Mid-August Testers

Yay Elliot!!! Can't wait to see him and to hear more about his birth! (i dont have facebook)

Arianna, Finlay, Dexter, Melina, Elliot, & Lil Snowflake!!!!! Im really glad that we have all stuck together through this whole thing. CH we are still waiting to hear from ya!
Bex - Just seen the photo. He sure is an absolute beauty!! He has such perfect skin and looks extremely relaxed. These boys never realise just how much they put their Mummies through. He looks as if he has had a week on holiday, not just gone through a very long labour!! Can't wait to hear how you guys are getting on.

Guys don't we just have a perfect sounding list of babies?!

Last night I was reading through the first few posts up to Mrs Bea's first positive and I still can't get over just how similar we all are! I would love one day for us to meet in person. I think we'd have a hoot going out. :) I will start playing the lottery to see if I can make it happen.

CH - Lovely it doesn't look like you've been on much since Finlay arrived. It would be nice to hear how you are getting on and where you are at. It doesn't matter if you don't want to talk about TTC.It would just be good to hear from you and hear how work etc. is going. xxx

I realised awhile ago that there have been no recent Finlay photos, so here's two to keep you going. xxx


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He's starting to fill out Nic. But thats a good thing! Babies tend to get chubby till they can learn to crawl and walk and then it all goes away. I am afraid Dexter is going to blow up like a balloon when he starts solids... but he's taking 40-45 ounces a day. Come on Halloween! My pocket book cant take it.... besides i really want to see his expressions when he tries it.

Right now i live closest to CH... but who knows where i'll be living when hubby gets back. We are hoping Colorado... but you never know with the army. My husband gets so excited when he talks about moving from here, that i feel the need to remind him not to forget to take me and Dex with him. haha

BTW did you ever finish the nursery out with the airplanes like you had originally thought of? (airplanes for blue pip and butterflies for girl pip)
Hands he's actually less chubby than he was! All the milk was making him swollen. He was retaining water in his feet, face and hands. He now weighs 17lb 10oz, but this fortnight he only put on 7 ounces. He normally puts on around a pound. He's now dropped down to the 75th percentile - so a much more normal gain. He so needed to eat solids!
Nic - He is just so gorgeous! Yeah for solids! I think it would be so awesome if we all got together some day! We would be a bunch of chatty cathys!!

Hands - Halloween is right around the corner. Are you taking Dex out? Do you have a costume picked? Loved your post about my squirrel - def made me smile and LOL!!

Lisette - Bet you are enjoying motherhood!

Bex - Can't wait for more pics of Elliot!! Hope things are going well for you!

Bea - How are you and Ariana? I bet she is getting so big! I think you go on Vaca soon to Aust!!

Not much going on with me. Sorry I've been so slack lately! The RE released me to the OBGYN. I have an appt with a new OBGYN practice on Friday @ 8am. My old OBGYN retired shortly after he referred me to the RE. I also want to stay within the same network as my RE and deliver at a specific hospital - as we have a bunch to choose from so I had to switch again. Oh well. RE gave this practice a good referral so it must be pretty good.

I have a bunch of new and weird symptoms going on: I am completely backed up to begin with. Then after I go, I have this dull ache/pain on my right side really low like where my ovary is - I don't know what that is all about. But it has been sticking around all morning so far today. It's kinda worrying me a bit as it's pretty constant today - totally plan on taking it easy after work. I've had the chills a few times at night which I find extremely weird - one min - I am freezing cold then the next really hot! Super annoying! I am bloated beyond belief - I couldn't do up my pants at work yesterday! Thank God, I had on a loose shirt so no one could tell. I have a feeling bc I am so petite that I might show pretty fast... I was also thinking maybe I would even up the Mid-August tally and we could have a girl so we would have 3 girls and 3 boys!! :haha:
Thanks for all the well wishes ladies, I am so so over the moon with Elliot, i love him so much :cloud9:

I’ve attached one photo which is the one I put on FB, and once I have had a chance to upload all the ones we have on the camera so will get chance to put a few more on!

