Snow - Being around other kids will be great for Kellan and his speech. I think he would enjoy it as well. I'm not a big fan of leaving preschoolers in the care of another person all day, most days (6am to 6pm)... but I do agree with giving them opportunities to explore the world with other kids and care givers for a few hours each week. Its good to have a balance.
As far as me and GA goes... we get along about as well as a warm and cold front colliding. I really dislike the East coast though I realize things are closer thus more opportunities to do things on the weekends. It's really the only thing that I can put as a pro.... well that and Dexter's school.
My con list however jammed up the printer its so long... HAHAHAHA *sighs* it's not forever and I kind of knew a head of time that it wasn't going to be a good move due to the fact that everyone who loved AZ said they hated the east coast and everyone who hated being in AZ said they would love to come back to the east coast.
I say... not everyone can live in the same place, so its probably good that I like sunshine, mountains, a mower free yard, and the freedom to see miles and miles in any direction.
You guys can keep your rain, clouds, cold weather, your skinning but tall trees that block the view, grass, humidity, crazy city layouts, allergies, and the most unfriendly people I've ever met.
I don't have a single friend here because everyone already has their group of friends
It's a good thing I like the house we are in because i'll be spending all my free time at home. I can't even go shopping without the rudeness following. I went to go try on some clothes in my favorite department store and the lady that was waiting on me told me not to make a mess for her to clean up afterwards... EXCUSE ME? I'm a 30 year old established woman and don't need you to get after me for something I wasn't going to do anyways. RUDE .... *soap box done*