Mid-August Testers

He's a pretty good night time sleeper. He has some nights where he is a little agitated and is awake twice but the majority of nights he has a feed about 11pm and then goes through to 5am. He has been cluster feeding this week though so I'm exhausted from that! He also has an 'awake' period 7-9pm, so we don't get an evening, but we'll get there!

So when are you on the road Hands?
The movers come in 15 days and we hit the road in 23 days. We will be on the road from Dec 17th to Dec 29. We have till Jan 7th to find a house and move in.

I'm glad you got a good sleeper on your hands! Hang in there... raising little ones is a lot of hard, long work!
Great to hear the updates guys! You both sound like you are doing absolutely great!

Nic, id suggest hanging in there with the bf for one more week if you can. I remember it was around the 4 week mark I was super engorged and once I got through that it eased off and became loads easier! Also I would just feed off one side at a time at each feed, that really helped for me. Will help you space out the feeds to. Its a myth that bf babies cant be on a schedule. Try aiming for every 3 hr s where you can....sometimes it will definitely be less, but if its within the same hour class it as the same feed and don't swap sides. Absolutely do whatever is best for you but I want you to have the support to carry on bf.
Happy Thanksgiving Hands and Snow!

Thanks Bex. I'm going to give it a little longer. Sebbie is 5 weeks tomorrow so hopefully we will be more settled with feeding soon.
Thanks Nic.... we aren't doing anything special here... just going to go out to golden corral (buffet) to eat. No sense in making a lot of food 12 days before the movers come and take away your microwave.. lol no reheating here.
Happy Thanksgiving to you both! Hope you had a lovely day! Eating out sounds good to me Hands!
Hi everyone! Anyone else hitting the Black Friday sales? By coincidence I arranged a while back to go Christmas shopping with my mum today (we go to Westfield Stratford - next to the Olympic stadium), so it looks like my money will be going further than usual. :D Already I've ordered an Up wristband (activity / fitness tracker) for hubby today. I actually ordered it yesterday for £80 (reduced from £124) and spotted it today for £50, so cancelled my original order. Well chuffed with that price! I've also ordered personalised dressing gowns for the boys and my newest niece who was born this morning! :) They called her Minnie. I'm wondering if she's going to be bigger than Sebbie :)
Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like a nice relaxing and easy holiday you had Hands. Can't believe how fast the move is coming up. Do you feel ready? Does Dex seem to understand moving?

Nic - I had no clue that they did Black Friday sales in the UK. I figured it was an American thing. Sounds like you got a great deal there Nic. I haven't bought a single thing. Prolly won't be getting out today. I agree with Bex about the block feeding - I still have a bit of oversupply and overactive letdown but it regulating a bit better but still not great. They always say don't quit on a bad day. She only eats for about 10-15 minutes. Sometimes I barely get 10 minutes out of her because she can get so much so fast. I totally get about the routine with two of them. Glad he is a good sleeper. That sure helps. Congrats on the new niece. Such a cute name! I love it!

Bex - Any new news?

Do all you guys kids understand the whole Santa thing? I am wondering if Kellan will understand next year.

AFM, things are going. Kennedy has her bad days and good days. She has vomited full feeds 2x this week. I can tell she's getting bigger despite it - her cheeks are huge - she looks like a little cabbage patch kid. The reflux is pretty rough though. She gets weighed today so I will try to pop in to let you guys know what she weighs currently. Her sleep is ok. Some nights she can go as long as 5 hrs but then we have nights like last night where we barely get 3 hrs and then it will take 2 hrs to get her back down. I think I got about 3.5hrs of sleep last night if I was lucky.
Kellan is getting a bit better with the baby. He likes to get into trouble alot lately. I am pretty sure it is for attention because of the new baby. Any tips on discipline? He laughs at "no". He's getting in his molars.
I went to my 6 week PP appt on Wednesday. I have been having alot of hard days with all the changes and transitions. I cry alot. I got a referral from Dr to talk to a therapist about everything. I just am having a hard time coping with the 2u2, not going back to work, not having family to help, Kennedy's reflux and just life in general. I am hoping talking to her will help. However, I am in the middle of switching insurance to hubby's as Monday is technically my last day so my insurance ends. So I have to wait til I am on there to go. I am really wanting to go soon. Things have just been so tough for me.

