Hi everyone! Sorry I have been reading, just been a bit busy to post. Hands don't worry. Finlay is point blank refusing to sit on the potty for me. He will for daddy but no more peeing. He tells me wee-wee when he's wet, wipes his bottom and points to his bits when we ask him where wee-wee comes from. He can take his trousers off and can just about put them on again if you put them the right way round. I'm planning on taking a week off work, maybe next month and just do an intensive 10 days. I feel like he can do it, but we've been too busy to pay attention to him. He also finds his own wind very funny right now. He says 'uh oh' and chuckles!
Bex that place looks great. We did a similar thing the week before Christmas with our friends staying at Spingle Barn, near Bakewell. It was lovely and us girls got a sneaky spa day up there at the University of Buxton Spa. They teach Spa Management, so we were looked after by trainees and I had THE BEST massage ever. £55 for an hour massage, lunch, 2 hours in the spa and a complimentary mini treatment. Bargain!!
Snow - sorry that you Christmas do-over didnt happen. I hope you get together with your family soon, but how brilliant you got to spend some time with your sister. How's your weather? Is it truly crazy? We've had flooding down here. We nearly didnt make it to my parents on Christmas Day because the flooding closed the motorway near us until lunchtime. The villages around my town lost power 23rd-26th December and some didnt have running water either. The DIY stores were selling all their old BBQs for people needing to cook their Christmas dinner!
I think I actually might have ov'd slightly early. I also have a frozen shoulder right now which was awful over new yrs. I couldn't move new yrs day and driving through gales was pretty frightening. I think more than half of our fences have now come down in the storms this winter. We did dtd on the 2nd, so if I did end up oving later, like I think I did last month I might be lucky. We haven't really put the effort in though. I can honestly say we've timed it right one month since coming off BCP. We definitely are fulfilling the not trying part! Even though I've been off BCP since October I couldn't claim its been 3mths of trying. :doh:
Apart from the not trying bit

we do have some Finlay news. We now have LOTS more words. Just this week he has got 'Good bye' (not just bye bye), nana (banana), apple, gogurt (yogurt) and a load more names. We also started swimming lessons this week. He seemed to enjoy it. It was pretty hard work for me though!

Big hugs to you all. Less than 2 mths now til Pancake Day Snow!