But I Thought I would update with my birth story as I know you will be interested...it wasn’t easy going.

On Sunday, the midwife attempted another sweep, but as with previous attempts, my cervix was ridiculously posterior, fully closed, completely uneffaced i.e. nothing going on!

So on Monday 11th October, I felt a bit 'funny', like my period was going to start, a bit crampy etc. By Monday evening I had started having mild contractions, nothing painful, but noticeable, and this continued throughout Tuesday 12th. OH didn’t go to work on Tuesday as we thought it would progress, but contractions stayed around 10-15 mins apart throughout the day and night. The hospital said it sounds like things were progressing and to call back when increased in intensity and got closer together.

Wednesday was still the same, contractions now about every 5-10 mins but were stronger. At 3pm I went to the toilet and thought i felt a tiny gush but wasn’t sure...rang hospital said it was unlikely it was my waters as I wasn’t wetting a pad. but got chatting about induction etc. The Midwife I spoke to said to come into hospital and she would try o do me one last sweep. went in and was 1cm dilated (woop) but cervix still very posterior - to use her words, my cervix had a hell of a lot of work to do. she managed the sweep though :happydance: she also thought it may have been my hind waters that i felt go.

back home wed night and contractions started to kick in and increase in intensity, overnight Wednesday they were about every 3 mins and i didn’t sleep at all, had a couple of overnight baths etc.

7am thu morning, back into hospital. Still only 1cm dilated but cervix moved right down and fully thinned out - finally!! at least all those contractions were doing something! but she did think my waters had broken. As it was a midwife led unit, their policy is you only have 24 hours from waters breaking when they will allow you to give birth at the MLU. Therefore she made an appointment for me at the main city hospital for 3pm that afternoon.

Still contracting strongly, we made our way there at 3pm, was now 2cm dilated, stayed in for a while on the monitor. At 9pm It was decided due to my waters having broken previously the best option was to put me on an oxytocin drip to accelerate contractions. Did this and 4 hours later I was till only 4cm, despite the increased strength contractions. I was given another drip and another 4 hours – at this point I asked for some pethidine to help with the pain which was the best thing I did as it meant i actually slept for an hour through the contractions and allowed my body to recover a bit. Finally 4 hours later at around 3am I was suddenly fully dilated and ready to push. I think after all that it took us all by surprise!

I was pushing for an hour and a half, but baby was in a funny position which made it very difficult. After an hour and half of pushing, the doctors were called in as baby’s heartbeat was decreasing with each contraction. It was decided either a forceps or possibly caesarean was necessary . I was prepped for theatre and given a spinal block – I cant tell you how amazing it was to not feel the pain of contractions any more! Baby not in right position for forceps, so at around quarter to 5 on Friday morning, Elliot was finally delivered by caesarean.

So that’s it, he is here! A very log drawn out process, but looking at him now, he is absolutely perfect and all the trauma last week seems like a distant memory. Feels quite therapeutic to have written it all down!

Lots of love to you all


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Yay Bex!!!!! He's amazing (as if there was any doubt). How are you getting along now that you are at home? How are you adjusting to motherhood? Sounds like a very long labor... makes me greatful for my 6 hours (2 hours of waterbreaking and tiny contractions i couldnt feel, 3 hours of agonizing front to back contractions, and 1 hour of pushing) labor.

Snow - I had those ovary pains too.... its just the hormones doing a funky number on your body. Have you decided when you were going to tell family, friends, coworkers and etc? Im so glad that you decided to do the IUI afterall!!!

Nic - Im so glad solids worked out for Finlay!!! Im hoping solids will do the same for dexter. I bet you he's 18 to 20 lbs now ugh!! I almost started him today on them, but told myself to wait... he needs to be at least 4 months... but he's taking 40 plus ounces most days and seems so unsatisfied half the time after he finishes his 6oz bottle.