Some quick photos:

Edited to add: she weighs 9.1pds. Not too shabby!!


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beautiful pictures snow! Some of the issues you are dealing with sounds like me with Dexter. All I can say is hang in there, count the hours and days because eventually it all gets better around 8 months. -- sleeping through the night, reflux starts to go away, etc.

Dexter understands his stuff will go in a truck.. but I don't think he fully understands. We have watched toy story and showed him moving books.

I don't feel ready for the move at all. The packers get here in 10 days. EEK! A little bit sad saying bye to all my friends here. I really don't want to...

As far as discipline goes. Time out work for some kids. Spankings work for others. Redirection, taking items away, and etc. Whatever you choose, just be consistent with it. Try to spend some extra time with him when you can. Do an art project or something he enjoys together.

I know for us... we never tell dexter beforehand... and it's no every time... but when he's been good... we take out to do something fun and we tell him since you've been so good today we would like to take you to.....

.... this afternoon we took him to a movie since he was good all morning during shopping. We bought about 90 dollars in clothes, some batteries, and toy.. nothing special.... but all good deals.
Hey. No news here...just ploughing on getting ready for Christmas really! Bought our tree on saturday which is the earliest weve ever done it but not actually put it up yet. Its more because I am away the coming weekend.....going for a weekend in london with my mum and sisters including going to see Miss Saigon which I am very excited about!

I admit I gave no idea what im doing with discipline! Elliot's not too bad generally but he can kick off when he doesn't want to do something. Normally getting dressed at the moment! I tend to leave him on his own for a couple of minutes then keep coming back to him until he calms down. Can't say it works great though!
Dexter has a strong willed personality and exhibits a strong urge to be independent. We have all sorts of issues with it.

- Like I can't go to the bathroom without him trying to sneak out of the house to go to the park that is a block away. He is even now making sure he doesn't let the door latch so I can't hear the door shut.

He isn't a bad kid, but he won't listen when we tell him he can't do things for his own safety.

- Another example, he climbed on top of the kitchen counter, to stand up to get a plate down from the cabinet, and then proceeded to put bread (ripping a hole in my bread bag... :/) in the toaster.

- Last example: He will take off his own clothes and start his bath water at will. Let me not go into all the dangers of that!

I'm constantly having to watch him. Telling him that he can't do something and why it is dangerous doesn't help. I wouldn't classify my child as a bad kid, but he likes to test the boundaries and he has "little big man" syndrome lol

Siting in a chair or standing in the corner type of time outs don't work on him.

Sometimes redirecting helps and I use that when I can.

Telling him other ways to get what he wants that are more safe (like asking mommy to come to the park, bathtub, kitchen, etc with him).

Sometimes rewards or punishments work. Like I said I don't tell him before hand (so it doesn't become something expected), but if he is having a good listening day we do something special and we tell him why. Other times when he isn't listening thus throwing toys or something.. we take something away.

There are times I get so frustrated and upset, that I do send him to bed (Which is like a time out for him). He has his stuffed animals and he has books on his headboard that he can reach from his bed if he isn't tired. I calm myself down, I let him try to regroup for 10-20 minutes... and then if he is still awake I go in and talk to him.
Morning ladies! Its the weekend yay!

Ive got a super exciting weekend planned for a change! I'm on the train on the london as a type where I'm meeting my mum and sisters for a Christmassy weekend! We are going to the winter wonderland at hyde park then going for dinner at a moroccan place we went o my hen do. Then tonight we are going to see Miss Saigon. Super excited. Were all staying at my sister's flat then Christmas shopping tomorrow. Not sure where exactly, my sis will decide.

So im leaving the boys home alone together for a full weekend! Wonder what they will get up to without me...I think neil was thinking about taking elliot to the german market in Birmingham.
Oh and on top of all this im trying not to think about the fact my period is due some point in the next few days. Despite knowing the problems we're facing!
Sounds like a busy, but wonderful weekend bex. Enjoy your family and the shopping! Let us know what you get.

Fingers crossed for a BFP
Oh Bex sounds like you're having a wonderful weekend. A proper girlie one! I hear Saigon is brilliant. Hope you enjoyed it. Good luck too for a Christmas bfp. How fab would that be?

