Mid-August Testers

Oh sorry for AF bex. Super bummer. Next month!

My bloat is outta control at night. I feel huge. And I have the opposite - TMI - I've been getting diarrhea everyday for 7-10 days usually 1st thing in the AM - I had it with Kellan too and lost like 3 pounds. So I am hoping it's a good sign. But still no real obvious symptoms. Not even sore boobs like I had with Kellan. And I haven't had as many twinges/growing pains like I did with Kellan. It's a bit unnerving. I still don't know what to think about it but I guess I will have my answers next Thursday.

Anyone else enjoying the Olympics? We are watching them a ton!
If you think about it Snow, your uterus only recently had to grow for Kellan so it probably doesn't need to work that hard at making room right now. :D I'm not really achy anymore apart from being bloated! I cant remember how bloated i was at this point before but I'm nearly 10lbs lighter this time. I'm wondering (all going well) if I will show earlier. I also really need to call for a drs appointment. I live in a new area now, and have no idea of the local protocol. I got an early scan last time too. Not sure ill be able to get one here x
I hope that's it! I am the biggest worry wart. I swear. If this bloat doesn't calm down - I am for sure not going to be able to hide it super long like I did with Kellan. Good thing its mostly at night. I didn't tell til 16/17 weeks when I had to start wearing maternity. I'm gonna need to go shopping for more flowy tops for sure if all goes well next week to wear. Call for an appt girl - maybe you will get that early US!!

We are supposed to get an "epic" snow/ice storm today into tomorrow. Daycare was closed for the weather so I had to stay home from work. Tim is in Michigan for work this entire week. It's finally starting to snow out! I don't mind the snow - it's the ice I worry about and they are saying we might lose power. I don't know what I'll do if we do - I might have to see if any friends have power to take us in!
That's scary! The weather is bad here too. 100m/phr winds in some regions and flooding or snow in others. Hope you're all snuggled up! Will Tim be back for valentines day?
Oh wow! That is some serious wind! Stay warm! Daycare is closed tomorrow too! He is supposed to get in at 11:45pm Thursday night but our airport has been having serious delays yesterday, today and most likely tomorrow. So I hoping he will get in when he is supposed to but wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get in til Friday.
Thanks Ladies. I think I am just in one of those phases where I feel like nothing seems to be going right at the moment. I know we will get there at some point, but I really do want a 2014 baby and we only have 2 more chance for that. Hey ho.

The storms by us haven't been too bad, it was scarily windy last night, but no where near as bad as it is down south. I really feel for all the people flooded out of their homes, the pictures look awful.

Snow, sounds like the weather will be matching up to your name. Hope you manage to stay cosy. Its rubbish when OH is away, everything always feels a lot harder! Hopefully he will be home before you know it.

I have watched quite a bit of the Olympics, I love it too! we might not be the most famous nation for winter sports but its all so good to watch, the slopestyle events have been brilliant. Plus every 4 years I seem to become a massive curling fan!! Haha - we are good at that one!
hang in tight snow. A tree fell on our house in Georgia, puncturing holes in the roof. We have called the insurance company who thus hired a contractor to come out, but the contractor isn't able to make it to the house due to the ice.

In the meantime, the ice is melting off the roof and coming into our home (renter is showing us pictures) causing the sheet rock to be soaked!

*sighs* I really hope the insurance company pays for it all outside of our deductible.

We live in Arizona (where it is sunny and 74 btw) so it makes it hard for us to do much when we live across country.
So bummed girls. Tim's Thursday flight was cancelled. Then he rebooked for today. Cancelled. He has another flight for tomorrow. Fingers crossed. So sad I won't be able to see my Valentine. I have Kellan though!! Haven't worked since Tuesday - its been closed! Weather is bad!

So sorry about the house in GA Hands. Hope things get squared away for you!

Curling is one of my favs too Bex. Reminds me of home. Curling is big in Canada and I grew up right on the border.

