Mid-May buddies!

Mary that's awesome tat you slept through the night? I get up roughly 4-5 times to pee. A night where it's just 1-2 is a great night lol.

Good luck with the glucose test lanet! I was so sure I was going to fail mine, but thankfully all was normal.

Arturia, the doc thought baby was head down on Monday, but we'll find out for sure I guess at our growth check in a week and a half.

Jenzyk, I've been getting some heartburn and reflux, but so far tums have helped. Just gotta carry them with me at all times, never know when it'll hit.
Amanda, I've read/was told in another group that Tums are pregnancy category C so I've been trying to avoid them and just do Zantac as it is category B. They showed pictures of placentas with lots of calcium deposits. If it is just occasional, it shouldn't be too bad, though. I found myself needing a lot.
Mary that's awesome tat you slept through the night? I get up roughly 4-5 times to pee. A night where it's just 1-2 is a great night lol.

Good luck with the glucose test lanet! I was so sure I was going to fail mine, but thankfully all was normal.

Arturia, the doc thought baby was head down on Monday, but we'll find out for sure I guess at our growth check in a week and a half.

Jenzyk, I've been getting some heartburn and reflux, but so far tums have helped. Just gotta carry them with me at all times, never know when it'll hit.

Im usually up every 2-3 hours so not sure why I wasn't! I must have been super tired.
I take Zantac too, I have it on prescription from my doc thankfully so it's free and a stronger dose! I find it works really well for about 5-6 hours, then my reflux is back with avengance! But I'll take anything I can get :)

How was your glucose test Lanet? I had mine yesterday, the drink was gross but otherwise no ill effects thankfully! Just incredibly boring to sit and do nothing for two hours in a hospital waiting room..!

I'm finding it quite hard to work out where on earth baby is..I don't get kicks so much these days, more rolls and extreme wriggling. Today I've had a very hard lump sticking out my belly button. Not sure if a bum or a head! :)
I failed:( just barely but now I have to take the 3 hours test
Baby is head down
Aw, man, lanet! Sorry to hear that. What a pain you have to sit around for the next test :(

Asking for an Rx for zantac is a good idea!
Didn't think of a prescription for Zantac. It was cheap at costco, though.

Lanet, sorry you have to take the 3 hour. :-(
I only ended up with a prescription as I usually take lanzoprazole when not pregnant and I wasn't sure I could continue it. So I went to ask and they swapped me onto Zantac. I have boxes of the stuff in my cupboard as they gave me such a big prescription quantity!

Ohh. Sorry to hear you failed Lanet. :( keep my fingers crossed that one is ok! I don't get my results until Monday.. NHS and all..! If I pass, they don't even bother contacting you according to the blood nurse!
Thanks ladies. It was disappointing but I can't say I'm shocked since I had gestational diabetes with the twins. It will be a huge pain taking the 3 hour test and then if I fail a huge pain taking the class, but I know last time I was diet controlled and it helped me lose weight quickly afterwards so it will be ok. As long as me and baby are healthy!
I also talked to her about my enormous belly. She said my uterus measures right on track but that the twins stretched my abdominal wall so much that there's nothing holding it in, so it just sticks out. Makes sense. My belly and back are starting to hurt a lot at work. I ordered a belly support band and I hope it helps me make it to 36 weeks when I'm taking off!
Ok now I'm freaking out about the Tums. It's only the past 4-5 days that it's been really bad, and I haven't even taken the max dosage (except tonight). Everything I've looked up says they're safe, even a guide for pregnant women on the bottle. But now I'm worried.

Lanet, I'm sorry you failed the glucose test, hopefully the hour test goes well!
I wouldn't worry at all about tums, they are always on my ob safe list and I've taken them with all 3 of my pregnancies.
Lanet, thank you! Hehe I've been frantically googling the past 20 minutes in a state of panic. I needed to hear that someone else's dr has them on the safe list.

