Mid-May buddies!

My brother was 10 lbs. my twins were each 6.8 a month early. And my daughter was 7.9 a month early as well. I'm getting scared too!! Lol
My Henry was 6 lb at 38 weeks. Wonder if I'll have another little one.
I wonder how big mine will be.

Just learned a college friend whose wife was pregnant lost their baby to a cord twist. Very sad.
I wonder how big mine will be.

Just learned a college friend whose wife was pregnant lost their baby to a cord twist. Very sad.

Oh that's awful :( late on in pregnancy? My cousin and his wife just lost their baby at 15 weeks following another loss in September at 11 weeks :( I feel so sad for them. And I know it's daft but I couldnt help but feel bad/awkward when I saw them at the weekend and I waddled in with my bump :( I've been completely holding off posting anything baby related on social media, trying to judge when is appropriate to make mention of baby again :-/
She was due in Feb and lost the baby in Jan. Hard to imagine making it to 8 months and then being told your baby died. :cry:
Oh gosh. That is horrid :( poor lady and her husband, I can't even imagine how you cope with that. Very very sad :(
Hey girls! How's third tri treating you? I just had my 30 week checkup, and fundal height was 33-34 cm's. I'm being sent for a growth check u/s in 2 weeks. Trying not to stress about it, as I figure if it was a big problem they'd have sent me sooner? Anyone else have experience with measuring big?
With my first pregnancy I did start measuring big around 35 weeks. My ultrasound showed borderline high afi. My water ended breaking early and she was 7.9 at 36 weeks 6 days and perfectly healthy.
I'm measuring on par so far, thankfully. I'm just feeling drained a lot. Trying to focus on proper posture and hip exercises right now to deal with the spd pain. It helps. I still mostly only get pain first thing in the morning or if I get up after sitting still for a long time.
Baby's measuring 3lb, 4oz as of last Thursday. We did a scan and she was very uncooperative, turning completely away from the camera and covering her little face before that! I guess I'm measuring a little bit big, but they don't seem at all concerned.
3lbs 4oz sounds pretty accurate for 30 weeks :) my apps all tell me baby should be about 3 and a half pounds by the end of week 30, so sounds like your little one is doing well!

I had a growth scan yesterday due to two occasions of total lack of movement over the last couple weeks and they've estimated 4lbs 3oz @ 30 weeks :-o however, I am sceptical. The ultrasound tech was in a mega rush and couldn't get a clear picture of babies stomach, so even he admitted the circle he was drawing was a bit of a guess..! The head and leg measurements are tracking at bang on 30 weeks but the stomach was saying 33 weeks..! My stomach is still measuring accurately too, was 30cm today.

So now I have to have a diabetic test as baby plots so large.. doh!
:wacko: that's a serious difference! Techs need to take their time when measuring. Different apps are telling me different things for weight, it's confusing :haha: I hope your test comes out ok. I guess mine did - they never mentioned it after I took it! :shrug:
Thank you! I hope so, I feel like my pregnancy diet is complicated enough as it is! I suffer from bad reflux, so I'm off anything acid or known causes of excess stomach acid. Which is quite frankly a good 60% of foods, especially healthy ones like fruit & veg! I'm then aneamic so trying to up iron in my diet. I take 3 iron tablets a day so need to avoid diary 2 hours either side but then a test came back low on calcium apparently, so then need to squeeze in some yoghurts/milk etc inbetween! But I imagine they'll be off the menu if I need to watch my sugar intake.. :-/ Its all a bit confusing, I spend a lot of time planning meals and timing when I eat things/take meds!

Still, so long as it all keeps baby healthy and me in a reasonable state to give birth and care for her, it'll all be worth it :)

Hope everyone else is plodding along OK! I feel like time has sped up a bit these days, May seems fairly close!
Blah, acid reflux! It's the worse. I had it on the trip back :(

Hopefully you'll be able to get it all worked out!

Oh yeah, and for me, as of 30 weeks baby was turned into the proper position. I thought I felt her doing some crazy flips week 29.
I feel for you folks with restricted diet due to things like acid reflux.

My baby seems to be head down most of the time now, but she's pretty susceptible to gravity. I'll often feel kicks in whatever direction is 'up'. Her head and/or spine seem to face down most of the time. If I'm sitting at work though, she still seems to prefer my right side more often. Looking like I won't have to worry about her being transverse or breech at least.
I take Zantac because reflux is caused by anything I eat at this point. I feel so much better.

I can't figure out if mine is head down or now. I can just tell which side he is on. I'll ask again today at my appt.
My glucose test is tomorrow. My baby was doing some serious flips last night, at one point I thought he might break out through my belly button! I have no idea how he's laying now. I'm looking forward to my appt tomorrow and getting the test overwith
I take Prilosec for my reflux
My midwife said she was head down at our last appointment, said the hard bit I could feel was probably a butt. :haha: Last night I was pretty sure I could feel a foot in her usual butt spot on my right side, so that's good I guess. Trying to stretch out her space? I dunno.
Picked up my iron tablets from the chemist today so I hope they help and a little bit of the tiredness goes away. Also went to the dentist for a check up and all is well, still have a tiny bit of pregnancy gingavitis but he said its not that bad and gave me another perscription for the special mouthwash to help.

I have managed to sleep through the night 2 nights in a row now (apart from my usual bathroom break between 12-1, but fell straight back asleep!)
It has really helped with feeling refreshed and having energy.
Can't believe I am in the final countown now,last 10 weeks!

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