So Sebbie has been sick. We are coming out the other side of it but he has had croup and feels a little sorry for himself. Finlay I think is starting to push s little for more attention . luckily though ohs last day at work was Friday. He has been made redundant but has a job offer on the table and one more role he is waiting to hear from, so should start something in January. We are concentrating on chores next week and then we are onto Christmas fun time :D

Snow sorry to hear you are finding things tough. How was this week for you?

Hands sound like dex keeps you on your toes! Finlay has very selective hearing and that's tough enough!
Well AF for me as expected. But hey ho its nearly Christmas!!!! Had a lovely girly weekend in the big smoke.

Sorry to hear sebbie has been poorly. Hope he is feeling better now!

Sorry about AF bex. Sounds like you had a great girls weekend away!!

Nic - hope Sebastian is feeling better. Good news about hubby. I bet it's great having him home to help. How's BFing going?

Hands - thanks soich for the advice! God knows I need it!

Kennedy had her 2 mo shots yesterday and is running a fever. Just gave her some Tylenol to bring it down. It was 101.5. She weighed in at 9pds 10oz and was 21.75" she's smiling a good bit now. She has one of her daddy's dimples. :) her sleep still stinks. She's SO SO different than Kellan. He was such an easy going baby. She's very high maintenance!! Kellan got some shots too. Dr wants us to bring him back in 2 months if he doesn't start getting more words soon. :(

I'm doing ok. Tim has 2 weeks off for the holidays so I'm just tiring my best to get to next week. We've done a tiny bit of Xmas shopping but not much this year.

Nothing else really new. Just so busy. I miss relaxing time.
Ah Snow I really feel for you. Sebastian is a fairly standard baby but he is a dream model in comparison to Finlay! It really makes me appreciate how tough it is with a baby with colic and reflux. In my limited experience as well, it does set you up for an easier time with it when they are toddlers, so things will balance out then I promise.

I'm still breastfeeding. I was still engorged up until the beginning of last week but that has eased off, however I still get hard boobs if a feeds delayed or he doesn't eat that much. I am going to start introducing a bottle for the mid afternoon feed to make things easier for me to be out for the day or for oh to have him. Plus I don't want to miss out on Christmas dinner because we are feeding :) Sebbie also still has his cough. We went to the health visitor yesterday and they thought we should go back to the drs again and keep pestering them. We went today and we have antibiotics now. Sebbie weighs a bit more than Kennedy - 9lbs 12 which is pretty good considering he has been ill but puts him on the 9th percentile so pretty tiny really :)

While we were at the health visitors Finlay had his 2yr check - its mostly a developmental check but they also do his height and weight. Developmentally they are very happy with him. By 2.5 (his age now) they expect him to complete a number of tasks (all which he can do) such as do circular scribbles, have 50 words, climb onto furniture, point out detailed items in books, spoon feed himself etc. The majority of them aren't academic so its more reassuring. He was also weighed and measured and at his height he's only 9th percentile too.

Hope your night is restful snow xx
hey girls. movers came and took our things away today. We have a few more days here before hitting the road.

Snow- I feel for you. it isn't easy, but hang in there.... like nic said... it prepares you for the terrible 2's.

Bex - so envious of your weekend! Sorry to hear a bout AF.

Nic - Glad sebbie is easier and Finlay checks out. Dex isn't into academic things right now which worries me since his best friend who is Finlay's age knows all his colors, shapes, can count to 14, and knows half the alphabet. Makes me worried!

My baby must be huge ... 70th percentile for weight and 60th for height. 31lbs/14kg and 36in/92cm
Hands Finlay is still 75th for weight, and a tiny bit heavier than Dex. We have been having issues with his eating for a while. He eats lots of different things but not much of it. He is permanently constipated which we think contributes to it. He's now on laxatives and I'm hoping that he starts growing soon. He's definitely starting to eat meals again which is nice to see. I'm going to get him re-measured in 2 months as last year he grew loads after Christmas, and with the food issue improving I'm hoping that helps. Of those things your friend can do Finlay only knows his colours and can count to 14. He has just learnt to recognise numbers 1-3 and sings the alphabet song but it doesn't mean anything. He doesn't know what the letters are. That said he scores highly on academic things at nursery, so I don't think your friends child is standard at all.

Good luck with the move Hands. Xx

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