Mid-August Testers

Ooo how exciting Hands. Wjat a great opportunity for Dexter! How often will he go? Will be really good for you too to have some time to yourself.
For the 2 year olds... its just twice a week for 4hours each day. I'm so excited about it and hope it works out.
Well... first day of school went well. I asked Dexter what he did and he said "I made a friend!" Then later he told me... "T says shhhhh"

In the school the kids have to put their finger over their lips and say shhhh softly when going down the hall. It was so cute that he realizes the adult in the room has a title/name and is trying to pronounce it.
Great news about the preschool Hands. Glad dex loved it!

Bummer about AF bex.

Nothing new here. Struggling a bit with getting Kennedy down for naps. She only wants to sleep in me. Trying to get that sorted out as I'm super frustrated with it. I think we hit the 3 mo spurt last week bc the nights were horrible. One night I gpt 3 hrs and that was it. Last night was better so I hope we're on the other side. Kennedy weighed 11pds8oz today. And rolled over last week. ;) Kellan is talking more and picking up more words and sounds.

Nic - I won't be going back to work til both kids are in school full time so that won't be for another few years.

Nothing else really new. The days are long! Sick of the crummy weather and can't wait for Spring!
Crummy weather is right! Oh my goodness... this isn't for me snow! out of the past 15 days... it has rained 11 days and was only sunny for 2. I'm so sick of it. I want my sunny dry weather back!!!!
I'm super impressed Snow that Kennedy rolled! Sebbie is already pretty strong. I think he will sit up sooner than Finlay did as he's already trying it. I don't think he'll roll as early though. We're about the growth spurt stage here too. For the last week we've had rubbish nights. They've mildly improved but I'm still awake 2-3 times from 2am. For Christmas I got OH an UP wristband and one of the things it does is track your sleep. Bare in mind he doesn't get up for night feeds or nappies, he only had two hours of deep sleep last night. I wish I got myself one now to see how I measure up!

Hands brilliant news on Dex's first day. Sounds like it went really well. It also sounds like his speech has come on since the last time you updated us.

Bex - sorry to hear about AF. What's next for you guys? Will oh go back for follow up tests?
We are still waiting for our referral to the fertility clinic to come through. Was hoping it would come through by now but not yet :( Either way they would retest OH until 3 months after first test, so I suppose as long as our referral comes through in that time frame then that's ok. OH has been trying quite hard to boost sperm count too so it will be good to have a retest to see if it has made any difference at all. He's been wearing these 'cooling patches' on his commute bless him as we think that is the main cause.

So just waiting to OV for this month, should be around this weekend...here we go again hey!
Go team Bex!!!!

Snow - Kennedy sounds like she didn't need that tummy time afterall! Go girl! Let the feistiness out!

Nic - I wouldn't dare by an UP for you! lol It will just compound the lack of sleep that you are already feeling.

Dexter did hit a language spurt while we were in the mist of traveling. All the sudden he started with 10 to 15 new words a day and started forming sentences. - Another reason why I think starting school is critical right now... his brain is so active. He told me yesterday "I need a quarter." Then pointed to one of those machines that have candy. "Coin and turn." My mouth just about dropped.
Haha, that's so funny - isn't it funny how they learn certain phrases. Deter obviously though that's a key one!

Forgot to say as well, we are fully potty training Elliot - he's had no nappies (except for sleep) since the start of the weekend. He's doing so well bless him. He has accidents, but less and less each day, and yesterday really was a breakthrough when each time he let me know he needed a wee. Even when we were out at the supermarket. Super proud of how well and how quickly he has cottoned onto it. Big test tomorrow will be at nursery. I imagine its much harder to let an adult know he needs a wee when he's playing a room full of children!
way to go Elliot! Jeepers we are so not on the potty scene yet! Dexter can pee and fart on the toilet. He can pee standing up or sitting down... and he does so when he thinks he needs to... but if we even simply suggest such a thing its a battle... he just isn't emotionally ready yet.

One of these days.... it will click. I hope.
Aw lovely pics hands!

We had our fertility appointment finally come through. Not too long to wait. ..Thursday 29th. This initial appointment is just with the fertility nurse and will be talk through what happens /next steps etc and hopefully arranging more testing. Definitely another SA for OH and maybe a HSG for me.
Just wanted to check in with you ladies and see how everyone is doing.

