Mid-August Testers

Yes it is! BD time for me!

Nothing much else to report here....house sale plodding along. Aiming for a move date of 16th April....I'm taking that with a pinch of salt!
Nic - how is potty training going? I decided to wait till Dex can go 2 hours and have a dry diaper before really perusing it. I'm glad that Fin can do that. I'm hoping Dex will be able to do it soon too.
It's pretty good at home. Most days if it's just us he doesn't have an accident. He has dry naps and asks to wee first thing. He doesn't ask very often to go in the day though, but will go if you prompt him. We're nowhere near going without a nappy out of the house though, and he has accidents if Daddy is here but he is starting to go on the potty with him so it is improving. F can hold his wee for c.4 hrs now and we had a dry nappy overnight last week. I'm just not sure how to do that final push to being nappy free during the day. I'm hoping nursery might help with this when he returns on Friday. He now has impetigo so hasn't been allowed back yet. Grr!

How's your SD doing? Are you still with her or have you returned home?

Bex good luck for oving. :babydust: to you! Xxx

Snow I'm feeling okay. I get the occasional wave of nausea but nothing I can't handle. I am eating rubbish though. Lots of sweet and sugary things. My waist is already thickening. I need to watch the snacking! My boobs have grown too. They're now back to my pre-pregnancy size and feel massive in comparison! :) The thing bugging me right now is work. They've been pants and I'm tempted to tell them early. They don't want to let me have the day off for my scan (I've not said its the drs) as they are short on people plus they want me to take holiday instead of parental leave for last week. They've also been interviewing internal people for my job behind my back as they have an issue with the job share. So angry right now!
Nic - sounds like you could use another year off! hahahaha

As for us: We are home. All the tension was causing Dexter not to eat but now that we are home, he is eating again.

My SD is in treatment still. She keeps lying to their psychology team. It's driving her 4 parents nuts.

Right now she is claiming to have multiple personalities and that she can hear and see things that aren't really there. --- That girl is the same difficult personality all the time! Believe me I wish she had a different one. HAHAHA.
I'm sure they are well used to people trying to deceive them, so theyll soon see through it. As long as she's there, she can't harm herself and that's the main thing! Try not to stress out. There definitely seems to be an attention seeking rather than depressed side to her personality, and even the best liars can't hide everything. Fingers crossed they make a breakthrough soon.

Poor Dex though. Glad you're back home and he's back where he knows. xx
Don't feel too bad for Dexter though... Since we were gone for so long, I ended up going to ToysRUs and buying half of his Birthday Presents early so he could play with them since the lobby there had no TV or Toys and the few that I packed wasn't holding his interest anymore.

Plus for lunch one day, we went to Chucky Cheese so Dex could have a chance to play and us a mental break. Dex loves ride on vehicles and he had a blast.
Nic - sounds like work are being very unreasonable! Can you just tell them you have a hospital appointment, I think legally they can't ask you what it is for so they wont know its pregnancy (they could assume but that's up to them) because I'm sure you shouldn't have to take holiday for medical appointments - although obviously you would prob need to work before / after your scan.

As for hiring people for your job.....pretty sure that's not allowed! I feel constructive dismissal coming on, and in that case I would be tempted to hold of telling them about baby #2 as long as possible to see what happens.

Hands- Nic is right, i'm sure the medical professionals looking after your SD know 'every trick in the book' so to speak. All you guys can do really is put your trust in them that they know what is best and support her in whatever way they advise is best.

Still waiting on ov here, I had really strong ov cramps earlier this week so I was convince I was oving, but yet to have a temp rise :S no idea what is going on this cycle.
I think I put the willies up them (so to speak ;) ) and sent a firmly worded email requesting a meeting and displaying my concern they were interviewing. Had a very long meeting with my support manager who tried to tell me it wasn't an interview and that I was in the loop, but they couldn't contact me as I was out of the office blah, blah, blah. Eventually I got them to admit it would look like an interview to an outsider and that it was unprofessional for me to have to deal with other assistants enquiring about where I was moving to. They also tried to tell me I hadn't told them I was interested (when I had - but only for the mat pay haha!) and we went back and forth over that. We've now left it that I will contact nursery and come up with some 5 day a week flexible, working time proposals for consideration and they would halt all other hiring options for now. I've had a headache all day!

Also because of my email, nothing more has been said about my holiday. I emailed back and said I needed that day and couldn't be flexible. I also emailed and confirmed I had consulted the company's HR leave policy and I would like to take last week as Personal Emergency (at the manager's discretion we're entitled to 5 days paid a yr) :) I've honestly done no real work today!

Now I'm being taken seriously, I'm going to keep the pregnancy to myself which is why I'd rather take holiday. Its close to 2.5hrs for me to get from my office to the hospital, so not worth my train fare to go to work and OH and I never spend a day together alone. Im planning brunch beforehand! :) As OH put it, pg is my trump card and its even harder for them to discriminate me legally, if I'm pregnant!!