Happy Valentines Ladies!! xo
Sorry to hear the weather has affected you both. Hope Tim makes it home tomorrow and everything is okay with your house Hands. Stupidly I didn't realise Georgia got that cold. In my head its a warm place! :)

I had planned to cook tonight, but the weather caused a huge issue on the roads so I got home late. We're now sat in front of the TV waiting for a pizza! :)

Snow are you still feeling nervous? I am now. I haven't started ms yet and as much as I don't want it I don't think I'll get an early scan, so it would be reassuring. I'm hungry and my back hurts but nothing i can bank on. im Constantly checking the tp every time I go to the bathroom!! Trying to stay positive.

Bex - huge hugs. Things will get better. Snuggle that gorgeous boy of yours and relax. A large glass of wine and an early night and tomorrow will seem brighter. Big hugs xxx
Girls I'm going mad! This morning I talked myself into doing another test. Big mistake! I ended up with one very, thick dark line and one almost non-existent one. Convinced myself that my levels have dropped. Much googling and scrutinising of the box, OH and I find the very thick line is the one that matters! D'oh! And now from googling I find that its because of high hcg levels, grabbing the dye from the control line meaning I'm possibly more pg than I thought or I'm pg with twins. Now I'm stressing about that!! Off to get one of those clearblue digis this afternoon and hoping that I naturally have higher levels. Why can't I leave things be???

Snow - hoping that Tim's flight goes ahead today. It's st be freezing where you are. It's still windy here. It's that scary, witches on broomsticks type of wind! So loud, but at least its bright. Can't wait for winter to be over now. Xx
Bex - Oh hun. I'm sorry that you are feeling like everything isn't going well. Things will turn around. I know they will, they always do. It's always darkest before dawn remember. I agree with Nic. Have that glass of wine and in fact have another one for me! I could really use it this past week.

Nic - Yesterday, I was feeling pretty positive. Today. Eh. Not so much. So yes, more nervous today. My feelings go back and forth. Kellan woke up in the middle of the night so I was rocking him and I was having some pretty bad cramps. So it worries me. No spotting or anything accompanying it but still bothers me. I wouldn't worry about your lack of ms. Remember every pregnancy is different!! And didn't you find out you got your BFP later than you thought with Finlay. I think you thought you were only 5 weeks but was already actually 6 weeks? Something like that if I remember correctly. So if that was the case, then you didn't start MS closer to the 7 week mark. Which means all would be good right now. I think we both will be ok. We just need to wait it out. Which sucks. I am not patient at all. And at this point, I keep thinking if I get MS, great, if not, nothing new - I never got it with Kellan and he is perfect. My mom and aunts all never had MS so maybe it's in our genes??

I pray that Tim gets home today. I need the help. It's been a really rough week. I am trying my best but it's been so hard. I wish I had family near by to help. I give you lots of credit Hands - I don't know how you did this for so long!! Major props to you!! You are mega Mom!! It doesn't help we haven't left the house since Tuesday. And I honestly could use some adult conversation. Sick of talking to just the baby and dog around the house.
We were posting at the same time Nic. Oh awesome about the lines Nic! I stopped testing - I'm afraid I will drive myself crazy analyzing lines and suck. Because that is my personality!! My HCG was always higher than what they considered "normal" with Kellan. I remember at 5 weeks, my HCG was like 5,800 or something like that and normal was like 2,000. I was way over it! All was good!!
I'm so excited for you girls! I love, loved, LOVED, being pregnant and miss it, though I don't miss the newborn that comes after it.

Dexter is so independent now. He drinks from his own cup, grabs the milk, tea, and etc out of the fridge and hands it to me, takes off his socks, shoes, and shirt, jumps, climbs, runs, and he doesn't need his food chopped up anymore. He even eats apples whole. If I try to chop food up, he throws a fit. He is good at helping momma with the laundry too. He helps carry it into my room and puts it on the bed and he will even sit there and separate the socks out from the rest of the stuff for me.

I just can't imagine going back to square one... though it would be great to give him a little brother.

Nic - It sounds like you definitely are going to have a sticky bean! YAY! Will they do an ultrasound early on to find out if you have twins or not?

