Mid-May buddies!

I've now managed to not throw up with either pregnancy but it has taken a lot of willpower.
Every time I've thrown up I've had enough time to saunter casually over to the toilet to dry heave. :D

In other news I had my second attempt at a nuchal scan today. I guess it went well. We got a measurement. Tech showed me and it looked kinda thick, but she didn't give me the actual measurement. Fingers crossed that with the bloodwork it's just my imagination and it was just fine.

My last baby wasn't very cooperative with the NT either. Hopefully it is all good.
Got my NIPT results back today. Healthy baby boy! Im not at all surprised, I've been sensing this little one was a boy from the start, even though before I got pregnant I thought I wanted a girl. But this is just perfect. And knowing the sex, knowing that I'm growing a precious baby boy, makes me feel even more connected to this pregnancy. It's a neat feeling, knowing so early.
That's awesome congrats on your baby boy! I have 2 girls and 1 boy. I'm ok with either but have a strong feeling this ones a girl, i guess I'll find out in about a month!
Hey everyone! I haven't written here in a while. I've been feeling amazing! My morning sickness is totally gone. My fatigue is gone. My moods are stable and positive again. My sex drive is up (like way, way up haha). I am, without a doubt, in the honeymoon stage! I'm also in my twelfth week and my partner and I could start telling people, but we are still going to wait until Christmas as previously planned.

I hope you're all feeling as good as I am these days!
Oh butternut you're giving me hope that relief is just around the corner!! Still feeling terrible, 12 weeks tomorrow!
So good to hear someone actually feeling well at this stage! Sickness seems the same here sadly :( am 12+2.

That said, I am feeling a bit more comfortable - Doc started me on omperazole yesterday as I suffer from long term GERD. I had been trying Ranitidine as my doc favoured it in pregnancy but it just didn't work for me! After 3 weeks of agony, chocking repeatedly at night and coughing up so much acid, I was bleeding, my doc concluded I needed something stronger! After just 24 hours, I can't tell you the relief. It's not fully kicked in but my stomach no longer feels on fire - hurray! :)
So glad to hear your sickness has eased! I have hope now,am 11 weeks exactly today.
Butternut that sounds so amazing and I really hope I feel that way soon or at all. With the twins it was rough all the way through and my singleton was too long ago to remember how I was feeling once the sickness left
Sonny glad you're feeling better, I also started on a script for reflux this week, Prilosec, the Zantac wasn't cutting it. It's too soon for me to notice a difference though
You won't believe the comedy that has been my weekend! DH and I had booked a night away in the winelands for a wedding Sat night. Our first night away in a year. DS2 started puking on Friday afternoon. Sat morning the doc said it was a double ear infection and the pressure from the bulging eardrum was causing him to vomit.

Hooray! Not a contagious bug! So off we went to the wedding and left the kids with my parents. Only for me to eat a dodgy prawn at the wedding and get food poisoning!!!!! I am 12 weeks tomorrow and the past few days the MS has lifted. I haven't puked once in 2 months of MS ... And then this!!

In July I had a tummy bug and had my MC the next day so even though I know it's not likely to happen I am of course petrified.

Lying on the couch at my parents house while my 94 year old granny feeds my sick boy his dinner and my mom makes me chicken soup. So I am one lucky girl at the end of it!
Omg Danny that's terrible!!!! Hope you are all on the mend soon!!!

12 weeks today and as of yesterday feeling significantly better! Even got out to a Halloween party yesterday. Still not 100% but hoping this is the start of that honeymoon stage butternut was talking about!
Anyone else feel like they're already starting to show a bit? I'm not a small girl, but I definitely feel like my tummy is getting rounder.
Danny I'm so sorry! That sounds so awful! I'm glad you gave people to help out and I hope it passes quickly!
Amanda glad to hear you are feeling better too, and I'm glad you asked that bc I was just googling trying to figure out if it's normal that I'm showing so much already. I'm average to small size but I did have some belly pooch still from the twins but it is just sticking way out now! Honestly I'm kind of embarrassed and tying to hide it but can't. My dr did say my uterus tips forward and pushes everything else forward but I just feel like it's really significant for just under 10 weeks. Hopefully it will level out though
Ohh, that sounds like such a rough weekend :( I hope both you and your boy are better very soon!
Thanks ladies!!

Ironically had such a great nights sleep last night back home with the kids instead of away at a hotel! Was in bed at 730 and slept till 630am! Feeling back to normal. Now all that remains is to see if the morning sickness will come back this afternoon ...

So so so glad everyone is entering the good stage now. 12 weeks really is the start of the magic time.

As for showing my bump is all bloat at the top of my abdomen. I can feel my uterus when I lie down as a ball just above my pelvis but that doesn't account for the size of my bloat! Maybe all the organs getting shifted up?
Oh good, I'm so glad you're feeling better! Sleep is the best, it's a shame children don't agree until they reach 13!

My bloat is terrible too! I'm on baby #1 so pretty sure I can't feel anything that's actually uterus yet (I'm 12+4) but I look about 6 months pregnant some days! It's uncomfortable!
I managed to throw up twice today on the high street,very embarrassing but nothing I could do to stop it!!
Have my 12 week scan a week today,can't wait! Appt is not until 3:10 though so will probably be anxious all day. DH has taken the day off work so hoping we can go out for lunch before or something.

I hope everyone feels better soon! Roll on 2nd tri!!

Oh no! That sounds awful :( perhaps my biggest fear is throwing up in public! Work has been stressful as I literally could not sit further away from the bathroom!

I hope you are OK now and your scan went well?

Oops I think I missed this! My scan is this coming Friday.
Feeling better now. DH and I went to watch the NFL yesterday in London,it was great and I had a blast AND managed to eat some food there.
Some friends clocked on that I wasn't drinking so I told them I was doing sober October for health reasons and to try and lose a few pounds,they seemed to accept it!
Mary what a clever little fib, Sober October! Love that!

I also somehow missed the post about puking on the street -man oh man I am so sorry that must have been rough but when you gotta go you gotta go ...

Good luck for Friday's scan. That is so exciting.

My 13 week fetal assessment scan is Tuesday next week!
Oh Danny, what a bummer. Glad you're feeling better. And Mary, how unpleasant to vomit in the street, but I agree, when you have to, you have to!

As for me, I'm still quite nauseated, so I'm hopeful that I'll follow the trend you all are setting and I feel better in a week or so. I'm not vomiting at least, so that's good! Can't believe I won't get my next scan until Dec 16th. So far away from now!
I had my 12 week scan today! Eek! All was well, baby was bopping around and you could see the little heartbeat (although I didn't get to hear it which I thought I might). I feel so much more excited now, feels much more real! :)

I then came home and was inundated by small children high on sugar at my door every 2 minutes .. having a living room on the first floor is not the one for Halloween!

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