Mid-August Testers

I think something to increase your LP is a great idea Bex. When you said you were out that's the first thing I thought of. Are you still bfing?

One more sleep Snow!
Awe. Bex. Sending hugs girl. The B-Complex should help your LP or more specifically B6 will too. It helped me! Gave me an extra day. And I have heard great things about the Angus Castus helping too!

Oh my Hands. Yucky. We are dealing with the dog having a tummy ache since Saturday. I feel bad hubby has cleaned up poop & puke in her crate and on our comforter (eww!) numerous times.

Eeeekk. Your right 1 sleep Nic! So anxious. Can't wait to hear what your due date will be!!

And my mom flies in tomorrow night to visit for the weekend so I am excited to spend time with her too.
snow does your mom know?

any suggestions on how to get dex in a carseat with only one arm? I slipped on some tile yesterday and landed on my side. I have to wear a sling for a few days. I bruised my muscle and have no upper arm rotation. Praise God I didn't hit my head or break anything.
Poor you Hands. I often tell Finlay to get in like a big boy. I have him on my hip and get him to crawl in and I push his bottom up to help him in. We have a three door and sometimes its easier for him to scramble in. Doing the belt up one handed might be tricky though.

How lovely you get to spend some time with your mum Snow. Does she live far away? I'm feeling very anxious too. I swing from trying to reassuring myself to just feeling like its bad news. I wish I'd already had a scan. :(
This morning was awful! I tried to tell Dex to climb in and he climb into the front seats instead!!!! UGH! I ended up having to pick him up by one hand yank him to the seat and then take the waste band of his pants and pick him up again to get settled. I was so sore and tired afterwards.

We keep telling him momma has an owie but all he does is smile and laugh. He either is sadistic or he just doesn't get it LOL
Scan day!! Good luck snow and nic....cant wait to hear about it!

I dont really have any tips hands other than is there anyway you can avoid the car for a few days? Is getting a bus an option? SuperMarket deliveries? People coming to visit you instead?
Feeling very anxious - bleurgh. Good luck for today Snow. xx

Hands can you put him on your hip and lean him into the
chair? It might be the novelty of being allowed to climb in too. It does wear off!
I'm anxious too Nic. Thinking if you today! Update when you can and I will do!

Omg. Hands. Feel better soon! Become superwoman is all I got! I know it would be amazingly hard for me!
Hope your scan was good Nic. Update!

As for me, things did not turn out well. The NT was high. They got measurements between 2.5 and 3.5. Not good. Therefore, there is an increased risk for chromosomal abnormalities. So we discussed diagnostic testing right away. I did the CVS this AM. And should have the major results (down, trisomies and turners) Monday AM the other less common issues results will come in 2 weeks. Please pray for us. We are both totally distraught and very upset. I am staying home from work today with hubby to rest and I be with my mom tomorrow. I can't pick up Kellan all weekend so I am glad to have extra help here. I am sorry for not a better update. I wish it was better myself.
awww snow. I will keep your family in my prayers. Keep your chin up sweetheart.

not that this affects your situation any... but when my momma was pregnant with me all the tests showed something was wrong...even the ultrasound! But I came out fine.

As far as carseat solutions - no public transit here...and I can't lean him into the car since the carseat is on the right side (the side I can't hold him on)... however... I will try bribing him with candy in his car seat holder next time and see if he will climb up there... I suppose that is being a supermom .... teehee
Snow I'm very sorry to hear that. It's a very high chance there is nothing wrong. A good friend of mine had very bad results and there was nothing wrong with her little one. Her increased risk was due to her being a slightly older mum which combined with other measurements gave her a distorted risk amount. The NT scan is only an indicator of a possible issue - not a guarantee of one. Rest well honey. I'm sure things are fine xx

Our scan was okay. Little one was doing well, but I've been feeling quite down about the experience. The technician was pleasant enough and the hospital was nice, but they didnt take half the measurements they did when I was pg with F (different hospital) and they didnt measure the heartbeat, nor did I get to hear it. I've also been pushed back two days for my EDD to the 19th Oct (which doesn't make sense with the dates I dtd, or when I usually ov) and I won't get my NT results until next week if its bad news and 2 wks if its fine. I know I should be happy and I am to see baby moving, but I don't feel reassured that things are okay iykwim.
Snow. Sorry to moan. It's unfair of me when you had a stressful day xx
Aw ladies. :hugs: :hugs:

Snow- try and remember that just because there is an increased chance of something doesn't necessarily mean that is definitely going to happen. All you can do is have lots of cuddles with OH and Kellan. I am thinking of you and your family :hugs:

Nic - that's rubbish that you didn't get the same as before. Could you pay for a private scan if that would help put your mind at rest?
Thanks Bex. I've been thinking about having this one at the hospital I went to before, and I think today has definitely made me feel like that's a good idea. I guess if I had the same experience before, I wouldn't be disappointed so I'm trying to concentrate on that and I have to remind myself I'm not in London anymore!

