Ok going to try again!
Oh Bex. Don't get bummed about your temps! I'm sure about you guys but our weather has been so lousy lately. Freezing here! Your room is prolly just colder or something silly like that!
Hands - Awe, I hope she starts to realize soon how much she is hurting those that love her and care about her. I have trouble picking out toys too for Kellan - there are just so many!! He's not taking any independent steps so I think we've got awhile yet!
Nic - Can't believe that we are 25% done. Almost just a week to go til scan time! I work for a super small company <50 employees so I know that I didn't qualify for FMLA stuff before so I am not expecting too much. At this point, hubby and I have decided to just say that the plan is for me to go back if someone asks. Once it gets to like Sept or something, I will have to say that I won't be going back. Oh well. I need to do what is best for our family.
One more day til hubby is home. Hooray! Well kinda, he get in at midnight tomorrow night. Tonight is girls night. Taking Kellan with me. Hope he is good. Also, need to lie about why I'm not drinking. Going to say I'm on anti-biotics for a UTI. Hehe. Hubby works for a French company - I think he actually said it's owned by the French Gov't. I don't know though. I asked if there was a chance for England and he said his company is building a new nuclear plant (He works in the nuclear industry as an Electrical Engineer) in Somerset (Is that near either of you?) so there could be a possibility but not a huge one he said. He has told work that we are willing to relocate depending on where and how long. Now would be perfect as Kellan isn't in school. Maybe someday!