Mid-May buddies!

I'm in the process of making new mom friends. I have a couple already but need more. A friend of mine who moved out of the city last year said one of her other friends got pregnant around the same time as me, so getting to know her. Then there's mom groups sometimes formed through forums that leak onto Facebook secret groups or people you might meet during your childbirthing classes (if it's your first) or daycare. It'll come if you're open to meeting and befriending new people. From MY perspective, just got to remember to interact and plan coffee dates and the like. I'm so bad at it. :haha:
Hi! :flower: Just read through this thread and would love to join. I'm due May 21 or so I think. I have two already (4.5 and 2.5) and we had been trying for this baby for about a year. Was shocked (and still am) to learn at my 8 week scan last week (first scan this pregnancy) that it's twins! I'm still wrapping my mind around how I'm possibly going to manage that, but at the same time nervous and hoping all will be ok with both babies. At the scan, both were growing really well and had great heartbeats, but one is in a smaller sac (despite being same size as his/her twin). So a bit anxious about that. About 10 days till my next scan.

Anyway, I saw on here that someone has 2 boys and is expecting a third - that is what I have as well and I'm really hoping for at least one girl too.

Hi to all of you!
WorkingTTC, congrats on the twins! How wild and exciting that must be. I hope there's a little girl in there brewing for you. :)

AFM, Had my last weekly scan at the fertility clinic today. It was lovely. Baby was measuring a couple days ahead and everything looked beautiful. Flailing arms and legs... even saw fingers and tiny feet. Heart beat still wonderful. Wiggly babies are the best on scans. So precious! Now I'm being sent back to obgyn. I've been so spoiled getting to see this baby so much, it'll be hard to revert to "care as usual." Lol.
Hey! Twins!!! That's awesome :)

I also just graduated from my fertility clinic today, I'm 10+2 and baby measured a couple days ahead, and heartbeat 173. Definitely got to see him/her wiggling around too! I was also diagnosed with a couple small subchorionic hematomas though, so told to take it easy, no lifting, etc. When I asked about whether or not it could cause problems, she mentioned miscarriage which freaked me out. She did say not to worry though. The nurses also told me that it could be because of the vanishing twin, and that it's common in IVF pregnancies. Trying to be calm! I've had zero bleeding though.
Second scan tomorrow, the nuchal. Nervous and excited!
Welcome Claire and Working!! So glad to have you ladies in our lovely group. Working I've got 2 boys (almost 6 and 3) and desperately hoping for a girl! Will be nice to keep each other company with our little gender journey until we find out. How exciting for twins!

Yup Butternut it's tricky when all your friends just want to go out on the piss. I'm 34 and still love a razzel or two but literally once or twice a year! It will be so refreshing to join up with other people who are going through the same life stage as you. My mom friends range between 25-45 and the age gap is irrelevant cause we are all going through the same things. It's fab.

I had a scan today and was so relieved to see the heartbeat. At 10+1 it was 163 BPM. And so amazing to see the little one wriggling about!

And enough with the nausea already!!!!!
Amanda and Missdoc how fabulous to have had these regular scans and to see that everything is developing so beautifully.
Hey, random question but has anyone here been on anxiety meds while pregnant? I was just prescribed anxiety meds today and I'm a bit nervous about taking them....
Nice to meet you all. Dannypop, when will you find out the gender? I was all set to do the 10 week blood test we have here but apparently that doesn't work for twins. So I have to wait until 20 weeks! (That's the norm, I think, in the U.S.) Very frustrating!

No experience with anxiety meds Ninja, sorry.

And congrats to all of you on the recent scans. How exciting!

I made mom friends through a mommy and me group with my first and it was a lifesaver. It's so hard when your friends are not in the same place as you are in terms of family. I honestly barely see my friends without kids any more. I feel bad about it, because I know they don't/can't understand why we aren't really available to them any more. But our schedules are just soooo different.
Hey, random question but has anyone here been on anxiety meds while pregnant? I was just prescribed anxiety meds today and I'm a bit nervous about taking them....

Ive never been on meds for my very mild anxiety.. Really only experience slight attacks when i feel out of control of my own body.. (When my husband is driving irratically, feeling sick to my stomach with like diarrhea) but as you can imagine this gets worse with pregnancy as im constanly nauseous and go back and forth on ends of bowel issues. I have questioned asking for meds but much like you just not wanting to risk it. I know its one of those if benefits outweigh the risks things.

For myself with the attacks ive found lying down.. Cold cloth on face or back of neck, colder climate (leaving indoors and going outside to get air at night), deep breathing.. Can sometimes help ground me a bit. Rhe other thing is weight.. Might sound dumb.. I ask my husband to lie on me lol.. Same idea as the thunder coat for dogs in storms or weighted vests for children with autism.. It settles me. BUT while i can do this now obviously as me belly grows i can not.

Anywho really, if you need it you need it, you have to tke care of you first momma!
Yeah, I suffer from a fairly severe case of generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks. The miscarriage history combined with current pregnancy makes it worse. The doc said without a doubt I need them but I've had this anxiety disorder since I was a kid and was never medicated so it worries me. The doc says it's relatively safe though and he specializes in maternal care. He did tell me not to google the meds though. Hahaha

On another note: The hubbs is finally back today and he brought me back a big pack of Prawn cocktail crisps which I have been CRAVING but can't get in Canada. I was so happy! He got me other things but the crisps trumped all. LMAO
So many exciting things going on!

I'm sorry I don't have any experience with anxiety meds Ninja, but my advice is to just trust your doctor and not think about it too much. Getting increased anxiety due to worrying about treating your anxiety doesn't sound healthy or fun for anyone.

One and a half weeks till I get to see bubs again! I'm so excited to see some wiggles.
Had a decent scan today. Baby is alive and well, but couldn't catch the nuchal thickness as it wasn't visible. Measuring about 4 days behind LMP. That's one day off from the OB measurement at 6w so have updated my ticker.
I am so tired. All the time. How do people do this when they already have children to care for??

I want to have all of my future kids to be close in age, but how can I care for a toddler if I'm constantly exhausted?
Butternut, I've been thinking that lately too. Although it's more for the nausea/feeling like crap.
i hear ya about feeling exhausted all the time. i seem to crash a little bit after lunch, and feel a lot worse in the evenings.

in other (good) news, i had my 11-week scan today. baby is already measuring at 12 weeks, and saw the little bean jump a few times. :) looks more like a baby too, not just a blob, with a heartbeat of 167. just over the moon since we never really got this far before. :happydance:


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Beautiful scan Moonstar! Are you going to start telling people soon? I still haven't told my parents yet!
Beautiful scan Moonstar! Are you going to start telling people soon? I still haven't told my parents yet!

oh, most of our close family and friends already know. i had to have a 2-week leave from work because i slightly bled on my 7th week, that's when we told most of them - for a bit of support since this my 3rd pregnancy in 1 year's span, and they all got to know about the previous 2 pregnancies after the fact.

so when are you gonna tell??? :)

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