Snow - Hang in there. Tim will be home soon. No adult conversation all day is very tiresome, but that is what phones are for I guess. BTW I'm totally not a mega mom. I was a mom that was on the brink of insanity. I would have never of thought it before, but looking back, I'm pretty sure I had Post Pardon Depression the first 10-11 months. When Tim gets home, he should totally take you guys out on a date and let you be around people again <-- haha.
Hands I've just spotted your signature. Love it!! Xx

I am hopeful that its sticky, but I know just how much can go wrong. Our friends IRL have had a bad run of luck lately with losses, which makes us more aware that things can and do go wrong. I have a drs appointment on Monday and I'll know then whether there's a chance of an early scan or not.

Snow - thank you for your support. Looking back I had ms before my drs appointment, and that was at least 10 days - 2 weeks before my scan, because I got them to push it back by week to increase chances of seeing a heartbeat. I was 7 weeks + some days from that scan but we gained a few more days at the 12 wk scan so I was probably closer to 6wks. I'm cramping too. It feels like tightening of muscles or like I'm bruised. I think its the lack of symptoms that is making me worry which is why I took the test again. I am going to do the digi tomorrow and then I will stop testing (hopefully :) )
Hey everyone. Hope you've had a lovely weekend. Went to the drs this morning and no chance of an early scan. I had to book another appointment with the mw and she does all the referrals for all the scans etc. My first appointment is the 10th March with her. I also couldn't resist a digital test. It came up as 3+ weeks which put me at least 5 weeks so where it should be. I need to just be patient!
Nic - Hooray for 3+. I'm sure our "little pumpkins" are growing nicely. Boo for no early scan though.

I'm so super nervous about Thursday. I will be only 6 weeks so I am thinking that a heartbeat is pretty much out of the question as it would be too early. I will be happy with a yolk sac and a fetal pole may or may not be present. I know I asked at my last appt if they would have me come back if there wasn't a heartbeat and they said yes - so I guessing I would go back the following week for a re-check. Which is when I wanted to originally go in at 7 weeks but the Dr. insisted on 6 weeks. I actually had her push it back because she wanted me in today. I said it was way too early and we agreed on 6 weeks. I also remembered a symptom I had before with Kellan - TMI - I would started gagging when I would brush my teeth and I haven't had that at all yet so I am a bit worried today. Only 3 sleeps away. Speaking of sleep. A symptom I had with Kellan and is having again is the super vivid dreams. They are beyond weird. Like you couldn't make this crap up they are so weird.

Good news is that Tim was able to get in on Saturday. He was home around 10pm but still it was nice to have him home finally!

Love the new siggy Hands! And I can't believe how grown up and independent Mr. Dex is!!
LOVE the new signature Hands! I'm very proud of what we have all achieved, and with that I include our friendship! Over 2 years and still going strong hey! :hugs:

Elliot also loves helping me do the laundry and unload the dishwasher. I am hoping this is something that will last for a long time! Haha!

Snow - Great news that Tim made it home :happydance: I reckon you have a girl this time Snow and that is maybe why you are having different symptoms. Yep, I'm sure it's a girl for you this time.

Nic, I'm undecided on gender for you yet, I'm edging towards boy though at the moment!

Sorry for being on a bit of a downer last week ladies, I think AF affected me more than I realised. I really appreciate all your kind words, it means a lot.
Bex we know what it's like. That's the great thing about this thread. We all know the disappointment and joy of TTC'ing equally. Are you trying again this month or doing something different? It's funny you think I might be having a boy. I told the dr my fears about feeling mostly normal and having no ms yet (when it struck early before) and she just shrugged and said that maybe Im having a girl this time. At this time
I feel that a girl is more likely (well after a mmc) as I feel so different. I am hungry and I'm starting to get heartburn. I had heartburn before, but that was as the ms was easing off, so not until 9/10 weeks. It's going to be a long wait I fear!
hmm... I'm team boy all the way. I hope we all have just a bunch of boys... haha
Going for the every other day tactic again, but hoping to see it through this time, hopefully neither of us will get I'll this month! Not bothering with the agnus castus or epo this month but having a bowl of grapefruit and blueberries for breakfast every morning! I suspect I'll ov around Friday.

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