Mid-August Testers

awwww Bex... hang in there. You'll get #2. The best thing about TTC is that you can always try again!
Ok going to try again!

Oh Bex. Don't get bummed about your temps! I'm sure about you guys but our weather has been so lousy lately. Freezing here! Your room is prolly just colder or something silly like that!

Hands - Awe, I hope she starts to realize soon how much she is hurting those that love her and care about her. I have trouble picking out toys too for Kellan - there are just so many!! He's not taking any independent steps so I think we've got awhile yet!

Nic - Can't believe that we are 25% done. Almost just a week to go til scan time! I work for a super small company <50 employees so I know that I didn't qualify for FMLA stuff before so I am not expecting too much. At this point, hubby and I have decided to just say that the plan is for me to go back if someone asks. Once it gets to like Sept or something, I will have to say that I won't be going back. Oh well. I need to do what is best for our family.

One more day til hubby is home. Hooray! Well kinda, he get in at midnight tomorrow night. Tonight is girls night. Taking Kellan with me. Hope he is good. Also, need to lie about why I'm not drinking. Going to say I'm on anti-biotics for a UTI. Hehe. Hubby works for a French company - I think he actually said it's owned by the French Gov't. I don't know though. I asked if there was a chance for England and he said his company is building a new nuclear plant (He works in the nuclear industry as an Electrical Engineer) in Somerset (Is that near either of you?) so there could be a possibility but not a huge one he said. He has told work that we are willing to relocate depending on where and how long. Now would be perfect as Kellan isn't in school. Maybe someday!
Somerset would make a little triangle with Bex about 2hrs to the north and me about 3hrs to the east. It's a nice place to live - lots of green open space and pretty villages. It'll be a proper English experience :) It would be lovely to have you on the same time zone if nothing else. Then we just have to come up with a plan to make Hands and Dex visit! :)

Keep going Bex. Can you remember how long my cycle was with Finlay? Look how well that turned out! Just keep positive and bding!
Somerset is a gorgeous part of the country, like Nic said, full of proper english villages! The good thing about the uk is that Everything is relatively close to each other compared to the US!

Will see if I can get oh to bd again tonight. It is our wedding anniversary afyer all.....!
Some famous Somerset things...

Cider, proper English scrumpy, delicious
Glastonbury (huge music festival)
Cheddar (as in the cheese)

I know the company you OH works for. It was quite big news here when they announced the investment in the new plant in Somerset . They are a big energy provider here, and one of our clients at work :)
Mmm cider! Ahh I'll miss that in the summer.

It's a great base for exploring and for holidays. You'd probably be quite close to the sea. A school friend of mine moved from London to Kewstoke, Nth Somerset a few years ago. She loves it and won't move back. It's also not too far from one of my favourite places in the UK - Bath. Great for a quiet weekend away. (Are we selling it yet? :) )

Happy anniversary Bex. Lets hope for an anniversary present you'll remember! :)
Teehee that shouldn't be too hard Girls... we could just try to get stationed in Germany. haha
Oooo yes Germany Hands! My brother moved to Germany about 3 years ago and he loves it and they have no plans to move back. It's such a simpler way of life there. He lives in Nuremberg in Bavaria which is what you think of when you think of stereotypical Germany.....lederhosen, sausages and large beers!
Oh my gosh girls I haven't been on for months and I just thought I'd pop in while I have the 2 of them sleeping at the same time for the first time ever ha ha and saw your news Nic and snow that is awesome congratulations.

What will the age gaps be?

Bex - I'm sorry you are trying and it hasn't happened yet. I hope it happens soon.

Hands - Sorry about your SD it must be very stressful I hope your managing to get some stress free time.

I just read back a couple of pages but good to catch up on the news I have managed to.

We are good. It is super hectic with 2 under 2! Just not enough hours in the day even with the 3 days Ariana is in nursery.

We are in the middle of the chicken pox which is a nightmare. Ariana has just been back at nursery this week and I have found 3 spots on Leo today argh. Hopefully breastfeeding will help it not be so bad.

So pleased to hear your news and catch up.
Woohoo! Hello stranger :) Sorry to hear about the pox. Hoping it passes quickly for you all. How old is Leo now?

The gap for us will be a maximum of 2yrs 5 mths, which I'm hoping will be manageable. He's already getting a little easier.

