Mid-August Testers

Poor Dex :( Hope he feels better soon.

Snow - Have you told work yet? I'm still holding on but this week I have a tiny bump. Need to keep it sucked in!!!

Bex - fantastic news on the house and what great timing to move before bank holiday! Hope your presentation went well!

I really don't know about finding out now. OH really doesn't want to know and I don't think I want to find out enough to argue for it. I'm trying to think of boy's names as I keep dreaming that everyone tells me its a boy as soon as I deliver him. Most of the dreams I'm shocked but some of the dreams I interrupt them and tell them its a boy before they get a chance to. Still if the scan was right on my dates it would be extremely unlikely to be a boy. Not sure what to think. This time I love the names Raphael and Rafferty, Rafe / Raffie for short which I think go well with F. OH has poo-poed all my suggestions and come up with none. I feel choosing names might be even harder this time. :doh: Girls names I have a favourite that he would NEVER consider so I'm holding it back until we get to 37wks and start being desperate! :D
We can't give Dex Benedryl with his Zertec so we stopped the Zertec. He now has a full blown runny nose. The hives have died down on his legs and face but his hands are covered. He just stands there staring at his hands screaming.

Ive put hydrocortisone cream on him and im letting him have as many popsicles as he wants in order to keep his hands cool.

We have a doc apt at 1 today. Im so upset. Momma needs some TLC.
Okay... Soooo

This doctor (different one) pushed the allergy referral through w/o the blood work. Yay. We will get to see a specialist in July.

In the mean time, he says to leave the first rash alone. It isn't bothering Dex, it isn't contagious, so don't try to fix it.

As far as the prednisone goes... he hates to label Dex as allergic to it because it is such a common steroid and that it may have been the dosage or the dye they used for the liquid meds more than the meds itself .

So he told us to stop using it, but that he will add that into the notes for the allergist to look at. If dex is truly allergic to it, then it will show up.

We are to see the doctor again Tuesday so he can see how his pint point rash and hives are doing. And reevaluate. He wants to give the prednisone some time to exit his system first.

Sorry all... its 2pm here which I know is late for you over seas.
No worries Hands. I'm lying in bed with my feet up - literally! This week thread veins appeared on my leg and they flared up last night. My legs feel heavy and bruised. Can't get a GP appt., but hoping to see the nurse at work tomorrow. (She's employed by an external company so won't be in HR). Anyone have any tips to relieve them? All I can find online is removal and I need a quicker fix than that (and a pregnancy friendly one!)

Hope Dexter is more comfortable soon. xx
Oh man Hands. I am glad you have some little answers in the mid term of waiting for the appt. Glad the Zyrtec is taking effect on getting rid of the hives at least. I would take pics of the rash, in case the it goes away or the allergen is gone by then. It can't hurt to bring them in. Even though they will be doing testing in the long run. Hope you had a glass of wine last night! If not, go have some now! hehe!

Nic - Still holding out at work til we get the results from this last test to tell work. Really hoping to hear something today - if so then I would tell on Monday. I should hear by Tuesday, I think. So I will be telling next week sometime. It's getting hard to hide. Telling friends tomorrow at a wedding regardless if the results are back or not.
I don't know what to say about your legs. It seems uncomfortable. Did you get an appt with the nurse today? I like the 2 names you have picked out so far - I agree that they go well with Finlay. Crazy dreams that you are having - maybe it is a boy after all! We won't know til October! ;)

Our washer broke this week. So we went out just to look last night at washer/dryer sets (front loaders!) - gave ourselves a budget. And well, not only did we end up buying but hubby blew the budget - got something way out of our price range so I am blaming it on him. But I am excited none the less for it to come. Not til Monday - and my laundry is sure piling up and over the basket!
Nic - I never had that while pregnant... so I'm not sure either. Sorry.

Snow - how exciting is that? We bought ourselves a washer and dryer set about 6 months ago as well. They really are nice. Be bought the washer brand new from lowes but the dryer we got free from a neighbor who was moving to Hawaii. He said it needed work. 150 dollars later, and we had a nice new dryer to go with our front loading washer.

I'm such a bargain shopper. In fact, after 5mo of searching, I finally found Dex a full size Power Wheels f150 raptor that I was looking for. Only 4mo old (someone needed money to make the bills) And 200 dollars less than retail value (half price) I'm so thrilled to give it to him for his birthday.

My friends always huff at me and tell me when they go onto craigslist or thrift shops they can't ever find anything. I tell them that's because I beat them to it. But seriously I search daily online, and 2 to 3 times a week at stores. Persistence is what it takes.
Hi all. I went to the nurse today who insisted I went to a&e. She was concerned about cellulitis. I got all upset as OH is away in Ireland for the wkend and I was flapping around trying to get help for Finlay. Luckily my mum and sister drove down. Mum took me to hospital while my sister babysat . Got home about an hr ago. All my bloods came back good and they think its just standard varicose veins caused by pg but made worst because I have a high number in that area. I need rest and support stockings but fine to fly and no infection. I will need to keep an eye on it and come back if the swelling gets worst but definitely better than I feared!
Nic - Great News, and even better that you have family close by!!!

As I was falling asleep last night, a perfect name popped into my mind if you have another boy.


That way you can have Fin and Finnegan (Fin-again).