Question for you guys: Am i the only one that they gave a huge giant chocolate chip cookie to, after they gave birth? Right after i gave birth... they fed me a small dinner and this huge chocolate chip cookie that was probably the size of both of my hands combined! I didnt know they were going to give me one of those... but dang, if i would have known it, i would have pushed harder!!! LOL It sort of made me feel like a dog or something... give birth and we'll give you a treat! teehee
There was no mention of a cookie for me Hands. Had I known, I think I would have probably run and got the forceps for them! :) I ate two Crunchie bars about 1am not long after my contractions started and then didn't eat a thing until 9am when I tried some toast which I promptly threw up(!), and around 11pm my Mum drove to a 24 hour garage and got me a cheese sandwich, some fruit and some biscuits to keep me going!

Bex - Sorry to hear that your delivery wasn't as text book as we'd like. How do you feel after the spinal? I hated that feeling, of not really feeling anything. My bottom felt like a water bed! The best bit for me was how warm it made me feel when it kicked in. :) Were you okay afterwards or did they have you stay in for a couple of days?

Snow - I am plumping for a girl for you too. This year, I think 90% of the pregnant ladies I know personally have had boys, but next year I'm predicting there to be more girls. I have 6 members of my family and a one friend expecting babies in the first 4 mths of the year and of the 4 that know what they are having ALL of them are expecting girls!

I'm not exactly the biggest of people. I had big bloating problems, but come 12 weeks I lost some of that water retention and ther weight I gained and didn't really have a bump that definitely looked like a baby bump until post 22 weeks. I was carrying so high that my rib cage expanded and Pip was hiding up there blocked by an anterior placenta. That said, my sister is 5ft 1.5 and her bump is massive for her weeks. Weightwise she has put on around the same as I did at the same point, but her bump was a noticeable bump at 10-12 weeks!

Hands - How come you want to move to Colorado? Do you have friends there? Dexter will be brilliant at weaning. Hungry boys make the best weaning students! I would love to see a recent pic. I wonder if he's taken Finlay over in height now?

Lisette - How are things for you guys? Is Melina keeping you busy? How are you fidning the feeding?

Bea - How's weaning going for you?

CH - :wave: Hope you are still checking in evry now and then. Would be so nice to hear from you. xx
Here are some recent pictures of Dexter.

Nic - I do have family out in Colorado and i spent my summers there as a kid and loved it. In fact i loved it so much, i took my new boyfriend on a trip with me to Colorado right before he was going to deploy so he could see the sights.... and we fell in love while doing a cave tour. At the end of the tour they turned out all the lights and we held hands in the complete darkness for about 5 minutes.

When my boyfriend got back from his deployment, we went ahead and got married... TTC for about a year and now we have dexter. It has a special place in our hearts. We both love the mountians, hiking, 4 wheeling, white water rafting, amusement and water parks... and Colorado has it all.

If the army wont move us there, once he gets out, we will move there ourselves. One way or another, we are going to Colorado lol.

As far as Dexter's weight and height... well he has his 4 mo appointment next week so i will ring him in then. Im guessing 18-20lbs and at least 26inches. We will see how close i am.


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snow - I usually do Trunk or Treat at my church for Halloween. This year i'll go with dex, but i wont be doing a car... i'll just help out with the cotton candy and etc until he gets fussy and then leave. Last year while i was pregnant with him, i bought a Tiger costume after halloween was over so it only cost me 4 dollars for his outfit. Am i good or what? I just did an animal theme one since i didntk now if he was a HE for sure even though i felt like it was gonna be a boy. Maybe i should have done one of those cute pumpkin ones instead... oh wells.
I would love for us all to meet up one day too! :happydance:

Snow - I've been a bit distracted the last couple of weeks but I really am so thrilled for you and that your pregnancy is going well. Before you know it you will have a little baby :baby: so pleased that the IUI worked for you and you thoroughly deserve this. Keep growing strong little snow beanie!!

