Mid-August Testers

Bex - sorry to hear about AF. I remember how heart wrenching those are during ttc. 10 words is a great start for Elliot. I think that's more than dexter when he was at that age. As far as flotation, we do have a vest with flotation cushion in both front and back for dexter. Dex hates being retrained by it, but it makes momma feel better about him being in the water.

Nic - Art really isn't too bad. I bought a cheap vinyl table cloth to cover the surface and an art smock to protect his clothes (actually it's a cheap one dollar cooking apron for kids his age, but same difference). Then I just put two colors out in little plastic jars. And I let him mix the colors and etc. I try to put out two colors that mix to make a new one. Red and yellow = orange when mixed and etc.

Swimming lessons sound great!! I'm so excited that he's getting into it.
Sorry to hear you are out Bex. Coincidentally I got AF Friday evening, so we are in sync again.

Hands we don't use anything. We are holding and supporting him at all times at swimming lessons. When we've taken him on our own we've used a baby rubber ring thing that he sits in.
Sorry about AF ladies. Let's all get BFP's together this cycle!

Oh, I have thought about swimming classes. Looks like we be waiting a bit. We did Music classes which he loved - plan on starting that back up in a couple months when they do another session.

Hands - I can't wait to start art projects! Sounds like you guys have so much fun together!

Bex - I hear ya about being worried that TTC may take a while. I still have it in back of my mind but am trying to stay positive as much as possible and just hope for the best!

Nic - We didn't get much of bad weather. My parents in Western NY did though - It was just really cold here and windy. Hooray for more words! I am so excited for Pancake day! This will now be a family tradition for us too.

My mom flies in tomorrow. Our little beach trip is the weekend. And our 7th Anniversary is Monday - Can't believe how fast time has gone by. We are going out for a nice swanky dinner while my mom watches him on Saturday. It will be nice.

I am CD9. Going to start OPK's on Saturday. I was sad last cycle when we miss timed things so at least we will be trying when we are supposed to. I just bought some cheap Wondfo's - hope they work good!

Kellan is now on 100% formula this week. I still have a good amount of milk left but honestly it's been a bit much of mixing it and all. So I have to decide what to do. Since switching he's eating much better with his solids! Eating a great bit now! I am so happy! He's loved almost everything but the carrots/broccoli mix so far!

TTYL. Gotta get dinner together!
Hey girlies :wave:

haven't had a chance to catch up properly but just wanted to pop in and say hi and happy new year :) Hope all the babies and mommies are doing great! miss you guys and hope to be around to chat better now that i'm back at work and a little more settled into the routine I can sneak some pc time here and there :) ttys
WOWZERS!!!! She's alive! Welcome back Lisette! When you get some time please give us an update on how you and Melina are doing.

Quick update on my end: Dex is sick and wheezing. We are giving him breathing treatments. My brother and his wife finally were able to get pregnant after a year and a half of trying, but she miscarried at 5 1/2 weeks yesterday :( My heart goes out to her.
Hey Lisette! Hope your Holiday's were great. Update when you can.

Oh Hands - Sounds like Dex had what Kellan had last month. I hope he feels better soon. I know how bad it sucks. And I am so very very sorry for your brother and SIL. I will say a prayer for her tonight.
Wow Lisette, hello hello!! Do come back again soon and update us properly!!

Hands - so sorry to hear about your brother and sil. that is such sad news.

Snow - have you ov'd now and manage to get some good bd in? I will probably ov over the weekend, but not doing opks and we are taking the approach of bd'ing every other day instead. I'm still temping though...I'm too addicted to it to give that up haha!

In other news, our house sale fell through (boo) so our house is back on the market. Lots of viewings so far and another batch at the weekend, so keeping fingers crossed for another quick sale so we can keep hold of the house that we bought.
Omg girls. I got a BFP. I can't believe it! I'm only 10dpo but I wanted to test to see if I could have an adult beverage at a Super Bowl party tonight. Looks like nope I can't! Were in complete shock. Tim and I are both excited but scared bc Kellan is still only 8 months old! We figured it would take a long time again. Anyways, praying for a healthy and happy uneventful 9 months. No real symptoms!! Going to call dr. Tomorrow to see about testing my levels.

