Mid-August Testers

It went really good. Thanks for asking! He did wonderful with the 3D scan. They had to put a stocking on his head that covers his face and he was even smiling through it! They take pics from all sides of his head (even the top of his head!) to make the band off of for him. But he is such a happy baby even through this! We have to pay for the band upfront (we paid for it on Monday), the Dr. Office then submits a claim, and then we hope and pray that it is covered or at least partially covered. I haven't heard anything new so we're just waiting at this point!! He should get the DOC band on Monday when we go for a hour long appt for the fitting. I found a girl in town that paints the bands so we will be getting that done because if he has to wear this thing - he's going to at least be super cute!! Trying to think up a cute theme for it!! Any suggestions?
If it was Finlay I probably would choose a nautical theme to match his bedroom. Pale blue and white stripes and some navy sailing boats. It would go with most of his outfits :) Which colours do you like to put Kellan in? X
If it were Dexter I would do something with race cars and bikes right now. He's on the MOVE! Just last Friday he jumped off the armrest of the recliner and hit face first into the tile and has a bad cut in his forehead now. He's a mad man I tell ya hahaha. I got him a tricycle a few weeks ago and every morning, before breakfast... while still in his pjs, he's asking to go out on his trike. He loves that thing and we have had many of breakfasts in the park next to house in our pjs. It's a great time for him. He can't quite peddle yet... but he has steering down while I push....... does anyone know a chiropractor?

Go with something that fits his personality and matches his clothes. You can't go wrong with that.
Elliot is really into animals at the moment so I would do a zoo or farm theme, then he can practice his animal noises at the same time :haha:

Hands- dex sounds like a little live wire, I love it! Elliot is just the same. He hates going in his buggy and just wants to walk.....but hasn't quite mastered the concept of walking to go somewhere yet, so it takes a while!
Busy day today here ladies. It was my first day back at work which went well, and very quickly! OH looking after Elliot today so I didn't have to worry about that, will be first day at work tomorrow having to drop Elliot off at nursery as well!

Oh, and today we sold our house and bought a new one!

cycle wise I'm on 10 DPO.....hoping i can add a BFP into the dramatic week. Testing at the weekend if no AF by Sunday!
Whoop woop! :happydance: What a fantastic day Bex. Hope Elliot enjoys nursery today. What an exciting week for your family xx
We ended up not NTNP'ing this month. OH has had tonsillitis and an IBS flare up so he hasn't been well enough. I think AF is on its way meaning a short cycle - but that was what happened with my first post BCP cycle last time. Hopefully OH will be better by ov time. Bex are you temping?

Bea - how's maternity leave treating you?

Snow - Which design did you choose?

Hands - how's Dex doing?
Dex is doing well... he hit another growth spurt and now is just shy of 32 inches. By the time the next carnival come around he will be tall enough to ride the rides... yay!!!

He's signing a bunch and has a few words to go with them, but all his words sound the same. Should I be getting worried? His Please sounds like eeaz, his eat sounds like eaa, his drink has become reaa, he's still saying nana instead of mama.... *sighs*
Nope not at all. I was reading about this and the experts say to repeat everything he says afterwards correctly, like if he points and says nana to you and he wants you to give him something then ask him 'Do you want Mama to pass it to you?'. You don't have to correct him really, just give him the right words in an example if that makes sense. It's really, really common for them to say half words for ages or to use the wrong word. Finlay insists that all smallish animals are cats (sometimes he says dats instead). At the park he shouts CAT at the dogs. Though he does know what they are because when I corrected him the other day he looked at me in a questioning way and said 'woof, woof' :wacko: The only exceptions to the cat rule :) are my mums cats and he calls them 'Out'. My mum is always telling her cats to get out as they like to go where they shouldn't, and he follows these poor cats around shouting 'Out'

Dex is soo tall. Finlay hasn't grown in ages except his feet! They've grown 3 whole sizes in 3 months!!! All of his buddies have had growth spurts recently, but not him. He needs to grow a bit to balance his flippers out :) He almost has all his teeth except the back 2yr molars. Just waiting for the last one to push up. It's broken but not quite here yet. I'm hoping that's where his growing concentration has gone. :)
Just found out the 2nd of my NCT group is expecting. Dare I say it, I'm almost broody. First time I've thought 'I want that', rather than what I usually do and think it'll be nice to be pg, but I feel bad for Finlay or I'm dreading morning sickness again. I'm off to stock up on blueberries. :) I thought AF was here but its more like spotting. Hopefully their Vitamin B levels will start kicking my cycles into shape. :)
I forgot all about the blueberries hahaha..... Ideally I would of loved to have 4 boys... but I can't even take care of 1... so it's a good thing hubby got snipped.

I can't believe Finlay already has his canines!!! Dexter just broke his 4th molar. -- And no kidding about the shoe size! I'm starting to buy them 1 and 1/2 size too big because we can't take the costs of new shoes every other month.

How tall is Finlay now? I know Dex is a Brute but I am kind of glad that he is so big and independent. He self weans off of almost everything. 2 weeks ago we got rid of the highchair and he is a big boy in a booster seat sitting at the regular table now and he does GREAT at it.

About once in every 3 days he wants to sit on the toilet too so we let him. He only wants to sit for 5 to 10 secs... but at least he's interested. He is no where ready to be potty trained, but I have a feeling that this is a sign that he will be potty trained sooner rather than later.

He needs to be able to take off his pants, climb onto the toilet seat, recognize when he has to go, and be able to tell me or at least answer yes and no questions first.... so we still have a long ways to go... but I will be thankful when I can put him into training pants.