Hands - dexter looks absolutely adorable. I bet he will love weaning and be a proper greedy boy! :thumbup: Elliot is a greedy boy, sometimes I feel like he is always on the boob! No cookie for me...sounds a great idea though. I threw up twice during labour a couple of hours after I had eaten each time. Not nice. I think I didn't really eat anything until the lunchtime on the ward when I had some Irish stew!

Nic - I was fine with spinal. I was so ready for pain relief at that time. It was a strange strange feeling, I know I kept saying its like having pins and needles in my legs but found it quite relaxing, although I actually couldnt stop shaking on my top half involuntarily. The anaesthetist I had was so so lovely and she worked really hard to keep me calm throughout. I ended up being in hospital for 3 nights after (should have only been 2 but they cocked up my discharge, grrr).
Well girls... last night i was having an icecream snack and decided to put dexter in his highchair to introduce it to him.. and he didnt fuss at all! Infact he enjoyed being in it. I gave him one of his spoons and bowls and set it down in front of him and he reached and grabbed the spoon and then tipped his bowl over and lookeda t me as if to say.... Mom, why doesnt it have something in it like yours?

I couldn't help but to break down and give him solids. Everything in my momma gut told me this was it... this was the time to introduce them.. and he loved it. A lot comes back out... but he kept putting his fingers in his mouth ... i couldnt even get the spoon in half the time because he just loved feeling the newness LOL

Also .. since 2 nights ago.. i've noticed a huge sleep regression.. UGH i think the 4month sleep regression hit early... last night he got up twice after sleeping through the night for months. I dont know how im going to get through the sleepless nights again ... hopefully it will just be for a week or two.

I fed him the first time he woke up last night, but the second time i just held him for a bit, he seemed to have gone to sleep i put him down and he got himself up by kicking and etc... so i left him (he wasnt crying) and he cooed himself to sleep in 15 minutes. So at least i know i wont have to feed him everytime...

I've included a picture of when i first put him in the highchair and one right after he got done eating


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OMG girls sooo much I've missed!!!

HUGE Congrats Bex :cloud9:

I will re-read and respond better from my phone but I'm finally at my PC now and can upload some recent pics for ya'll ;)





Yay Lisette!!!! I can see so much of her daddy in her. She's all smiles! How are things going at home? Are you adjusting well?

AFM - It's the 1 year Anny of my BFP!!! YIPEEE. The same time as im typing this now... last year I was racing through the house crying and taking pictures of my pee stick.
Hands congrats on the bfp anniversary, its amazing how some days will always stay in our minds hun :) Miss Melina is soo much of daddy & those dimples man they melt our hearts!!! Don't be fooled though when she's cranky or upset she has a great set of lungs & pouty faces too! Ur Halloween costume for Dex is gonna be just precious! Lil tiger that he is! I can't wait to see pics of that! Melina is gonna be an angel (daddys pick! Lol)

Snow how u been girl? I think of u lots & remember how the first weeks dragged on for me! did u tell anypne yet - does it feel more real? Voting for a girl to round out our numbers here too ;) I'm here if u ever wanna talk xxx

Bex what a gorgeous boy :cloud9: ur story is soo close to mine! How's the aftermath of the c-section been? Sleep & feeds going ok hun? How's H been?

Nic Finaly is absolutely adorable in those new pics-what a big boy!!! How r u enjoying him at this stage? Are ur days & routine soo much easier now that he's a little older? What's his halloween costume gonna be?

