Mid-August Testers

Snow your pumpkin is going to be fine. So many women have severe ms and their babies are fine. Yours will be no different. Sorry to hear you were so ill. That's no fun and you must be exhausted.

i agree it does sound like a bug but it could well be ms. I thought I had motion sickness last night (I commute by coach) but I couldn't shift it and I kept waking up in the night feeling sick. I'm sneaking off for a nap now. I feel peaky - slightly hungover, so I think this is probably my ms starting too. Not eating dinner last night though was a big mistake! Hope you can rest up today.
Thanks girls. Def a bug. I took it easy yesterday. Slept a ton and feel nearly 100% already this am. Just praying that Kellan and Tim don't get it and baby is all ok.

Back to feeling symptomless. Hooray for start of MS for you Nic.
Glad you're feeling better snow. Hope you're managing to get lots of rest.
Hey girls. I saw little pumpkins heart beat today so all is well. I think the Dr. was annoyed with me but it gives me piece of mind at least. Now just gotta get through these next 6 weeks or so.

Bex - Did you OV on Friday? Congrats on the house. Wonderful news. We are deciding on what to do with ours.

How ya feeling Nic? Crummy? Hope you enjoyed your early night to bed and your nap!

Hands - Eek. 2 mortgages in March. But good news is that at least the insurance is going to cover the damages.

You got to see the heartbeat and that's all that matters Snow. Hope you can now relax. April isn't far away!

At the risk of jinxing myself I'm not too bad. I was rough Friday night. I don't remember waking up through the night last time, feeling the urge to be sick. I was yuck all of Saturday, but better yesterday and today. I feel a slight tummy wobble but I don't let it get more than that. I think I have (at least now) a milder case of ms this time, plus I know how to handle it which helps. What is weird, is that my ribs hurt already. I'm sure I was past 10wks when rib flare started and it only became painful about 14wksish,
I don't think I have ms anymore. I'm back to being hungry! It makes me nervous that things have stopped being okay. :(
Nic - I am back to being perfectly okay too. No real symptoms here either. At all. At this point, I've gotten used to the idea that I feel great - I won't lie and say that I'm still not worried because I am even though I saw the HB - it doesn't mean a guarantee or anything. I too am super hungry and my bloat is completely obnoxious - prolly due to my progesterone supplement. Just remember that all pregnancies are different. And remember that symptoms wax and wane. So you might be saying this now and in a few days - your nausea is back again. And maybe this time it's a girl. Try not to stress. I know it's hard. And I know I need to take my own advice here. We will both get through this - our little pumpkins are just being stubborn non-symptoms babies. ;) Happy 7 weeks.

Bex - Any symptoms in this 2ww?
Thanks snow. Maybe this time we have girly bundles! Last time I had all day, ongoing sickness so symptoms that come and go are a new thing for me. I shall have to be patient. Did you tell your parents?

Hands - will you find new people straight away for your house in Georgia or do you have to do work instead?

Lots of dust Bex! Any feelings for this cycle?

No real tww symptoms yet I don't think. I don't know what I feel about this cycle. We did loads of BDing around the right time, so I am happy with that at least thins month, but I'm also thinking for no reason whatsoever that this month really isn't our month. Temps are ok but not amazing...think the next few days are going to be very telling!
Fingers crossed for you Bex

I'm totally stalking your symptoms Nic and Snow.. and I can't wait to see ultrasound pics. April/May isn't too far away.

As far as the house goes... it's like a loss cause. The fix the insurance company made on the roof didn't hold, therefore there is more damage in the house. The house had some work to be done BEFORE all of this, but not this has to be taken care of first, then the other work and we have been on our 2nd realtor company in two months... and neither the first, nor this one has put our house up for rent on their page (even before the roof disaster). We keep calling but no one ever answers. I'm so frustrated. The house isn't going anywhere, and our pocket book is just going to shrink because of it.
How is the potty training boot camp going Nic? I think this was the week you were taking off. And isn't your booking appt this week or maybe next week. Having a hard time keeping dates straight! How ya feeling?

Hands - I am so sorry the house is a lost cause. :cry: It sounds like it's been a nightmare. I hope things turn around soon.

Bex - When are you testing girl??!! No symptoms TWW is a thing for me - it seems!

We got Kellan his first pair of big boy shoes this weekend. He has been standing up on everything and cruising along the coffee table and couch alot. At daycare, they take his socks off and I don't like thinking of him with cold tosies so we got 2 nice pairs of stride rites. He looks so grown up in them. I can't believe how big he's getting. He had his 9 month appt last week. He is a skinny boy - like his mom and dad at 17pds 9oz and only 6th%tile. But taller - like daddy at 29" 70th%tile. :happydance: We had a beautiful day in the low 70's and took Kellan to the park - it was so nice to be out with him. Hoping spring is coming soon!

I am feeling wonderful still. Just hoping little bean is still ok and growing. I might try to get out the doppler next weekend and give it a try. It is still quite early to find HB but figure it can't hurt to try. If I don't find it, I'll just put it away til the next weekend.

Pancake day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Well remembered about Pancake Day Snow! :) Today is day one of potty training. We've had one proper accident and one during nap time (when he took his nappy off and peed while he was asleep) but this afternoon we've had two proper wees in the potty, so I'm pretty pleased so far. I've basically stripped him to make it easier but he has been telling me or he has gone to get a nappy when he needs to go so I'm really pleased.

Midwife appt is next Monday at 9.30am. From there they will send off for my scan, which should happen close to the 4th April. All going well, we'll be able to share our news as Easter.

