Hey snow, great to hear from you!! Don't worry we all understand what it's like trying to post on here with a newborn! Ha! I love coming on thoug and catching up with what all of you have been up to, even when I don't have time to post.
We will be coming up 2 years soon, from when we all 'met' , can you believe it?! Wish we could all meet and have a mid august party to celebrate! I was thinking too about CH, I hope it all worked out for her in the end. I know they were considering adoption, so maybe they went down that route? It's her thread really, who know one day she's migh pop back in and say hi to us!!
Snow, I want go give you a huge hug and massive congratulations for doing so well so far with feeding little Kellan. You are doing a great job, and Hands is completely right, mummy knows best!! Do whatever your instinct is telling you to do....sounds like EP is the way to go for you and I am really proud of you, try not to see it as a failure and a negative, but focus on the fact this this is a really good way for Kellan to get your milk. You are doing just great, and it is great preparation for when you go back to work!
As far as sleep is concerned I'm not sure I can offer too much help there...Elliot has slept through the night a handful of times, but on average he still wakes up a couple of times a night!! Unfortunately it seems to be one thing after the other...first it was the 3 month growth spurt(non stop feeding...you should account for this in your freezer stash!) then 4 month sleep regression, then teething, now the heat, hahah! Maybe nic can bring some more help for you to the party!!
Hands - we don't have any sprinklers in the garden (although wish we did as our grass is pretty dead now!) but Elliot loves going in the paddling pool in this weather! He also like picking the daisies in the grass and trying to eat them before I stop him. He is a little monkey putting everything in his mouth still!
So we have been ntnp for a while now, but I think now we are finally making the shift to ttc. Hubby has admitted that he is ready for another!!

so still ntnp for this cycle, but then once my period comes then I am onto the agnus castus again, and I have bought opks. I'd want to temp again too, but will be harder with Elliot's night wakings!
So we are crunching it up a gear from next cycle, athugh I don't think we will be doing the whole

thing every day just yet, neither of us have the energy for that !