CH I agree we miss ya girl & would love to hear from u :hugs:

Bea ur turn for pics ;)

AFM inot sure if I updated but we discovered Melina was going through painful silent reflux a few weeks ago & finally got her on some baby zantac which is really helping! It was quite the trauma of about 10days I'd say...sleeping with her upright on my chest all night & still she'd wake screaming in pain :( lately we've just been through the 8week "leap" for those of u who read wonder weeks & she's smiling & gurgling at us & her mobiles, she reaching out & grabbing & kicking her toys, she can see further & its just soo curious & awake its really quite something :) I'd love to meet up with you all & out LO's one day! What would be a good mid-country u think?Lol
Lisette - sorry to hear about the reflex. You must have been so worried. I'm LOVING her dimples! Yep things are hugely easier now that he is older. I think once they drop feeds to 5/6 a day then your life starts becoming your own again, and its a massive blessing when they start amusing themselves. Though Finlay has an attention span of a gnat so his moments are short lived! :) I've got to warn you though, that everything they say about 14-19 wks is true. Finlay's sleep even as a newborn wasn't as bad as this period. Teething + growth spurt + hunger + sleep regression makes for a very trying time. That said the responses - smiles, chatter and facial expressions are priceless. Do try the games they suggest in that book. I definitely noticed F enjoying and learning with them.

Hands - I changed my mind with the room in the end. It's slightly sea themed with a pirate mobile. Still need to make curtains and put a few knick knacks up. He'll be in a cot bed before I finish! :haha:

I haven't got Finlay an outfit. We're not so big on Halloween here. Children trick or treat and adults dress up for parties, but we don't have any plans so not sure if ill do anything this year. I am getting excited for Christmas though. It's going to be amazing with a baby. Can't wait up start our traditions. Do you guys have any you want to introduce for your lo?

Bex - glad you were fine with the spinal. I didn't notice pins and needles. I didn't realise with forceps just how much extra effort you need. I thought the tools did the work! :) Once the adrenalin wore off I couldn't feel a thing. I was exhausted and felt a bit like a dead body on a slab!! I also was terribly itchy for a good few days. No diamorpheine for me again!!
Help me Nic!!!! Monday Dexter turns 17 weeks... and this sleep regression thing is kicking my hiney. Im getting 5 to 6 hours of interrupted sleep again and i cant function.. im just getting so worn down.

How do you make it STOP?!?!?! lol I dont want dex to get into any bad sleeping habits.

Im at my ropes end with this sleep thing.

As far as Christmas Traditions go.... hubby and i are doing everything that we normally do. We are going toh old off on having Christmas till he gets back. Dex wont know the difference.
I was able to get some really good fall pictures of Dexter and I... and i was able to manage to show my love for England while i was at it too!!!


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Great pics Hands! Such a pretty mommy you are! And little baldy Dex is handsome as always! I also love the pics of Dex eating my fav food in the whole world - ICE CREAM!

Nic - The pirate mobile sounds so cute! I am getting excited for both Thanksgiving and Christmas! Mostly Thanksgiving bc I will be out of 1st tri that day! Love Finlay's little pink cheeks, I just wanna pinch them!

Lisette - I hope Melina is doing better with her reflux! I bet it is so cute to see her engaging with both you and her toys. Love the pics too of Melina!

Bex - Thanks so much for sharing your birth story! They help to give me an idea of what to expect! How's new mommyhood? Wonderful, I imagine!

Bea - Hope things are going well for your and A.

Not much going on with me. I turn 9 weeks on Thursday! Just counting down the weeks til we will reveal our secret! I am still feeling so great. It's amazing how awesome I feel. Can't wait for a bump to form so I can share some pics!
Snow - Thanks... i'm working so hard to lose the weight and have noticed that i look younger again since i've lost it. 52 lbs gone... 8 more to go.. whoohoo! I can fit into my size 9 again... but i have a muffin top... after 8lbs.. that should be gone and they should be fitting comfortably.

BTW im so excited for you!!! Its hard to keep it a secret for too long. We ended up telling family at 10 1/2 weeks... right after we saw our first ultrasound. It was a killer to wait that long.

I know you are hoping for a little girl... and a lil snow bunny would be cute!! Does your hubby have a gender preference? Do you plan on having more children if possible... or are you gonna be like me and have your one and only. I know at this rate you are just happy to finally be pregnant and have a lil squirrel scattering around in there. We are all so thrilled!!!

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