Ps. Kellan is mad man and crawling all over the place like crazy!!! And said dada yesterday!! First word!!
Flipping Nora! That's brilliant news snow! Very, very exciting. Xxxxx
Sorry that wasn't a long post but my battery was about to die and I wanted to share my excitement. :D Sounds like lots of exciting things for you guys right now. There is 17mths between my oh and his brother and they are like best friends. You will cope and if now's the time your body picks then that's the right time for you all. xx

Nothing new to update you on really. A few more words now but that's about it. He is getting good at holding my hand and walking with me, and he is just loving action songs right now. :) Pretty sure there isn't a BFP for me. We managed it twice around the right time, but I have no symptoms apart from being hungry. I honestly feel so okay, that I think even AF will be a surprise. I can't really remember what CD I'm on!! How are you Bex? Is it going to be a double whammy of BFPs? Xx
WHOOHOOOO I cant believe it! Congrats snow! You'll have to keep us posted on everything. I need some baby drama hahaa

AFM - Words I never thought I would say to my child: Get your finger out of your butt hole!!! :dohh:

Potty training is so much fun.
On My goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's soooo amazing Snow. Massive congratulations to you both! What a great way to start the month! You are going to have a lovely age gap. So so so exciting!

AFM I think I am 7 dpo so will be testing on the weekend I think. If I can hold out till Monday that will require some patience. We weren't great at BDing around the right time. I think I ov'd last Monday and we BD'd the Friday and Saturday before that and not since. So I'm no holding my breath this month, but I really really want it happen soon as I don't want Elliot and sibling to be too much more that 2 years apart.

Hands - your quote had me in stiches!
Thanks girls! Still so shocked and a bit scared. I went to the Dr. yesterday and I have a bladder infection so I am on antibiotics for that. She also agreed to do beta hcg and test my progesterone. So I am hoping to hear those numbers today. I have my 1st scan on Feb. 20th (my one sissy's birthday!) to hopefully see a heartbeat - it seems a bit too early but that is what she wanted so I did it. The miscarriage still is in the back of my head. Doesn't help that I don't have any symptoms - last time I didn;t either but I at least had sore boobs - I don't even have that now! I'm kinda worried but what else is new!!?? I am due October 15, 2014.

Hands - OMG!

Bex - Testing soon! Any new news on the house?

Awe Nic - How cute about hand holding. You should enroll him in a music class - we did them with Kellan but I think he was a little too young - Finlay is the perfect age! Yay for more words!

We're have a very hard time with Kellan eating recently. He is refusing his bottles alot of the time. Pushing them away. I am getting scared bc he's a small guy to begin with. Thin but long. He can't afford to lose weight - he will most likely fall off the chart completely if he does. Ugh.
Update: The HCG and progesterone numbers aren't looking all that great. Half as what they were when I was pregnant with Kellan - which would explain my lack of symptoms. I go back tomorrow for another blood test and will see if they double or not. Big sigh. I have a feeling I am in for another miscarriage. I knew this was too easy for us.
Aw snow please stay positive. Every single pregnancy is different. You are in my thoughts today when you go to the docs, and I'm keeping everything crossed that Elliot ends up with a birthday buddy!
Snow, your DPO days are still quite early, so it's not that surprising if your figures are lower. Keep your chin up chicken. Thinking of you xxx
Thanks girls. I took another test this AM and it is darker than Monday's so I am sure my HCG is going up which is a good sign. Really hope it is doubling like it should. Even though it is half as what it was on the same DPO as Kellan's pregnancy - this one must have just implanted a day later or something. Kellan's was 60 something on 11dpo and this one is 31 at 11dpo as well. But it's the progesterone that is worrying me. It was only 10.4 yesterday - which is pretty low - with Kellan's it was 30. Most want it over 10 and I am just barely hanging by a thread over it.

I know the nurse said yesterday that the Dr. prolly wants to make sure the HCG is doubling and if it is then she will decide about supplementing with the progesterone. So my numbers should be in tomorrow from today's blood draw. I am hoping she will supplement me. It won't hurt...

I guess I will have more answers tomorrow. xo

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