Mid-August Testers

All sounds positive Bex! Keep us posted. :)

This year we'll wake up at home, be at my parents Christmas Day afternoon and stay over and then be at my in laws Boxing Day. This year I'm trying to be organised and Ive wrapped verything ive bought so far. Finlay has quite a few bits for Christmas on my list. We've decided to get him a little wooden kitchen as his main present and will be getting a wooden table and chair set from Ikea. Apart from that he'll be having books, some art materials, Duplo and thistle bricks, a new duvet set, a plastic lawnmower and some cars, and probably some accessories to go with the kitchen. Seeing everything we've bought already, it looks ridiculous . It's so easy to go over the top, and already I've struck a few things off the list as i was getting carried away. We've tried to buy things that he'll play with a lot in the winter, and hopefully for a few years to come - plus practical things like the bed linen. So far we've bought on promotions and gradually. I scour tk maxx and the supermarkets. It's been more fun as well. It was hard last year combining Christmas traditions. We both want to pass on things from our childhood to Finlay. Some things work well (like Christmas pjs) and some don't like our Christmas pillowcase vs stocking debate! :) We've also decided to create our own. We decided on F's first Christmas that we'd like him to choose an ornament, and build up a Christmas collection. Last year he picked a snow globe and this year a musical nutcracker (its a little drummer). Feeling festive already!
Aw nic your post mAkes me feel all Christmassy! :thumbup:

It made me laugh at the stocking vs pillow case....my family have always done pillowcases. We have decided that our Christmas tradition is that we will use a pillowcase for all the present from us and the family. That will go in his room. We will then have a stocking by the fireplace that we will fill with little presents (were thinking a book, chococlate money, a christmas jumper etc.) and these won't have labels on and will be from Father Christmas.

We've already bought our main present for Elliot, it's a little keyboard on a stand. We had already decided this is what we wanted to get him, then we saw it was 70% off in sainsburys so bonus! I don't think well get him anything from else...just the stocking presents :)
Yay for festiveness! Last year we resolved it that the main present was from Father Christmas, all big -ish presents from us go into the pillow case (his mum has stitched his name on it) and all small presents go in the stocking from Father Christmas. At the moment that will be hanging downstairs but next year it'll probably be in his room. It was hard mostly because his family don't do small stocking type presents - where we have a stocking filled with socks, bubble bath, hair bands - that sort of thing, and everything else under the tree. I like seeing presents under the tree. :) In his family all presents went into the pillowcase in their bedroom and only family presents under the tree.

Sounds like you've got Elliot a great present. I hope to see a photo with him playing with it. :) It makes sense not to go mad, especially while they're little. F will be 19mths at Christmas and I think a lot of his toys will need putting away for the next baby. As it is, he mostly plays with his garage, bricks and books. Hardly anything else comes out of the toy box. Time to move from toys to sit down activities I think. :)
Love all the Christmas talk! We are just getting Kellan a few little things. So far, I have a small list going but haven't bought anything. It's got stuff like a shape sorter, stacking rings, discovery ball or block and his big present of the Fisher Price Fun with Friends table (which is in the background of Hands Halloween pic!). And a few stocking stuffers too.

We didn't get to BD last night. I was too sleepy. Oh well. No biggie. We are just NTNP and AF has not even returned yet. ;)
We are going to stay here for Christmas and since our families really don't buy Dexter too many things, we go overboard ... hahaha

Tori on the other hand has been ignoring us for over a month, so she might not get anything from us this year, which is too sad.

Snow - Dex loves that table... I hope Kellan does too.

I think we are done with Christmas presents now though... and just waiting till closer to time before wrapping them. Our major holiday tradition that takes a lot of time is creating the scavenger hunt... which I definitely haven't started working on yet.

It gives me a headache, but watching the family run around on Christmas morning is so worth it. I've never heard of the pillow case tradition before. Interesting... though I agree.. I like seeing the presents all in one place.
Any updates Bex and Bea? Can't wait to hear from
Both of you xx
No AF yet, but boobies are very tender so suspect that AF will be here soon. Temps staying above 36 though so I'm happy with that, testing first thing Tuesday morning if no AF by then....!
My fingers are crossed.

Dexter has been starting to go peepee and poopie in the toilet... but only when we take him.... he won't tell us he needs to go before hand.
That's amazing Hands. What a clever boy! Finlay is currently refusing to sit on it. :)
That's great hands!

Fx for you bex!

My boobs are killing me. They hurt so bad! I've dropped down to my 1 pump a day. Today's the 1st day. Ack. I can't wait for the next few days to be over. I'm so uncomfortable.
Af arrived as expected ,bool! Ah well, at least I didn't waste a test. Christmas baby making for us it is!
Boo! I was so excited to open the thread!

Since I have no clue if I OV'd or if it was just a few weird random days of ewcm, I'm not sure if I will even bother testing. I might test on Sunday to see about having some drinks while home. That would be 12 days after the last time I saw ewcm. We'll see.
Boo Bex!! On the positive side, here's to being BFP buddies. :flower:

Fingers crossed for Sunday Snow.
It's thanksgiving here!! Can't wait to eat lots of turkey and fixings!! I am thankful for you girls! Xo
Happy Thanksgiving Snow and Hands!! Hope you're both having wonderful days. Im really thankful for you all too!

Not seen anything on Facebook about Bea either. Will keep checking in just in case. Xx
We celebrated Thanksgiving a week early... but we did have fun doing Black Friday shopping last night. whoohooo. Nothing like getting stomped on during the Wal-Mart rush.
Did you get any bargains Hands? For the first time they actually did a bit of Black Friday here. Asda (owned by Walmart) did an in store event and a couple of others did 24hr offers. By fluke I was Christmas shopping anyway but I didn't see anything I wanted.
On the dreaded ride from ny to nc. Blergh! But just saw that Bea had baby boy Leo on Saturday. :)

Oh! What ya get hands? I didn't do a bit of shopping. Boo! I wanted a food processor to help with prepping from Kohls but they sold out online.

Good news! Birdie is getting his helmet off most likely tomorrow!! Hooray!! He handled his 6 month shots like a big boy before we left too. He now weighs 14 lbs 11 oz and is 26.5". My boobs are finally getting better and can notice the decrease in size and barely any milk production. I was in agony for about 10 days.

Our trip went well. Kellan was baptized yesterday. Such a blessing. I'll post a pic in a few if I can figure out how to do it on my phone.

Hope all is well. When is ov time girls??

I didnt end up testing bc more ewcm popped up so I think body is still trying to regulate a bit. We only bd'd like once over vaca as we stayed with family so if I did happen to ov over holiday we prolly didn't catch it. Oh well. No biggie.

Oh yeah! Kellan has been rolling from back to front for a bit now. He's so cute. Loves to just roll back and forth. Loves to sleep on belly now too.
Snow - Yay for Kellan! He's getting so big so fast!!

Bea- Congrats on Leo!!!!! What are his birth stats? Was this labor any easier than the last?

I need new pictures. It's been far too long since I've seen the little ones.

AFU - Dexter was doing great on the potty, but recently has started to refuse... but that's okay. No biggie.

On black Friday we bought some luggage $75, a shark steam mop $49, a toddler table and chair set $20, Monster University Blue-ray $10, and a few other minor things like books, crayons and etc

Dexter loves his table and chairs. We set it near his play kitchen and now he takes his pretend bowls and spoons over there and sits and pretends to eat and goes yummmyummmm and then washes his dishes in the pretend sink. He also sits and destroys his puzzles at the table. hahaha

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