Mid-May buddies!

Oh shame ladies! Sending you all healing vibes and energy.

DS2 started puking the other night and then last night DS2 was complaining that his head "doesn't feel like a head should" and he had a bit of a sore tummy. So DH and I layered down towels on his bed and put a huge bucket next to him. I also started feeling queasy and was sooooo nervous but luckily we all woke up healthy and puke-free!!! I can handle pretty much ANY illness just not puking!
Oh no Danny :( sick bugs are the one thing I'm genuinely quite worried about having children! I have emetephobia :-/ hoping I'll feel differently when it's my own child! if not, little one is quickly going to learn that daddy looks after a you when you throw up :)

Glad to hear you all woke up OK!
Ughhh. It's 2am here and I'm blooming wide awake with horrible stomach ache :'( I think it feels like just a stomach upset type pain (although no other symptoms of one) but wow is it hurting! It's worse when a lay down which is just what you want in the middle of the night! I don't actually know what to do with myself it hurts so much :( I'm away from home at my inlaws currently, so I don't feel comfortable just getting up and wandering around the house or going to watch some TV or something like I would at home! Doh! I'm also obviously not near my usual hospital should I want to check baby is OK..! Baby is kicking away though, so that's reassuring!
Ugh Sonny that sounds awful! If baby's kicking, I would think that's a good sign. Could you have eaten something that didn't agree with you? Do you have tums? Hope you're able to get some sleep! (Ps, I get that sometimes while not pregnant, where it hurts 10X more when I'm laying down. Standing up and/walking a little usually helps, although could take 10-15 mins. I think it's a digestion issue for me, which would make sense during pregnancy as everything is squished and moving slower.) feel better!!
Oh Danny I agree I can handle pretty much anything except nausea and puking!
Sonny I hope you are feeling better now. I've had really bad stomach pains that woke me up 3/4 times since summer, once while pregnant. I had a workup for gallbladder etc but can't really find a cause. It sucks bc nothing makes it better! It would really suck being away from home.
We are all getting back to healthy and just finished celebrating all 3 of my kids birthdays, 3 days apart! I'm so glad I'll have a few months until this one is born! I'm feeling exhausted and like I'm overdoing things lately but I hope things will ease up now that we can go back to a normal schedule. However 2 year old twins are a lot of constant work and lifting and not a lot of rest.
I'm all good now thank you! Had a shocker of a night, no idea what caused the pain big if went on until about 4.30am when I think the paracetemol I took kicked in and I finally dropped off to sleep! I had to get up at 7am though as I had a funeral the next morning, then a 4 hour car ride back home..! Was a rough day! On the plus side, I was so exhausted last night, I slept straight through the night for the first time in weeks! Mentioned it to my midwife this morning and she mentioned gallstones and said to basically see if I get a similar pain again as there isn't much they can do about them in pregnancy anyway! Probably more likely just something I ate although I never had any other stomach upset symptoms (thankgod!).

Has anyone else had a 4D scan? Had one last week as a 28 week celebration! They are so weird, not always that clear but so cool to see a wobbly little face! Little one had her hand over her face most of the time (cheers baby) but we got her to move a bit eventually! Baby totally has my OH's nose, 100%! :)
I had a 4d with my twins. They really are amazing!
Alright I've reached the point of pregnancy where I'm out of breath and exhausted after any little thing I do. I wonder if I'm anemic or if it will just be like this now. Anyone else?
Lanet, I'm like that too! The midwife said it's just because the baby is pressing on my diaphram, totally normal. Usually I only get it if I'm going up stairs or walking fast...or anything requiring a small amount of exertion.

I have been promised a few 4d pics on the next scan! I hope the baby doesn't look like a weird clay blob, but she probably will. lol I will love her anyway. Have you guys heard that saying that newborns look like their fathers? I read that recently and now I'm expecting a carbon copy of OH as a baby, but in girl form...
I get tired more easily but I'm recovering at the standard rate. (for me, which sucks) I'm noticing mentally a few side effects, but mostly when in the kitchen. I remember a day a week or two ago I couldn't wrap my brain around the recipe I was trying to cook from. Made it a lot of times before, I just couldn't focus on the words enough to get the specifics. Plus a couple days ago I completely missed a vital ingredient in banana bread. (don't make it without baking soda, it won't -really- turn out. Ended up kind of cakey and didn't cook right. Still slightly fascinated by the result though.)

I also seem to have SPD although I don't have a formal diagnosis of that yet. (I haven't been to the midwife since it started, and it's not bad enough for me to do anything more than bring it up next visit) I get clicking occasionally the morning before my hip muscles warm up and pain when I lift my legs, particularly the right. It's mild and I hope it stays that way.

Said midwife mentioned my ferritin reading from November-ish. Wondering if it's 2016 or 2015. I get it regularly checked because 2 years ago I had low iron (11?) and it was 150 or something. That's just around the max recommended. They also checked my ferritin during my GD test a couple weeks ago. So now I've got an appt with my family doc to review my historical data for my ferritin to see if I managed to get my dad's case of hereditary hemochromatosis, (genetic iron overload, whee!) as it should be evident whether I need the genetic test (or just receive a diagnosis) from the historical data. Needing treatment for it isn't overly common for menstruating/pregnant females but it becomes relevant when I hit menopause. (hopefully not soon :haha:) And yeah, it's still apparently possible to go low if you aren't eating any iron rich food. :shrug: Potential positive for my husband hating steak... :cry:
I've been getting winded a lot easier as well. I've been working on the nursery this week (just sanded all the walls and washed them, now ready to paint!) but I find getting up from sitting on the ground winds me. Lol, which is crazy because I'm not even that big!!! I've been finding that small breaks are working for me though. I've also noticed a huge change with mood swings lately. I'm getting more irritable and tired a lot easier.
Oh yeah, I'm also short so my uterus is already pretty close to my ribcage. Fun times.
My belly is seriously so big. I'll try to post a pic
Here it is


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I had the shortness of breath, struggling to walk up the stairs thing too, I was/am anaemic. Been on iron for about a month now and it's improved, although still not great! I get so out breath after a short walk, it's quite embarrassing huffing and puffing back into the office after some fresh air at lunch time!

You look lovely Lanet, that is a big bump but you look in great shape! I'm feeling on the large side but I was measuring bang on 28 weeks at my midwife appointment yesterday..!
Thank you sonny. I'm going to ask what I'm measuring but as far as I know it's been right on track.
I will also be tested for anemia in a couple of weeks.
Lanet, you have twins so you have every reason to look big. A friend of mine had twins and she was seriously huge by the time she gave birth. And that was at only 34 weeks.
No I had twins 2 years ago, this is just one baby now.
No I had twins 2 years ago, this is just one baby now.

Oh! Sorry, I misread. :haha: Well, your belly is still going to be stretched out a bit so that's probably a contributing factor. Not that it's bad!
lanet you look great!

sore and crampy today. finally getting that low back pain they talk about in third tri, I guess. Baby is very active. I wonder if she's flipped yet!

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