Mid-August Testers

Quickie to let you know AF arrived, :( :( will update more thoroughly later
Boo, sorry to hear that Bex. I've noticed a teeny bit of spotting, so AF should be here by weds now. (It won't be IB as we didnt dtd around the fertile time). It does mean we are due to ov on New Years Eve / Day. :)
Oh, I'm sorry Bex.

Ohhh sounds like a great way to ring in the New Year Nic!! BM!!

I'm just about to start my fertile time. I used to OV between CD13-CD16. I am CD11 so I guess we will start BDing tomorrow - I haven't noticed any fertile CM yet at all. And I don't think I'm going to use OPK's. Just keeping it cool.
Gsh time really does fly since I last logged on here, sorry it's been a while girlies, although I assume everyone is busy in the run up to christmas! I'm so excited now, and I think Elliot is picking up on the buzz as he s in a great mood too!

On Friday Elliot had his last day in the 'chicks nest' room a nursery and in January he will move up to 'Tiny robins'....it was a bit of an emotional moment, can't believe he is moving up already!!

I was so convinced last month that I was pg, I was gutted when AF came! But I am prib going to ov around new year too nic! Fingers crossed to both of us for then!

Snow, do you reckon you ovd when you expected, did you get much BD in?

Hands, Elliot is also a brilliant eater, but he is a massive carb fan! His favourite meal is pasta and bread! Last night we went out for fish and chips and Elliot are 3 slices of bread before the fish and chips came out haha! He also takes after his daddy and has a very sweet tooth! Oh and it turns out he absolutely LOVES mince pies!! He thinks they are the best thing ever and eats a whole one in about 5 minutes!!
Hooray so glad that Elliot is such a great eater too! Such a big boy going into the next room!

I am CD17 now. I am having some weird things I feel going on so I think I might be OVing today maybe. Which is late for me. So I don't know. I didn't do temping or OPK's. We did manage to BD Friday, Sat and Sun. So we will be in a pretty good position with any of those days. And I have been getting awesome CM - which is a huge deal for me because that was one of the reasons I had the IUI was bc I never had any fertile CM and now here it is. Maybe my body reset itself!

Kellan is super sick. He has RSV. He got it from Daycare. He was diagnosed on Wed. On Saturday, we took him to the emergency room. It sucks. This is horrible. I hate being at work today but hubby is home with him today. His sleep is so bad and he feels lousy. Not mention that his breathing isn't all that great and it's scary. I hope he is better by Christmas. Santa is coming!!
awww snow that's the pits. Dex got RSV when he was 8 months old. The breathing thing is scary!

Merry Christmas to you all and happy baby dancing to you!
Ugh. I just need to come on here and vent. Kellan was also diagnosed with a double ear infection on Monday ontop of the RSV and broncholitis. He is so sick. I feel so bad for him. It's been a really rough week. So we now have ear numbing drops and Amox. I am now sick too - I woke up Christmas Eve feeling yucky. I ended up cancelling Christmas (my grandparents were coming in from SC and my Uncle was driving about 2 hours to my house) bc we are so sick.

And I think I am OVing now - which is really super late - CD20. I had a glob of EWCM yesterday and today. Which that is all that I'm going off of. My fertile CM really is sticking around for quite awhile so I don't know what is going on with my body to tell you the truth. I've had it for like a week. And I don't want to BD and have hubby to get sick again because he's been battling bronchitis for over a month now too. So it looks like I'm out this cycle bc we haven't BD'd since Monday. So oh well. I'm kinda really bummed but what can I do?

Hope everyone had an amazing Holiday with family and friends.
At the aquarium and opening up a Christmas present.


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Cute pic Hands! Love Dex's expression in the aquarium pic!

Happy New Year guys! Hope everyone has a prosperous 2014!

We are doing our Christmas dinner re-do tomorrow with my Grandparents and Uncle! It will be exciting to see everyone!
Hi All and Happy New Year to everyone!! We are finally back from are various trips, and have had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Elliot has really enjoyed the non-stop socialising - I think he will find next week very boring just with me for company!!

What with all the visiting we only managed to BD a couple of times this month, although I do think that it was around ov, but not too sure, so i'm not pinning my hopes to much on this month. Nic, did you ov New Years as expected?

Snow - hope your re-do Christmas dinner went well and you were all able to enjoy the yummy food!

Hands - the pics of Dexter opening up the presents are brilliant! I love the fact every little thing is soe exciting for them at this age, it must be a brilliant world to live in!

We spent New Year in a cottage on a farm in Devon with some friends of ours - Nic, if you are ever looking for a really good family friendly place to go I can highly recommend it - they did animal feeding every morning wth Farmer Simon, and there was a great outdoor and indoor play areas - we loved it and barely left the farm while we were there!

Some pics.......


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Great pics Bex. Sounds like you guys have been plenty busy! Alls it takes is one - so you never know! This just might be your month!

Nic - Hope all is well - haven't heard from you in a bit! Prolly busy too!

Hands - How's the potty going?

My Xmas re-do was cancelled again. This time my Grandparents cancelled. I was a bit sad about it considering I went out and bought all this food but I will be seeing a good bit of family in about 10 days - we are going to the beach for a night.

On my TTC front. Just waiting on AF - I have no clue what my LP is so I guess any day now. I am assuming I'm like 12/13 dpo. Had a pretty nasty evap yesterday - today was a stark white BFN.

Hubby's been on a hunting trip on the NC coast since Sunday so I have been caring for Kellan by myself. It's been fun! Oh yea. My sister was stranded at the airport in Philly for a few days and was able to fly here til she can get home in Indianapolis - she leaves tomorrow but it's been nice having her and spending time with her.