Dexter is doing well. Today he came into the kitchen while I was making supper and looked at the counter and said... "There's three." and he was right! I had three cans of sauce sitting on the counter. My boy counted all by himself. So proud. Preschool and him are a good match... learning or no learning... he loves it there.
Hi all.

Bex - that's not long to wait at all. With a bit of luck your tests can be scheduled soon so you're not left waiting too long. Well done Elliot on potty training too. Sounds like he's a natural. :)

Hands - Dex is so grown up looking. Does sound like preschool is great for him. Finlay would always tell you there is 2 of anything. Doesn't understand counting at all yet :)

Snow - how are you doing? Have you started to wean Kennedy yet? I know she is still very young, but we were encouraged to wean Finlay early because of his problems. I saw your latest photo today and she had the same gorgeous cheeks Finlay had at that age. Are you still bfing?

A couple of updates here. Finlay saw a Ped Consultant last week. They have prescribed movicol to help his constipation issues and have agreed to monitor his height. I've been concerned that he hasn't been growing. He was between the 75th and 91st as a baby but measured on the 9th last month. The dr thinks he may just meant to be short, but personally I'm not sure his food issues aren't somehow related. What he did say was the constipation is giving him issues with potty training. The accidents he has are almost certainly caused by the pressure from his bowels being bunged up.

He is also completely dummy free. We went to the dentist who confirmed what I thought - that the dummies were pushing his teeth. Finlay and I had a chat on the way home about the dentist needing to take the dummy away and that he would give us pennies for them. He seemed okay with it and he hasn't had them since. After two days he didnt ask anymore and we took him to buy a toy with the 'dummy money'. He used to winge constantly for a dummy when we tried to limit it. The only problem is he can't work out how to go to sleep without it. Last night was the first time he slept normally in 2 wks.

Sebbie is doing great. He has been grumbly recently and it turns out he has a tooth!! And its a canine! Finlay was 33 weeks older when his first came through and he had molars before that one came through!
Nic - a first tooth already! Wow..... go sebbie! I think its wonderful that Finlay was able to give up the dummy though the lack of sleep was probably troublesome. Hopefully he has learned to cope without one now. How has sebbie been sleeping with Finlay having issues?
Hi girls. I finally have a moment in time to write! I wish you had a FB Hands! We could just move over there and I'd make us a secret group that no one can join or see! I am on there so much more! I wish BNB had an app for the phone! I really miss you girls and our chats. I feel so out of it. But I think of y'all so often.

How was the fertility appt Bex?How's the potty training going?

That is so awesome Hands about his counting? Are you settling into GA at all. I know you really didn't want to go. Only 49 more days til Spring!! Great new pics!

Nic - Poor Finlay and him being backed up. Great news about the dummy! We quit cold turkey for Kellan at New Years. We said it was his New Years Resolution. I doubt he understood but it went perfect. Can't believe you already have a tooth! Amazing! Are you still combi feeding?

Kennedy is doing pretty good. Sleep is poorly though! I am still BFing - my goal for now is 6 months. I might extend it to 9 and then to 12. Just taking it day by day. We have def had our fair share of issues to push through but somehow we make it out alright. Still have yet to even try a bottle with her. Which I know we need to do soon. Or else she probably never will. Still doesn't take a paci at all. Still dairy free. Her cheeks are big like Nic said. I just love them. She's making all sorts of cute noises now. And we started her in the exersaucer this week. She loves it. Esp this little sunshine toy.

Kellan is doing ok. Learning some new words. We went to Dr. on Monday to ask his opinion. He is not really concerned. He said he would refer us to speech if we choose to. Tim and I are still deciding. We are also deciding on wheter to have him go to a mother mornings out program. He would go 3 or 4 days a week from 9-12. I am just afraid of him bringing home sicknesses. But I think he and I would really benefit from it.

I made an appt to see a therapist about my PPD. I go next Saturday. Kinda nervous. Never been and don't know what to expect. It was becoming too hard to deal with last week. I kept thinking it would go away but it's not. Just having so many problems coping with all this change.

We have lots of visitors coming the next few weeks. I am super excited.

We also decided that we will most likely be putting our house on the market around Easter and hopefully moving by fall. I am so excited. This house is just not cut out for a family of 4. It was a great starter home but we need to move on!