I don't want to use pull ups so I've opted to try training pants first... I can always go back to pull ups if it doesn't work, but I think Dex will need to be able to feel the wetness, and feel like he is wearing big boy underwear for him to be motivated to go.

It is funny how we get to know our kids so well that we can pick out things like that in their personalities. Has anyone else experience that?
He's had 9 teeth since July. It's been brutal! He did his all out of order. His first molar came through before his last front bottom tooth!

I don't actually know how tall he is. I might try to get him weighed and measured at the health clinic next week. I think we might do the same as you potty training wise and I'm hoping we can do it soon. He has done two wees in a potty so far, and we are trying to encourage him to sit on the potty before bath. He already shows us when he needs to wee, but you're right coordinating everything seems a lot at their age.

How did your first week back go Bex?
Just a quickie to let you know AF arrived.... Boo :growlmad:

Will fill you in on first week back when I get a bit longer to post
Sorry to hear that Bex. On the positive side that means we get to be TTC / NTNP buddies this month and we'll be close. :hugs: I'm counting my first day of spotting as CD1, so I think I'm CD3. Are you temping or anything?
Yay for being TTC buddies. Today is CD2 for me So we Can definitely be buddies :happydance:

The good news is that I had a 14 day LP this time, the longest I had before that was 10 days so that's a big improvement, so I'm Happy with that. I've haven't been temping, Elliot was waking in the night so it was too difficult to get any regularity, but going to try again this time as the sleeping is a bit better. I'm also going to take some agnus castus again. I took some a few months ago, but I wasn't sure if it was affecting Elliot or not so I stopped. But now elliot is only down to 1 bf per day, and doesn't even take that much milk even then I think it should be fine.

Are you going to temp too?

First week back at work was manic....busy already, can you believe it?!! Not help by the fact Elliot was I'll so I got called or of work on Thursday to pick him up and he couldn't go in on Friday either.

But generally Elliot is loving nursery. He has already come home with paintings, and baking. His key worker loves him and says we are never short of things to write about Elliot :thumbup:
Boo for AF... but yay for a fresh new cycle and TTC buddies.

What is everyone going to do for Halloween this year? Is anyone going to dress their kids up?

Dex is going to be bob the tomato this year.
Finlay is going to be an owl! We got this cute bomber jacket with an owls face on the hood and wings attached to his arms. He talks with his hands so its really funny watching him flapping.

No Bex I'm not going to temp. Finlay doesn't sttn (still!) and as I get up 5.30am work days I don't fancy waking that early every day. I'm thinking about tracking EWCM this time and eating a ton of blueberries! Great news on your LP too! Based on my tracking last month mine was just 8 days, but my cycle was 4 days shorter than my old TTCing average, so hopefully next month if I o at the same point mine will be 12 days which Id be happy with.

Any news on the insurance snow? Did you choose a design? X
Sorry for the lack of check ins. Kellan had a back to back cold which ended up with a double ear infection. Boo.

Sorry for the AF ladies! I forgot about the blueberries too! Go pick up a few pints!

Hope hubby feels better soon Nic!

I can't believe you guys are already talking about potty training! My cousin said to stay away from Pull-Ups too Hands.

I have a hand me down skeleton outfit that I will be sending Kellan to daycare in for Halloween. It's nothing to special. Next year, I will do something more fun.

My mom comes to visit this weekend and I am excited for that.

This past weekend I dropped another pump so I am down to 5 a day. I feel guilty doing it. I make more than enough for him and I know its the best for him but I want my life back too. I just feel like such a bad mom. I will continue to pump til the 6 months as I anticipated but I want to be done for good shortly after. I have about 2 months of milk frozen in the freezer too. But I have mommy guilt some days. Sometimes I'm ok with it and sometimes I feel bad.

Kellan is doing well with his band. I think he looks adorable. We had one horrible 1st day - good thing I took off work to be with him. Poor thing just couldn't get in a comfy spot to sleep. I felt so bad for the little guy. He is doing much better now though. We went for our weekly adjustment appt this AM and we have already seen a good improvement and it has only been 1 week so far. SOOOO happy!! Also, insurance did pay a huge chunk of the band. It was $3800 and we only have to pay $270!!! Amazing - so we will be getting a refund for the portion that was covered. I am beyond ecstatic. We haven't gotten it painted yet - we had to wait for today's Dr. appt to see if they needed to make any adjustments. I emailed the girl this AM and haven't heard back yet to make the appt for the painting. I will call after work if I haven't heard anything. I think (still not 100% sold on the idea!) we are going to go for a "transportation" type theme - so like cars, trucks, plains, trains etc...

Here's little man in his band - just chilling in his bumbo (looking in the mirror!) and boppy. Also, He was at the Dr.'s office and they had this car there and couldn't help but put him in it and take some pics!!



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Ah so cute! He looks like he's about to play ice hockey! A very seasonal choice of headwear. :D Brilliant news about your insurance too and Kellan's progress xx
Agree with Nic! Buy him a hockey stick and a jersey that has his name written on the back of it with the number 25 on it.

Im so happy that the insurance company decided to pay. Be sure to send us pictures of the helmet after it's painted... he looks so adorable.

Nic and I aren't quite potty training just yet... but it does appear that the boys are at least interested in what the potty does. I might buy nighttime pull ups for Dexter if he wants to train early since he is not in a toddler bed yet (im cringing that transition).... but I totally want to start off with training pants when he's ready versus pull ups. Until then since he refuses to let me lay him down to put on a new diaper, I will continue to hug him from behind while fastening his diaper around him while he stands.

I'm totally not going to give into pull ups that easily... haha. The Battle lines have been drawn.

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