Kellan is close to crawling. Getting so close! And he LOVES his jumperoo!
Snow- sorry about the redo. That stinks. I'm glad Kellan loves his jumperoo though. Dexter loved his until he learned how to crawl. It was a great investment for me.

I dread taking care of Dexter alone. 24/7 with him is just too much. I obviously can and have done it, but I really hate doing it. Hubby has made a deployment short list. 1 out of the 7 will be deployed again. Oh please don't let it be my hubby!

As far as potty training goes, Dexter has taken a step back, but that's okay and only natural for babies who show interest early on. He will still sit on the potty once a day and sometimes he actually still goes tinkle (about 50 percent of the time) while sitting on it... but other than that, he really doesn't want to go on the potty.

Instead, he is showing more interest in pulling his socks and shoes off, and pulling up his pants... which are skills he needs to learn to potty as well. He also will answer yes or no if we ask him if he is poopy. However, he won't tell us BEFORE he goes.

We are getting closer. I honestly think he will be ready closer to 2yrs of age rather than 3yrs like some kids.

Once he can start telling us BEFORE he goes that he needs to go potty, I will probably give him a week of pull ups... and if all goes well, switch him to cloth training pants as soon as possible.
Hi everyone! Sorry I have been reading, just been a bit busy to post. Hands don't worry. Finlay is point blank refusing to sit on the potty for me. He will for daddy but no more peeing. He tells me wee-wee when he's wet, wipes his bottom and points to his bits when we ask him where wee-wee comes from. He can take his trousers off and can just about put them on again if you put them the right way round. I'm planning on taking a week off work, maybe next month and just do an intensive 10 days. I feel like he can do it, but we've been too busy to pay attention to him. He also finds his own wind very funny right now. He says 'uh oh' and chuckles! :D

Bex that place looks great. We did a similar thing the week before Christmas with our friends staying at Spingle Barn, near Bakewell. It was lovely and us girls got a sneaky spa day up there at the University of Buxton Spa. They teach Spa Management, so we were looked after by trainees and I had THE BEST massage ever. £55 for an hour massage, lunch, 2 hours in the spa and a complimentary mini treatment. Bargain!!

Snow - sorry that you Christmas do-over didnt happen. I hope you get together with your family soon, but how brilliant you got to spend some time with your sister. How's your weather? Is it truly crazy? We've had flooding down here. We nearly didnt make it to my parents on Christmas Day because the flooding closed the motorway near us until lunchtime. The villages around my town lost power 23rd-26th December and some didnt have running water either. The DIY stores were selling all their old BBQs for people needing to cook their Christmas dinner!

I think I actually might have ov'd slightly early. I also have a frozen shoulder right now which was awful over new yrs. I couldn't move new yrs day and driving through gales was pretty frightening. I think more than half of our fences have now come down in the storms this winter. We did dtd on the 2nd, so if I did end up oving later, like I think I did last month I might be lucky. We haven't really put the effort in though. I can honestly say we've timed it right one month since coming off BCP. We definitely are fulfilling the not trying part! Even though I've been off BCP since October I couldn't claim its been 3mths of trying. :doh:

Apart from the not trying bit :) we do have some Finlay news. We now have LOTS more words. Just this week he has got 'Good bye' (not just bye bye), nana (banana), apple, gogurt (yogurt) and a load more names. We also started swimming lessons this week. He seemed to enjoy it. It was pretty hard work for me though! :) Big hugs to you all. Less than 2 mths now til Pancake Day Snow! :happydance:
Nic - Swimming lessons and words... how awesome is that?!?! Let me know how your 10 day potty training goes. Finlay is only a month older than Dexter and I can't believe he can pull his pants on and off already! Dexter can only pull up the front part of his pants while I pull up the back right now.

We want to start dexter on swimming/tumbling lessons but I think we will wait till he's closer to two. On thing Dexter has shown interest in this past week was art. He loves to paint. This morning he walked over and pointed to one of his pictures that he painted and said. I did this!... which sounded more like I-id-is! It's funny how mommy's know what their kids are saying, even though to the rest of the world it sounds like gibberish.

What all is entailed in the swimming course? Do you think waiting till 2 would be too long?
No 2 isn't too late. A friend of ours who is a swimming instructor said that 18mths would be the earliest he'd recommend for swimming lessons, so 2 would be perfect. We've only had one lesson, but we are both in the teaching pool together and we practice them jumping in to our arms from the side, having them lean back in the pool with us supporting them, practicing kicking, having their chins in the water and a few nursery rhymes where we spin them around and in and out of the water. It only lasted 30mins so was over very quickly but he slept well afterwards! :)

How cute that Dexter says I did this?! I can imagine him being so proud showing you. I never do art with Finlay. Nursery say that he paints but it sounds a bit daunting dealing with all the mess. :)

Finlay still has some problems with his trousers. If the waistband rolls he can't get it over his nappy at the back so I need to help him! :)

I love this age. His report from nursery said he was counting today. I've been practicing with him and it was great that he was using it. He keeps missing out 3. He says 1 - 2 - Go! :) He has come on so much since Christmas. It's mad!
Well, AF arrived this morning :( since we started ttc this time, this AF has really got me and made me feel a bit down in the dumps. I know we haven't been trying that long yet really, but I really don't want it to take ages.

Any sign of af for you nic?

Sounds like dexter and finlay are coming on leaps and bounds!! They sound like very clever little boys! I am impressed.

Elliot is now up to about 10 words, plus animal noises so he's doing really well. It's so cute when he babbles at me like he is desperately trying to tell me something!

Swimming sounds good. I take Elliot just be myself once a week and was wondering when he needed to start formal lessons. Nic, what does Finlay wear in terms of flotation? I was thinking of getting Elliot one of those vests?

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