Lovely to hear from you though. What's Leo like? Is he like Ariana? xx
Bea - I knew a MrsBea once... hahaha

It's great to hear from you. You have to tell us what it is like to go from 1 to 2 kiddos. Does Leo sleep like a dream like Ariana did?

Snow - I'm so excited that I'm going to get to update my signature soon and change your YELLOW to a different color.

Nic - Yours is staying yellow. :brat:
Guessing will give you something to do until October (all going well)! I'm nice like that. :haha:
Bex - I am loving that possible 7dpo implantation dip on that chart of yours!! ;)

Hands - I am thinking my anamony scan will be mid-May sometime. Right around hubby's birthday and before Kellan's birthday. I can't wait to find out. I don't know why but I am strong girl feelings even though I want a boy. We will see.

Hey there Mrs. Bea!! Long time no see!! Hope all is well with the kiddos. Hope the chicken pox aren't as bad!! There will be a gap of 17 months between our 2.

Nic - You getting excited?? How's the potty going?? I cousin is potty training her just turned 2 year old girl and was telling me about how they bring the potty to the park and how it she sets it in her crib. She's like we are just tagging that potty along everywhere. Where Claire goes the potty goes. Hehe.

You guys have totally sold me on Somerset! Now come on Hubby company and move us. NOW! It sounds awesome. I hope it really becomes a reality. And I hope Hands would be able to get stationed in Germany too!

I am excited for scan on Thursday but I am nervous too. I just hope baby is healthy. And growing good.

Saving best news for last. Kellan is saying Mama!! He said it all day yesterday and again this AM. And he is waving bye-bye. Eating his big boy foods good. Using his sippy good too. He's meeting so many milestones lately. Such a happy boy.
Clever boy! Kellan is an Anglophile too. Yesterday was Mothering Sunday in the UK so the perfect day to say mama! :)

Bea and Bex - hope your babies and OH's treated you yesterday.

I'm feeling a bit excited and a bit apprehensive. 3 more sleeps til the scan, but we probably won't get our NT results until next week. Really noticing I'm not in London anymore :) Just hoping all is well. I'm probably imagining it, but I think I can feel movement. Last time I was 18wks ish before I felt anything and after 20wks before I was sure. It feels different this time, so its probably fluid or blood flow. Or maybe I'm trying to convince myself its okay. :D Do you think girl because you feel different this time? Are you showing yet? I can't wait to make sure its okay and get a due date. I spot on the first day of my cycle so I'm not sure whether to count that as day one for LMP or to adjust for shorter cycles (though I didn't have that many post BCP this time, so maybe my cycles are 28 days now) so my due date could be anything. By dr's LMP its the 17th Oct, but I think 15th is more likely. We shall see.

Hands what's new with Dex?
Im sure everything is fine girls. Of course I'm team BLUE all the way, but I have a feeling at least one of you will have a girl. *shrugs* I had a gut feeling that I was having a boy the whole pregnancy Snow so you might be on to something though I have known people who swore they were going to have a girl and they ended up with a boy.

Dex played with his poop and smeared it all over his crib and stuffed animals on Sunday --- EWWW hahaha. He is saying more words like door, mess, trash, and etc. He is still sleeping well and healthy. His imaginative play is starting to kick in. He plays with his toy kitchen and adds salt and pepper and stirs the pot. It's so cute.
Quick reply on my phone before I get out of bed....I fear af is on its way today judging by the temp dip :( :(

Will post properly later

Bex so sorry. Keep going. It will happen xxx

Hands sounds like Dex is doing great apart from his redecorating skills ;)
Sorry for the pity party ladies. Felt rubbish this morning when I woke up but I have just spent £50 on amazon stocking up on pre-natal vitamins, agnus castus, and this time some b-complex vitamins too and to be honest my luteal phase is pretty pathetic!

We had a ....subdued... mothers day. I had booked a restaurant for my family and OH's family to all go out for dinner together but MIL was ill as was my dad and Elliot too so we ended up cancelling and cooking as it wasn't worth trekking into town.

Bea, I am so pleased to hear you checking in! great to here from you and great to know that you are still out there keeping tabs on us!

Not long till scan day ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just keep trying Bex... you know you CAN get pregnant... it is just a matter of WHEN.

Elliot will be a big brother, keep your chin up. Remember even with the right timing you still only have 1/20 chance of getting pregnant each month. 5% is lousy odds.

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