blessed - Thanks for sharing, and I didn't mean that you would make those comments. I think we all have a hard time understanding different lifestyle choices, and sometimes we say things that we mean just for ourselves, but people interpret as a judgment on them. I just thought it might be difficult for you to fully understand the feelings and reasons behind why someone would choose to not have any kids at all (I have a couple friends who have made that choice, and even though I get that it works for them and fully support their decision, I can't say that I really understand those feelings fully). I think those sorts of questions are mostly out of curiosity, not necessarily feeling like kids are a burden, but they are still bothersome and unnecessary questions all the same. I have a hard time imagining what our finances will be like with 1 or 2 kids let alone more. I honestly don't know how I would make more work and on one salary to boot, so I get those thoughts, but I certainly don't see them as burdens! Also, I would never ask because it's none of my business, and clearly it's working just fine for you
. People are just being curious and nosy, and butting their noses in where they don't belong! Also yes, the opinions about how to parent will be worse I'm sure! I actually consult with parents of kids with autism to help them with aggression or problem behavior, and also just how to teach their kids different skills. Yes, my focus is on autism, but what we do works with anyone really (and parents/teachers share that it helped the other kids too all the time), so it's kinda my job to tell them how to parent in a way, but I'm very careful to let there be some flexibility. What works for one parent, and one kid, may not work for another. I think it's so silly when one parent thinks they have it all figured out for everyone else! Some people tell me I must be all set doing what I do, but I watch my director with her son, and while she uses some of what she knows from work, mostly she's just a parent doing her best like anyone else. The emotions are just so different with your own kids.
second - I agree. I'm constantly trying my best, but I'm sure I mess up now again. We're human. Not perfect
....I also drive my husband nuts correcting his statements during arguments
..."you mean that you feel like..." (us darn psychologists)...but how we phrase things definitely does change how those words are received by others.
pretty - How special and exciting. Good luck on your appointments! I concur with those feelings as a first timer. This is my third pregnancy now, but I've never made it this far before. I look down at my belly sometimes and am just in awe, and I'm so excited to be feeling some things and wondering if it is baby. After my previous losses, I'm just so amazed that any pregnancy continues on like this let alone my own! I know it is fine more often then not, but so far I'm 0 for 2 and going for 1 in 3. I'm just so, so in love with that little heartbeat