Snow - poor kellan. I hope he feels better soon. Those up all night with a baby who won't stop crying is the pits. Feel better real soon Kellan!
Dex loved it. He took the carnival by storm. Rode a roller coaster 3x, ferris wheel 4x, carousel 3x, big slide 3x, a car ride 2x, and a truck, spaceship, bug, and train ride once each.
As For Dex, the past two weeks he has had a rash. I thought at first it was just heat rash because that's when the weather turned warm here 80F... but it is just not going away and only spreading. I would have taken to the doc today but they didn't have any appointments and only take appointments day by day bases. I'll try again tomorrow morning. It isn't red, doesn't have puss, and it doesn't hurt or make him itch. They are just skin colored bumps and they are all over, but especially near his arm pit, underarm, and chest. *shrugs*