Fingers crossed for a lucky, squiffy cycle Hun!

Snow - have you thought about when to let work know? x
Haha brilliant Nic I love it! You tell them! Are they basically making you work 5 days a week though? I know it's kind of irrelevant due to pregnancy but they don't know that!

The problem with working 5 days but less hours is you still get the commute each day and I guess you would still have to pay for a full day at nursery, unless you could work a day from home maybe?
That's true, but depending on my hours, I might see if we can pay for a half day with lunch and see if its cheaper to pay the remainder in hours. Lots of number crunching to do! Have your temps raised yet? x
Nope grrrrrr.....went down again this morning! I have no idea what is going on. All we can do is stick with the BDing every other day until I see that rise!
I've put a link to my chart in my signature - I know you ladies love a chart stalk ;)
Remember Bex, us MAT (Mid August Testers) are all about the squiffy cycles. ;) And you know I love a good chart stalk! Just keep up your every other day! My temp would drop before OV so maybe this is it! I really hope this is your cycle!!

Hands - Glad Dex got to play at Chuck E Cheeses and I'm sure he was thrilled about early B-day presents! Still thinking about your SD - sounds like she is getting the care she needs.

Sounds like work is being complete jerks Nic! So glad you got to sit them down and get to the bottom of everything though. Sounds like your symptoms and everything is going superb! They better give you off for your scan day! Less than 2 weeks now - I am getting excited to see little baby. Is Finlay's Impetigo gone? Sounds like he is still doing marvelous at the potty.
Ohhh telling my work. Sigh. I am figuring after Easter with the rest of everyone. I really don't want to tell them - I am about 99% sure I will not be going back (daycare is too expensive for 2 and would therefore make no sense for me to work) and I know they will start asking right away if I am staying or not - even thought it's none of their business, if you ask me. And I really don't know what to say and don't want to lie and such but I don't want to get canned either. I just don't know and I am not looking forward to it at all. Honestly, I think one of the girls is already onto me. She called me out a week or two ago. I denied of course. And I noticed her looking at my stomach today when I stood up - which I must admit - I am getting quite "chubby" (for lack of better words) in my mid-section. It's all bloat. I know it's not baby - baby is only like an olive or something ridiculous like that. I'm wearing lots of flowy tops. I am for sure bigger this time than with Kellan. I guess my body is like oh yea I remember this, I just did it!!

Tim is going out of town next week for work again. Boo. :cry: They were looking for someone to go to France for 6 months - I told hubby if it was a longer assignment like 2 years that we'd be on the move!! We have lots of busy weekends coming up. Looked at the calendar and we have something to do every weekend til June already!! Starting to think about Kellan's 1st Birthday party already!! Can't believe it!! He is walking with the help of the Fisher Price Activity Walker - it's so cute - he's so proud of himself.
Snow - if you moved to France I would be so excited I think I might actually explode!
Ooh please move to France! I'm 30mins from one of the Eurostar stations and could meet you in Paris for lunch ;)

In not as bloated as last time but I swear I have a tiny, hard bump already. Definitely not going to be able to hide it until the 20wk scan, except by some miracle!

You should really check your rights Snow. Your company should have a maternity policy which will tell you when you have to notify them. Legally here you could have a massive bump early and not say a word until the 6mth. So even though its obvious you don't have to inform them for ages. I know the US isn't as fair but it can't hurt to look up on your rights for this and dismissal proceedings. I'm sure it won't come to that.

Walking already?! He'll be doing it on your own in no time! :)
Maybe Kellan will be an early walker like Dex. Dex was taking his first several independent steps around Kellan's age and was nearly breaking out into a run at 13 months. I so loved him walking early. He sounds like he'll be on the go in no time.

I'm sorry you are going to be on your own again snow. It's no fun and I wouldn't wish it on anyone except for my own hubby... hahahaha

Right now I'm trying to narrow down the Birthday Present list. So many toy options out there! I'm finding a lot of the toys that I want to get Dex have been discontinued and thus finding them has proven to be hard... especially since I don't pay top dollar for anything.
Snow - more than a quarter of the way through already. Yippee!!

Hands - any update on your SD?

Bex - your chart looks squiffy to me! Anything on the opks yet?

Bea and Lisette - it's been a long time. Hope you are both well. xx
Nothing other than she will fail school this year and that she's out of the hospital but still playing games. I'm trying to mentally distance myself at the moment and focus on other things. Just too much to take in all at once.
Not done opks this month as I think they make me stop BDing too soon. I get the positives and BD then stop for the rest of the month - I suspect that I ov longer after the positives opks then I think. Temps still pathetic though... :(

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