Mid-August Testers

Snow - do you have a theme for Kellan party yet?

Dex's rash got worse today. Went to the doc and they rushed us to a specialist.

The Dermatologist is putting Dex on a different steroid for two weeks. If the rash doesn't go away or comes back after the steroid treatment, then we are to go back.

In the mean time I have to keep Dexter's hands wrapped in gauze since there are several "lesions" on his palms.
Yay for telling work Snow - great news!

Hands - poor you, sending you lots of hugs across the Atlantic and hope that this round of steroids clears it up this time

Nic - is all your job stuff sorted now?

with all the house moving stuff, I'd almost forgotten about TTC this month (not quite haha!) I'm not sure the BDing will go great this month as we are in Germany for 3 days staying with my brother and will be sharing a room with Elliot so not much chance to BD. I think I will ov early next week?
I'm sure you guys can be awfully quiet right Bex? ;) Secret ninja BDing! And oh Germany - how nice! Hubby wants to go there so bad!

How are these steroids so far Hands? Hope Dex's boo boos are getting better! Think hubby is planning anything special for Mother's Day on Sunday for you?

We are sticking with the whale theme. I can't wait. Starting to get excited with planning. I just ordered his shirt from Etsy.

Hubby came from work on Wed saying he booked us a vaca to the beach! So excited! We are going early June! So surprised he planned it and everything.

Any theme's for Dex or Finlay's upcoming Birthday's?

Was sad to hear today that my cousin's wife had a chemical pregnancy with her IUI. :(
Sorry to hear about your cousin. That's so hard.

Dex's hands aren't any better, but the rash on his body is. He had his first haircut yesterday and the lady butchered my son. He looks like a dork. I didn't want a bowl cut, but that is what she gave him. So upset.

As far as Dexter's party go. The big one with family will be at chucky cheese. So that theme will be already set with their logo stuff. The smaller party with friends will either be Disney Cars or Veggie Tale theme. I will let dex decide when it gets closer to time.

I know hubby ordered something for me and it will be in the mail today but outside of that and something to eat, I think sunday will be a normal busy church going day.

As far as hubby's work goes... things are up in the air. They came down yesterday and said that they are going to "phase out" what hubby does for the army so now he has to find a different job within the army. A move might be happening again for us within a year or so.
Hi everyone. Sorry to hear that Snow. Hope your family are looking after each other right now. :hugs:

Hands - Dex's rash sounds horrible. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to look after his hands. F pulls off plasters!

Bex - glad youre settling in well. Seen a few pics and it looks lovely. No, I'm still having a nightmare with work delaying things. I kind of don't care if they suspect I'm pregnant. I'm not saying a thing until its all sorted! I was told it would be this week, and my FWA request needs 6wks notice. It's been 5 already!! We need my FT salary to increase the mortgage so I'm persevering with it. They first spoke to me about this 4 months ago and its ridiculous that its been this long.

Snow, Hands - great party ideas. We're in two minds about having a party. Our garden still doesn't have fences after our wet and windy winter, so its not ideal to have people over. We may decide to throw a party next month instead, or just take Finlay out for the day.

Loving your holiday news Snow. OH and I are off to Sorrento in a few weeks for 4 nights. We're going for a wedding and taking two more nights as an anniversary gift to ourselves. I'm sad to go without F, but as a couple we could really do with it. Apart from weddings we haven't had a night out together as a couple (alone) since F was born. Too long!

Happy Mother's Day to you guys for tomorrow. Enjoy your first one Snow. Hands is this the first one Mr Hands has been home for?

No, Walter has been home for mothers day. But he has been gone for my birthday every single year that we have been married. He was suppose to be here for my birthday this year, but with things up in the air at work, that might change.

There is a school that he may need to go to, to change jobs. It has openings in july, august, and October. We don't know if we will go down that road or not, but it looks like we might.

I think its great that you and hubby can go out for 4 nights. You are stronger than I am. I just cant leave dexter for that long. I just can't do it.

I hope all goes well at work.
I'm trying not to think about it Hands. I feel guilty leaving the cats when we go on hols!
Hands my OH us a bit like that with my birthday. He was with me for our first together (but was on a stag do for our anniversary), but near enough every birthday since has been hijacked by a sporting event. Some birthdays he's been around for, so I see him after work but the nearest weekend is written off. One year he took me to Yeovil, 4hrs on the train each way to watch his football team lose in the rain. The year after we married he ran the London Marathon. A bit extreme to get out of taking me out! :D This year he was coaching. It's a running joke that he is just not around for it.

Had my mw appointment today. Iron levels look very good, I got a fit to fly letter and finally I got to hear the HB. Will update properly tomorrow. Night all!
Hi all. Back from Germany so hopefully things will start to calm down a bit now! We had a really lovely time...didn't do much but ate and drank a lot and was lovely to spend time with my brother and sister in law. Germany is fantastically family friendly. You and OH would love it Snow....especially if you like beer :) we were in nuremberg which is proper stereotypical germany. ..beer, sausages, sauerkraut, lederhosen etc. Where is your beach holiday planned for?