Bex when will you test? Xx
Good job Finlay!! Sounds like he is picking up pretty good already! I bet you and Hands are excited to not have to pay for as many diapers pretty soon!

I think my NT scan is on 4/3 at 8:15 - I have it written down at the house. We were thinking of sharing the news around Easter too. I saw some cute Easter Announcements on Pinterest. We did end up telling my Mom, Dad and one of my sisters. I still have to tell my other sister. Hubby told his Mom and her fiance. A friend did call us out on Saturday and we denied it - I felt bad lying but I'm not ready yet and I feel bad bc she has been trying since we started TTC with Kellan.
Yay for scans and potty training! Snow, Nic - that is less than a month away!!! whoohooo.

Dex is so not ready to potty train but he is starting to refuse his diapers. I let him run around the house naked this morning. 3 proper pees and 3 dribbles in the toilet. He also had 3 accidents on the floor which he helped to clean.

Not once did he tell me he had to go.. I just had to take him every 20 minutes or so to try and prevent the accidents.

How is Finlay doing today? You are so lucky that he can communicate when he needs to go and that he can hold onto his pee longer. Dexter can run to the toilet when I ask him where pee and poop goes and points in it, but he won't run to it when he actually needs to go. *shrugs* I need for him to make that connection.

Is Finlay still communicating?

Waiting to hear an update Bex.
Happy Pancake Day!! Day 2 of potty training hasn't gone quite so well. This morning he did one wee in the potty but I decided to take him swimming as normal. Big mistake as when we were back he wouldn't sit on the potty for me. All day he kept saying poo-poo (he had quite bad wind), so I tried putting him down for his nap with a nappy on, which he immediately took off. He woke himself up from the nap by wetting himself and he was really upset by it. He kept telling me wet and showing me the bed. He was really inconsolable with the tears. He then had a few more accidents, before miracle I convinced him to sit down for a number two. He was very proud with himself, but 20 mins later he has a loose movement. He shrieked poo and seemed to be quite traumatised by the whole thing. :( I had hoped to move on to pants tomorrow and clothes at the end if the week, but I don't think it's clicking yet. He is certainly telling me sometimes but equally he starts to wee on the floor, and he can stop himself and either not go, or will make it to the potty and finish. Not exactly what we're after. I'm going to keep going though. At the moment he is doing something and if he can be nappy free at home during the day, then at least that's something.
Happy belated pancake day everyone!

Unfortunately I celebrated with the arrival of AF :(

Plus I think I have tonsillitis at the moment so not very well at all
Bex, so sorry to hear that AF arrived and you're sick. What rotton luck! Hope you feel better very soon. xx
Oh no Bex. I do hope you feel better soon. And sorry about AF. Boo! That is truly a night that deserves a glass of wine!

Have you girls heard anything about a 3 day potty training program or something like that? I have no other info - just over heard some friends talking about it a few months ago. I just remember it was 3 day of potty training... I'm sure a google search would bring something up about it. Might help. And I know my cousin used the potty watch for her 2 kids. And it worked for her.

Pancake night was a success! Kellan LOVED it! I have a bunch of really cute pics. I will have to make a little collage and post it for y'all!! And today was mohawk day at school-I did pretty good I must say and he of course looks adorable!
So frustrating Nic... I'm sorry. I don't think dexter is ready for the "pressure" of potty training, but I will definitely let him lead. If he wants no diaper, then that's fine by me. I was hoping to potty train like in May and if that didn't work out then again in July or August.

They say most boys don't potty train till 2.5-3yrs of age... but with such interests I don't know if Dex will wait that long. Who knows, maybe he'll regress and take that long after all.

I'll be thankful when this transition period is over with though. I wonder if Bea potty trained Ariana.

Keep me posted on how Finlay is doing. I'm interested.

Bex - Sorry about AF and being sick. Get well soon. Maybe you'll have a Christmas baby.

Snow - can't wait to see the pics!
Today went MUCH better! 5 wees in the potty today and apart from a small dribble in bed after he woke up - no accidents! We even moved on to wearing pants or pj bottoms this afternoon, and his cousin came round for a play date and he stayed dry. I've been asking him every 30mins or so if he needs a wee or if he wants to try, but I'm not pushing him or making him sit down. Sometimes he says 'try' and then he tries and we don't get anything, but mostly he says no and waits. It's about every 2.5 hrs he says yes and has a proper wee. He is very excited to get to flush the toilet! :)

To be honest I've been a bit naive and didnt do any real research first! I've looked at the 3 day training and a lot of the elements I'm actually doing, though one version I read requires the lo to be naked from the waist down for 3mths afterwards which seems a bit extreme!

I'm certainly not expecting him to be dry at the end of the week, but if he can be dry at home then that's a massive step towards being fully potty trained. Also he's not even 2 yet, so there isn't that pressure either. I know from friends with older children it can be a bit competitive, and some mums have felt a sense of failure for not having them dry at 2.5yrs / 3yrs. If it doesn't work this week, then we try again later. No big deal. That said I do have in the back of my mind, that potty training when a new baby is about to arrive / has just arrived is a nightmare. Regression is likely, and trying to concentrate my attention on F while juggling a newborn would be difficult. It certainly would be easier if he is ready to be dry before the autumn.

One other benefit to potty training is the house arrest :) We have done a lot of reading, puzzles and his vocab cards - quality Mummy time. I'm also planning on making scones and decorating plant pots for Mother's Day gifts with him this week.

Hands - I think it sounds like Dex could do it. I bet as his speech increases he'll be able to tell you and will be trained very quickly. He definitely sounds like a do-er. I'm always amazed how far ahead physically he is, in comparison to F. Especially when F's pretty capable as it is!

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