Don't mind me... im nuts.. hahaha
That is awesome news Nic! So glad its not the cellulitis. But stinks that you are in pain and it seems there isn't much you can do at the moment. My friend got me a pair of the Jobst compression stockings to fly when I was pg last year (she works for a company that sells them and gave me a free pair that they gave her) - but they make all sorts of different kids of them. They are so comfy - I ended up wearing them more often and nice that they were just to the knee. I recommend a pair for sure if they sell them in UK!

We told friends yesterday at wedding. They already suspected. hehe. But they are all happy for us!

Qqwsadwwrdfeedfffffffwq - Love Kellan - He decided to come and start banging on the computer!
Haha Hands. Very good! :)

Snow I'll look into that. I've just bought a stack of black opaque support tights but if I can find travel socks for over the knee I'll definitely invest in a pair. I've had a lovely weekend being pampered by my mum and sister. They live 50mins away, so close enough to help and drive down, but not normally close enough to do things short notice. They took me back with them on Saturday morning and then drove me home again this evening. I was treated to some Bobbie Brown makeup, some maternity jeans, they ran around fetching me drinks and meals, looked after F, did my ironing(!) and gave me the most amazing lie in!! Complete superstars. My leg hurts more now, but the swelling has improved. OH is already undoing all their good work, by messing up the house and expecting dinner ;)

We also had a breakthrough with potty training. Dry overnight nappies, wees and poos in the potty and he's actually saying wee and poo and giving us just enough time to help him. He is sitting willingly and is excited when he's done. So proud of him! :D

When is your scan Snow? How is Dex's rash Hands? Bex are you settled in yet? X
Oh wow Nic. I am green with envy - that sounds like a dream weekend if I do say so myself! That is just so sweet of them and so glad you got to have some girl time with them. And even more good news with Finlay! Way to go Finlay! Such a big boy now!

I just got my last and final results back. Normal! Yay! So I will be telling work this week. My next ultrasound is 5/15 - 10 more days! I am excited to see baby girl again and hope she's growing good and all. Still just feeling light little bubbles and smallish kicks. Nothing really big by any means. Can't believe half way point is right around the corner!
That's amazing Nic! Go Finlay! I can't say Dex is doing as well when it comes to potty training...

He goes pee every single time we sit him on the toilet and he knows the wipe, flush, wash routine. But he still resists going on the potty and won't tell us when he needs to go. We are still waiting....

... as far as Dexter's rash go. Things are just getting worse. We rushed him back to the doc today. His skin is sloughing off! His palms are raw meat... my poor baby.

The doctor looked in his big book of booboos and cant find anything. He wants to see us every 2 days until next Monday where we are going to see a dermatologist. Our allergy apt is still July 28th.

If you look online, the rash appears to be allergic contact dermatitis on his palms and regular contact dermatitis on the rest of his body... but they aren't sure.

We had to do more blood work today to rule out fifth disease and a weird viral infection that comes from snakes??? what the heck... they are just grasping at straws at this point. Hopefully the dermatologist will know what he's looking at.
That's amazing Snow! So happy for you. xxx

Hands - Dex's skin sounds awful! So sorry he's suffering. Don't worry about the potty. F wasn't overly keen for ages after the initial week we did. Asking him to 'try' worked better for awhile. Now he is asking to go. It took time though. Dex will get there very soon. Sounds like he is almost there.

Snow it was a dream weekend!! I'm very lucky xx
Im excited for you snow... im so glad that everything came out alright ... and that you get to see your little one again!!! just about mothers day too.... what a great gift.
Hands. I am so sorry to hear that Dex isn't getting better. Poor little guy. That stinks for him - Is he upset or is he in good spirits? I hate that you don't know what is causing this and the doctor's are just grasping at straws. I am sure the Derm will know what he is looking at. Glad that it is on Monday. Just gotta get through the weekend. So not much further! I would call allergy Dr. and ask if there is any way that they could notify you if someone was to cancel so you could get an earlier appt. Still sending healing vibes your way!
Hey all!

Finally settling into our lovely new house! The move went well and the awesome weather over the bank holiday weekend meant that we spent most of it in our lovely big garden :)

Hands - poor dex, hope you get some answers soon! Seems so strange it has come out of nowhere.

Snow - yaaay! Great news on your results. I bet when you tell work it will seem even more real and exciting!

Nic - what a lovely weekend. How are yours legs now?
Dex has his moments where all he does is scream and cry... 30 minutes to an hour straight. He doesn't want momma touching him, but he doesn't want to be out of my arms at the same time.

There are other times though when he is running and playing like normal. Im keeping him pretty doped up on meds and even though the doctor told me I didn't need to keep a journal yet or switch shampoos and etc... I can't help but to take notes and switch back to the stuff we used on him as a baby.

Im his momma... I can't just not do something.

As far as the allergy appointments go... already on it. They will notify us if there is a cancellation.

Bex - how exciting. How is Elliot handling the move?
Hands - oh man poor Dex and his crying. I feel so bad for him. I would be the same as you - mommy instinct kicks in to try to make it better. I couldn't not do something so I would be changing things too. Glad you are on top of that allergist too.

Well, its out at work. I told today. They are happy for us. So I am sure word will spread like wild fire soon. ;)
Yay!! How exciting Snow. How are the plans going for Kellan's birthday? x

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