Nic, sounds like work are being a right pain. So annoying When these things take longer than they should. You've got the right attitude Though, hang on in there! Are you looking to move again?is that why you need to increase the mortgage?

hands - cant believe dexters rash still hasn't cleared up :( but sounds like you have exciting plans ahead for birthdays. What us veggie tale? I've not heard of that?

so we bd the night before we went away and the night we got back. Not really been doing temps very accurately or opks but I don't think I have ovulated yet so we might be ok! Back on the temps now so we shall see!
Hiya, no we're not looking to move but we borrowed money of my inlaws and they need it back, plus we need some more to finish off some jobs - garden, fireplace and hopefully a new bathroom suite. The houses have gone up a lot locally so our house has increased in value but we can't afford to do the jobs on our own so it makes sense to sort everything out now while we can borrow.

It looks like we might be having a birthday party for Finlay after all. Going to be busy getting invites out this week!!
Speaking of houses and such, hubby and I were just discussing over the weekend about moving earlier than we planned. Our original plan was to be out of our house fall of 2015. We still aren't sure what to do. We don't have the full down payment that we want (We need 20% - we have about half of what we need saved) yet so that is why we were waiting but we read in our newspaper that it is a sellers market - that there isn't enough inventory so we thought it might be good to sell our current house now. My mom said that they would lend us the add'l money that we need to but alot of her money is tied up paying for my sisters Masters Degree but its complicated in a way that the money will be coming back to her because of the type of grant my sister got. Plus, we are worried that if we wait then the interest rates will increase - right now they are still low and then we worry that we won't a good rate next year because I won't be working at all but I am working now so maybe we should do it now. Ugh. So many things.

Oh hands, I can't believe another move may be in your future. Hope the school all works out for hubby! And I hope Dex is getting better?!

I looked up Sorrento Nic. Oh wow. Looks gorg! Completely unreal - I have never seen anything like that in real life. Crazy that something like Sorrento is real and truly exists. Hooray for Finlay B-day party! Hope work gets their crap together soon for you!

So glad you had an awesome time in Germany Bex and that you guys are settling into your new home nicely. I looked at Nuremberg and it looks exactly what I would expect Germany to look like. Seems very traditional - acting like I know what I am talking about and really don't have a clue!! We are going to North Myrtle Beach, SC - it is close by just about a 3-3.5 hour drive or so for us. Hubby put into consideration that I have to be saving up my vacation time from work so he choose somewhere near by - it's not a first choice vaca but it will work for a few days to just get away.

I'm starting to stress about everything coming up. I have a million things on my plate right now. My sister comes in on Saturday evening. She is vegetarian and I need to figure out what she will eat and what we will do for dinners while she is here. It is Tim's birthday on Saturday - I have no clue what to do for him or how to fit something in with everything else going on - It might just be a dinner type of Birthday. I need to shop for food for Kellan's party. And I need to get table cloths and I need to get the whale decorations printed. Hubby has lots of outdoor yard work to do for the party. We have Kellan's smash cake pics on Sunday. I need to sew Kellan's tie and diaper cover for the pics still and see if I can find time to make a matching party hat. I need to bake a giant cupcake for those pics. My MIL comes in next Wednesday. The house needs cleaning and laundry is out of control. Help me! I'm drowning!
Wow... lots of action in the Mid August ladies group and sounds like a lot of changes.

Welcome back Bex! Please tell me that there is more to Germany than drinking. It's one of the places the army is considering spending us to, but I don't drink alcohol.

I tried to look some stuff up on the web, but most of it is in either a foreign language or broken English.

Another place that's on the army's radar is Hawaii. I would really like to go there, but honestly everything is up in the air and we won't be getting orders for another few months and a lot will change between now and then.

Hubby plans on getting a new job within the army and possibly a promotion which will change everything if those two things happen before orders are sent.

Veggietales is a cartoon series that features vegetables that share biblical stories and principals to kids. It's really cute and well made. I think we own close to 40 episodes and never get tired of it.

Nic - Hang in there. Did you get to see the baby, or just hear the heartbeat? Is everything alright still with the heart?

Hang in there, renovations sometimes take a lot longer than we plan for them to.

Snow - good luck with moving. Who knows by the time everything is settle i might be living near you... hahahaha.

How is Kellan's Whale themed party coming along? What do you plan on getting him for his first birthday?
Oh wow Hands! Lots going on at Hubby's work for sure! Lots of talk of moving! That would be awesome if you moved near by! It's my baby girl that they are watching the heart. I have my 18 week ultrasound tomorrow AM. They will be checking growth and the heart. I will update how everything went. Still praying and thinking positive thoughts. ;)
How are your legs Nic? I was thinking about you earlier.