I'll try to add a photo or two here in a little bit. Gotta go get Kellan!

Snow - Being around other kids will be great for Kellan and his speech. I think he would enjoy it as well. I'm not a big fan of leaving preschoolers in the care of another person all day, most days (6am to 6pm)... but I do agree with giving them opportunities to explore the world with other kids and care givers for a few hours each week. Its good to have a balance.

As far as me and GA goes... we get along about as well as a warm and cold front colliding. I really dislike the East coast though I realize things are closer thus more opportunities to do things on the weekends. It's really the only thing that I can put as a pro.... well that and Dexter's school.

My con list however jammed up the printer its so long... HAHAHAHA *sighs* it's not forever and I kind of knew a head of time that it wasn't going to be a good move due to the fact that everyone who loved AZ said they hated the east coast and everyone who hated being in AZ said they would love to come back to the east coast.

I say... not everyone can live in the same place, so its probably good that I like sunshine, mountains, a mower free yard, and the freedom to see miles and miles in any direction.

You guys can keep your rain, clouds, cold weather, your skinning but tall trees that block the view, grass, humidity, crazy city layouts, allergies, and the most unfriendly people I've ever met.

I don't have a single friend here because everyone already has their group of friends :P

It's a good thing I like the house we are in because i'll be spending all my free time at home. I can't even go shopping without the rudeness following. I went to go try on some clothes in my favorite department store and the lady that was waiting on me told me not to make a mess for her to clean up afterwards... EXCUSE ME? I'm a 30 year old established woman and don't need you to get after me for something I wasn't going to do anyways. RUDE .... *soap box done*
Hi everyone! Thought I'd check in and let you all know how the appointment went. Generally we left feeling positive as we at least feel now we are on the system and have a plan. OH got referred for a couple of blood tests which he had done straight away and a referral was sent for a repeat SA. Assuming his results still come back low then our only real option is to go straight into IVF / ICSI. We're both ok with this as we'd talked about it before and decided it was something we wanted to go for. Only negative is that because we already have Elliot the we aren't eligible on NHS so we'll have to pay which will cost around £5k. In a way though I hope this is the answer because I understand the plan this way!

Hands - sounds like GA really doesn't agree with you. Maybe you've just met crappy people so far?! Were there any other new families like you that moved at the same time?
So pleased that Dexter is relishing preschool. Its definitely good for them!

Nic - amazing on the dummy well done! I am just not brave enough to have that battle!! I dont think elliot would sleep without it. But he does only have it for sleep. He has to put the dummy in his bed before he comes downstairs and dummy is not allowed downstairs. I can live with this for now!

Pott y training has gone great. We very rarely have accidents eitger at hone or out and about. And we have pretty much now made the transition to toilet which makes it a whole lot easier. The last poece to sort is nursery...for some reason he really strugles there and had plenty of accidents. But I refuse to be beaten because for 5 days if the week he is fine! It's just at nursery! So I have lots of laundry on those days!

Snow - im glad to hear you've made an appointment. Sending loads of hugs your way, I know you are doing great!! And super exciting news about the move. I love a good house hunt, will be following your search with interest!!

Today is one of those days where I wish we all did live closer. Love to you all! X
Bex..... what great news.... I'm so glad that you are coming closer to an end and a peace of mind. Is IVF one of the procedures that has an increase risk of multiples?

Congrats btw to all of you who are diaper free.... I just can't seem to get Dex motivated to go. He can do it, but doesn't want to.

Was it fairly easy for you all to know when they were ready?
yes Hands there is a higher risk of multiples. I think there are quite strict guidelines as to how many embryos are transferred though so I think as I'm under 35 they will only transfer up to 2, so I guess we have to be open to the fact it could be twins. OH would absolutely LOVE that - haha!

As far as potty training goes, we thought Elliot was ready as he always announced when he was going to have a poo and would take himself off into a corner. Often after a nappy change he would say 'done another wee wee' so he just seemed very aware. My only advice would be to go cold turkey with it if you can. Pick 3 days in a row, have him only in pants and let him have accidents. If at the end of 3 days there's zero improvement then back in nappies for a few more months then try again. I don't really see the point of pull ups as they are no different to nappies really.

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