I went to the bathroom and it was watery. Just kinda figured it was some weird discharge and it wasn't all that much. Then that night it happened again 3 more times. So I called the OBGYN. They sent me into triage around Midnight. They did a litmus test and 1 came back + and one came back -. So they did a swab test. It was positive. I had PROM - Premature Rupture of Membranes. So I was admitted around 5am. I was only a fingertip dilated and I think 70% effaced. They started me on Pitocin. I dialted to 5cm and asked for a epidural. This was about 11:30am. I never got any further - they tried raising my pitocin but then contractions were coming too soon for baby to try to recover. They started to measure the strength of my contractions. They were less than adequate. My temp kept going up and infection is a risk with PROM. At 6pm, they decided that since I stopped progressing hours ago that I needed a C/S. At 6:20pm Kellan was born.

Things are going ok. My mom flew down and visited for 4 days. She left and 20 min later my MIL flew in for the next 6 days. I am ready for people to be out of my house so I can get into a routine and do this.

I am having issues with BF. Latching specifically. My nipples were so cracked and bloody - I cry just trying to BF. I am now pumping to try to let them heal - which isn't ideal. We are slowly working back onto the breast. But it hasn't been an easy road at all so far. I've already wanted to give up multiple times. I am also having problems with him falling asleep when he's supposed to be eating.

Kellan is great. He's a laid back kinda guy. Unlike me. Looks like his daddy. We are so in love with him already.

Here's one of my fav pictures of him so far:

Ah Snow - we really are similar aren't we? Luckily here they give you 24hrs to labour naturally before inducing so Finlay ended up forceps instead. How are you feeling physically?

I won't lie I hated breastfeeding for the first 4/5 weeks. I know exactly what you are feeling like. The wincing and apprehension doesn't help with the latching either. Pumping can be lonely and antisocial and so so slow. But the main thing here is how you are feeling. Kellan won't starve. If its too much for you formula is fine but if you want to keep going then that's great too. Ask hubby to buy you some of this cream: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0018DMYX4/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?qid=1370414935&sr=8-4&pi=SL75 (it should be in any drugstore but I checked on amazon first to make sure its available in the US) and some nipple shields. I used Avent but the Medala ones are highly recommended too: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000067PQ0/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1370415035&sr=8-1&pi=SL75 They help for two reasons. They offer extra cushioning against a fierce grip and as they stick up more than your own nipples they are easier for newborns to find and attach to. When you use the shields it helps to squeeze your nipples to express a few drops and get your milk going. He'll then taste milk straight away and should get going quicker. I'm sure you probably know, but don't pull him away from you if the latch is wrong. Pop your little finger into his mouth and apply a little pressure to break the vacuum. You may also find mixing up your hold (rugby ball / laying down) moves him away from rubbing on the same area. You can see how these work on you tube. Do you have a midwife or dr who checks on you pp? Or does Kellan have a paediatric dr yet? If you do get them to check for tongue tie. Finlay has a slight tongue tie which made feeding so painful for me. If Kellan does then a minor procedure could help loads. Finlay's wasn't enough for them to be concerned about but in hindsight I should have gone back and queried it. I also supplemented bfing with formula to help me recover. As he fed so much it made no difference to my supply and meant we've never had bottle issues.

He is beautiful Snow and they are worth every bit of pain. You're already a great mummy so don't worry about anything. You're a natural!

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