Girly I agree completely about the weight loss. Everything they tell you is not true for everyone! My usual weight is low but when I nurse I can't lose the pregnancy weight. If I try my supply drops. When I ff the weight drops like crazy. Every lc I've told this to says it's more common than people think that it's hard to lose weight and you even gain weight while nursing.
Thanks mummafrog- there are just some things you can't learn from books or people and you just have to experience it to know.
It's lovely to hear you ladies that have bf and it went easy. I had to overcome some past issues. And then with my first I did bf I had about every thing go wrong that could. His lip tie meant I had to learn how to latch him differently, that was after several lc's missed the lip tie. He had allergies to milk, eggs, and peanuts, so I had to figure that out and get them out of my diet. I had to have a mole removed that kept getting rubbed off when I bf him. He didn't gain well from the lip tie/latch issues which also made my supply drop so I had to use galactogogues to increase my supply, which he also was allergic to. I had vasospasms in my nipple, but they thought it was thrush so I kept getting treated for thrush that they thought was coming back. Vasospasms are so painful. It feels like your nipple is in a pair of pliers! Ouch! I'm prone on one side to mastitis so had that several times. The first time was from oversupply caused by the galactogogues to increase my milk that had plummeted from his latch issues. I had cracked, bleeding nipples from the latch also. But hey after 5 months I had learned a LOT about breastfeeding. There was never an option to pump and feed him that because pumping never got any milk out for me. My body simply does not respond to a pump. After 5 months I had finally gotten everything down. I knew my signs of mastitis, I had used meds for my vasospasms plus his latch was better which decreased them significantly, and I knew how to latch a lip tie baby. When my next one came along, it was a breeze from the start. I automatically latched her according to her lip tie. And I knew what to do when a feed would drop so I didn't get mastitis. It was amazing. So when my next one came along I figured I'd do it the same way. He had way more problems and I tried everything the lc suggested. Bathed with him, laid in bed all day wth him, tried shields, you name it. I cried the entire first week I had to move him to formula and there is always someone who makes you feel like a failure, but when you see your child finally thrive you realize that you will do whatever you have to for your child. You will make sacrifices you never imagined. And you learn to blow off ignorance of someone who hasn't been where you were. I'm praying I'm able to bf this time, but in no way will I beat myself up like I did last time. Being a mom makes you humble. Sometimes what you thought you knew goes out the window for what's best for your child. To be open to putting them first above all your thoughts and plans comes easy when you love someone.