Most of my issues are to do with my family history, which would be something for the anomaly scan anyway, so probably not worth a private scan right now. I just don't feel reassured that they know as much as they should, so I know that I'm going to be really painful about asking lots of questions at that one to make sure they are looking at everything that has affected my sister. I also compared my notes when I got back today. Last time under the section about maternal history there was a meaty paragraph about me, listing my height / weight / basic health history, cancer history etc. This one it just said Mother's age = 30 (!)

When we queried stuff, she just kept saying that Kings do a lot of research and that's why they take so many measurements, but at Kings the nasal bone was a key indicator for the NT scan (which had to be double checked at my later scan), but here they didnt even look at it. It's things like that, that make me feel they're not as advanced as they should be. My notes don't even say anything about the placenta. If I hadn't asked I wouldn't know it was anterior again. I guess I just need to sit tight and wait for the bloods to come back, keep my fingers crossed that they're okay and focus on my next appointment.

Snow - hope OH is looking after you. 2.5mm - 3.5mm isn't necessarily large. When I've looked before, measurements over 3.5mm were the most concerning and almost all babies with measurements within the range yours is, are fine. Keep positive honey xx
Thanks for the support girls. I really appreciate it. Don't know what I'd do without you guys to listen to me and be there for me during all these trying times.

I am doing OK. Hubby and I are just taking it one day at a time. Trying to stay positive and praying. We are both pretty worried ans scared. He cried last night and I can count on one hand how many times I've seen him cry. We are both trying to stay strong for eachother. I really hope the genetic counselor call in the AM with results. It's been a hard and emotional weekend to say the least. I've read a good bit of success stories for our measurements but some bad too so it makes it hard. We are in the 95th %tile to the 99th %tile for measurements so really not all that great. But Perinatologist said we have a 80-90% chance that everything is OK so we are trying to focus on that. I read that 9 of out 10 babies are ok with our measurements so I was happy to read that. Just sucks being in this situation. I have found baby on doppler all weekend. So I think the risk from the CVS for a miscarriage is getting lower and lower as days go on. We were told 1 in 100 to 1 and 200 will have a miscarriage from the diagnostic procedure.
The part that kinda sucks is that even if the results come back OK, I still have to wait another 2 weeks for the rest of the karotyping. Oh yea, and I didn't even mention that alot of times increased measurements can mean heart issues so I will be going back to Maternal Fetal Medicine at 14, 18 and 24 weeks for additional ultrasounds to watch over baby thoroughly. Baby will also be having a Fetal Electrocardiogram too to check for heart defects. It's all a bit much to take in.

I'm sorry you weren't happy for with your ultrasound Nic. That stinks! From what I read some Dr's do the nasal bone thing and some don't. I went to the same place and last time they never looked and I asked on Thursday if he saw anything and he said he thought he saw a smaller than normal nasal bone but didn't seem too sure. So I don't know. I think going to the hospital you delivered at would be a great idea - you know what to expect and all. Are you ready for our birthday's coming up soon? I am so not ready to turn 34!! Eeek!!
From research I've done 3/4 children with Down syndrome don't have a visible nasal bone at this scan. A small one, could be much to do with the structure of baby's nose. I don't have much of a bridge and neither does Finlay, and his wasn't visible at his 12wk scan. It's encouraging your dr saw one, however small. Did you have a combined test (with blood results) or just a scan for measurements?

l think regular scans are a good thing. Because of our family history my sister and sister in law have both had additional scans to view their baby's hearts. (I didn't need it because of where I had my scan originally). The more you know the more reassured and if necessary, prepared you'll be.

My grumpiness over the scan in no way compares to what you're going through Snow. Really am sorry to complain the way I did. Keep your chin up and keep listening to pumpkin's heartbeat. Are you still thinking a girl for putting you under all this worry? :) xxx
Thinking of you today snow and your results! Let us know when you can. We are all here for you! Xxx
Quick update. The preliminary results (checks for 21, 18 & 13) came back normal! :thumbup: This accounts for 80% of chromosomal issues. And it's a girl :pink:!! Put me down for pink Hands!!

I will get the full complete chromosome panel and micro-array on DNA in 7-10 days - this is the other 20% of chromosomal issues. It hopefully will be one more thing to cross off the list.

And they are also testing for Noonan Syndrome and those results will take 4 weeks to get back.

I have my 14 week ultrasound on 4/17 to make sure fluid is not increasing and to start looking at the heart.

So there you have it. Phew. Thanks for all the support ladies. I <3 U!!

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