How is work going Bex? I hear you on the juggling act. My hubby has zero clue how much I have to do. He does the majority of the nursery runs, but really is minimum effort for him as I do everything for Finlay accept drive him!!
We have already got a few bits for Christmas. We bought him a little tikes lawn mower, a Duplo fire play set and a boat for his bedroom. Both the toys were on offer. We plan to get him a table and chair set from ikea, cars for his garage, some stickle bricks, some colouring bits, a car mat (ikea) and a duvet set for his bed. We're also considering buying him a toy kitchen. We've seen a great wooden one in the John Lewis catalogue that seems quite reasonable. He plays kitchens at nursery so I think he'd love it. We've tried to save money this year by choosing some bits from ikea and looking at the local 2nd hand toy shop near us. I've also tried to do it early and shop around. Toys r us and John Lewis have both price matched stuff for m. I've also been hitting TK Maxx. I've made good progress on shopping so far!