Wow Catalyst what a big surprise. Congratulations! Did you conceived natural?
Why everyone has the appointment early and mine is in 3 weeks?! Haha so jealous of you girls! Congratulations!
I had my scan. It went well.... but wr got big news that shocked us! My hands are still shaking!!!
TWINS!!!! she could see two hesrtbeats. She almost missed it with one of them, she was saying that there looked as though one had started but hadnt made it and then boom she turned a litle and before she could say it I saw the flicker!! It was hard to measure though but the other was 5mm and that makes me 6 weeks ph.. but that means that I got positive 3 weeks on and that makes no sence. So Im keeping the ticker as it is for now and just going to wait for next scan in 19 days! See if we get better date then.
Omg omg omg.. baby #3 and #4!!
Hi everyone. I stumbled across this thread a while ago and I was nervous to join. I'm still a little nervous as I've had a some ups and downs but I really miss the support. For a little background, we were ttc for 11 months and got our BFP with my first medicated cycle. I had very low hcg to start (15) but as it was doubling normally it stopped being a worry. At six weeks I started spotting and all that was found was a totally empty sac measuring a week behind and some fibroids. At 6w3d I started bleeding, red with clots and went the ER. I was diagnosed with a subchrionic hematoma which is scary but.. We got to see our baby! It's there now just 3 days later with a heartbeat and everything. Wasn't allowed a picture since it was an emergency visit but it was such a relief. I'm still worried about the SCH, it's right next to the baby's sac and it's huge, almost the same size, but I go to see my OB tomorrow. I think even with all our worries everything's going to be okay.
Hi ladies!
Thank you for your kind of words.The spotting has stopped thanks God. I received a call from my PCP today and she told me I have a UTI so I'm thinking this was the reason of the spotting last Sunday. I'm going to start antibiotics (Amoxicillin) tomorrow 3 times per day. I also resolved the problem with my health insurance, I made an appointment with an OB/GYN but is not until December 2th.
Welcome to all the new ladies and congratulations on your BFP!
Welcome Annio, congrats on the bfp!
And welcome Weebles, glad you go to see your baby woth a heartbeat!
Catalyst when is your scan? Is it today?
I got my bloodtest results back from this morning the hcg has been doubling really well. It was now at over 3000, last wed it was at 125. I need to book an ultrasound for the 21st, just waiting my DF to confirm if he can take time of from work. No way I will go on my own as last time I went on my own and had to bear with the bad news alone as there was no heartbeat and that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. I hope we will get to experience a more positive ultrasound visit this time. But I can understand your anxiety Catalyst! Good luck, I hope you get good news!
Sambatiki- I will def want to find out the gender! On the 6week ultrasound I will also ask the doc to locate the placenta as according to the Ramzi Theory if it's on the right it will be a girl and if its on the left it's a boy. Will be exciting to see if it ends up being true or not. It worked for my sister
Congrats Catalyst on your big news! I am so happy for you.
Welcome to all the new ladies...
Afm: So I went to my appointment today. Which was also a new appointment with a new clinic. They were suppose to have me in to ensure they were able to see a sac and to get my numbers. Since I am a tubal reversal mom and previous C-Sections. They feel I am a higher risk. As well as they couldn't not see anything on the scan last Thursday. So my beta are as follows 10/31/2016- 457 11/03/2016- 2347 and Today's numbers are 8032. I didn't get a ultrasound because she was unaware of what was going on and came in the room with one the older roll around machines. The midwife advise that my numbers are great but with my Uterus being tilted and the machine is older. I have to come back Friday at 1 for a Ultrasound scan. I am soooo nervous and scared. She is thinking that I am more of between 5-6 rather 6-7 and believe I had a early positive. I tested 10/26 negative. I tested 10/28 positive with the early response. So I truly don't know