Just got back from Ultrasound. Heart is looking good. They don't see anything wrong! But we are still going to do the fetal echocardiogram at 23 weeks. And I finally got one good pic from today! Her arm and leg bones are continuing to measure small - legs are in the 17 week range and arms are in the 16 week range. They are not concerned. I am small and so are my sisters. I am only 5' tall and my sisters are only 4'10" so they are thinking that she just getting my short genetics. Won't lie I'm kinda concerned about it though. Kellan was measuring right on. I swear if it's not one thing it's another.
Glad to hear it went well Snow! I think you're probably right about this one being smaller. I still am not convinced by my dates and wonder if I have a smaller baby toying with the data too. Everyone tells me that up to 13wks they measure identically but I come from a petite family. My sisters are 5ft and 5ft 1. Can't help wondering!

Legs are okay thank you. I'm having a bad day with the swelling today but its not painful. I really need to start eating healthier if I'm exercising less, but chocolate is still tempting!

Yay for a good photo too! My scan is two weeks tomorrow. Hoping for a better experience this time otherwise I might ask to do a private scan to get some photos. I want to have one to show off!
Haha thanks Nic - I woke hubby up early this morning to make sure I ...took advantage...hahah!

Snow - glad your scan went well and you got a good photo. I think in pregnancy there is always something to worry about, its natural instinct, and no matter how many people tell you to not worry you still will! :) We were in a bit of a similar position to you with houses, it definitely made sense to move and secure a mortgage while interest rates are low and in a sellers market. Even though we had a lot of faff with it. We actually sold our house 3 times in 6 months so I think the timing was definitely right. Oh and did you get some veggie meals planned? My favourite thing that I cook for my veggie friend is veggie chilli con carne, made with loads of beans and diced veg, really delicious. I can dig out the recipe I use if you like? Also vegetable lasagne is also really good / pasta dishes in general I find don't really need meat.

Hands - there's lots more to Germany that beer. As long as you like sausages haha! Only kidding. Germany is actually one of the most family friendly countries I have been to. There is a very strong emphasis on the family unit, particularly to all getting outside and doing something outdoors as a family. EVERYTHING closes on Sundays as that is 'family time' day. You are not even allowed to hoover or do DIY as that's to noisy, you are encouraged to get out on your bikes with your children and do something together. I like that.
That's cool Bex and I'm glad that things lined up for the right timing this month. YAY!!!

Snow - I'm not a cook so I don't know much about stuff but I suppose you could always do a pancake and eggs night, or cheese quesadillas, or homemade potato soup, veggie pizza, and the like.

Will you post your picture?

Nic - How is Finlay handling the pregnancy? Has he noticed your belly getting bigger for his lil bro or sis?
Bex I don't think Germany is for us. If everything shuts on a Sunday we'd never get anything done! :haha:

Hands so far he hasn't noticed. People keep saying 'there's a baby in mummy's tummy' which really annoys me. I'd like to tell my son myself thank you!! Personally I won't say anything until the next scan is fine. I'm encouraging his interest in babies and then once I get into third tri we'll properly prepare him for a baby sibling. He doesn't have a concept of time yet and I want to move him into the bigger room and make a fuss of his birthday. I think he'll make a great brother though. His godfather commented on how empathetic he is. He's very sensitive to others, which I know is quite unusual at this age.

Looking forward to a break. This has become a bit of a babymoon and I know with my leg I really need to rest. I was on my feet all weekend and I'm feeling it now. My OH wants me to get another dr appointment, but I'll end up in A&E again with the same tests. My symptoms are the same as before - but I have no shortness of breath and my calf hasn't swollen. I really, really don't want to be put on blood thinners. I don't believe it's a clot and I'm getting the odd pregnancy nose bleed. They could end up dangerous on blood thinners. :(

Snow how are you finding bonding with this baby? I'm not sure I'm there yet. I think it needs a name. On the occasions I talk about it I automatically call it Finlay. :wacko: I also keep saying the baby's due in September(!). Much to my annoyance too, OH has been telling his friends we're pregnant without me knowing (so we haven't told them together, and I look rude to the wives for not saying personally) AND they've been telling other people as well. By the time we have our scan I won't have any fun people left to tell, just work which Im dreading :( Please excuse me. I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself right now.
So, last night was not good. Elliot fell down the stairs, full from top to bottom (we haven't put our stair gate up since the move because it's too small for the gap) he was so shaken and had a graze on his head . He went really pale and drowsy and then vomited .

So we called and ambulance and they came and took him into hospital. By the time we got to hospital he seemed to completely back to normal bless him and he was allowed to come back home after a couple of hours. Apart from his head graze, theres not a mark on him bless him. Neil is in far worse shape as he effectively fell down after him trying to catch him.

All in all it was a pretty shaky night for us all! Each time I go up or down the stairs today with him he says bang bang so he definitely remembers!

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