That being said, Jensyk I do appreciate the concern and suggestion! I will definitely ask about it at my next appointment in a week.
No! Don't freak out!! It is on safe lists. C is still acceptable. I'd just say if you need anywhere near a max dose, try other things. No need to be miserable and Tums only work a short period of time. Even a small dose of Zantac twice a day has changed everything for me. I had no clue it could calcify a placenta (baby fine!!) until a doula posted pictures of ones she's encapsulated full of calcium from Tums.

For me personally, I had assumed that Tums were the safest option but I am more comfortable with a B category than a C. Everybody is different and has different doctors/midwives though!
I agree that tums work in a pinch but just don't do the job long term. I've had to have a prescription this time and last time.
I eat Rennie like sweets, which I think is the UK equivalent of Tums! Agree, they are a fab quick hit if you need it, which I do regularly! I also use gaviscon at bed time on top of my ranitidine. They all say safe for pregnancy.. hopefully they are!
Thanks!! I don't hit the max dose (for pregnant women) every day, but for sure they're not super long lasting. I will definitely ask about Zantac at my appointment next week! I had avoided bad heartburn until about a week ago, but if it's going to keep up like this I'm going to need a better remedy :)
So glad my heartburn issues are relatively minor. (so far as I can tell, anyways)

My weight on the other hand... anyone else having trouble controlling their appetite? I feel like I can't tell when I'm full anymore and I'm not allowed to skip meals to control intake/keep my stomach sized reasonably so I can eat a ton at once. And meal sizes that used to be just fine leave me feeling distinctly unsatisfied. :( So that plus candy breaks trying to socialize with my husband (I -think- we're doing OK right now?) mean I keep gaining stupid amounts of weight. :cry:
I have gained quite a bit of weight with all of my pregnancies even if I puke all day everyday. I've come to accept that everyone reacts to pregnancy differently. I gain in the very beginning and then slow way down in the end. I'm gaining around a lb a week now which is average I think for 3rd trimester. It does bother me but I just try to make healthy choices however I'm not super strict. I will have to be strict if I fail this next glucose test though! Not looking forward to the test at all.
Arturia, I feel you. I am the same way. I feel like I'm living to eat right now and am snacky all of the time. Even early on in pregnancy when I had major nausea it didn't deter my eating. And my current heartburn/reflux doesn't stop me from wanting lots of food either. I've gained 29 lbs at 30 weeks pregnant... enough for a whole pregnancy already. Oops. My doc encouraged me to avoid gaining in these last 9-10 weeks, so just in the past 4ish days I've been writing down everything I eat and tracking protein and whatnot, trying to reign my appetite of doom. Lol.

I failed my 1 hr glucose test, which also motivated me to do better. Passed the 3 hour though!

For the ladies who've had tums, I have too. I try to just take 1 maybe every 2-3 days, so it's a very minor amount. My OB said it's fine, but like you all said, if it's bad I should consider a prescription for something. Mine is tolerable until I lie down.

Overall, doing well here. Baby boy is at 71st percentile, weighing 3 lbs 12 oz at his 30 week sono. He's majorly active to the point that my whole abdomen is often contorting in huge ways. As for pregnancy complaints, just heartburn, hip discomfort, and major misery sleeping (I often wake at 3 because my hips hurt so much). BUT I'm thankful to still be pregnant as I'm starting to see others go into early labor. So thankful little one is still cooking. We still need to buy clothes, bath stuff, a few swaddle wraps, and a couple minor odds and ends but we're all set on the big stuff, feeding supplies, diapering stuff for the first month, etc.

I left the smaller stuff til the end. I figure I'll wait until after my shower to see how much I have left to get and then get whatever else is needed.

Hope everyone is feeling good and progressing well!
I passed my GTT, phew! Still pretty convinced the ultrasound tech got the stomach measurement wrong, will see what my midwife thinks tomorrow. Never all that reassuring when they say it's a bit of a guess..!

I decided not to weigh myself unless I really need as it just got me down last time I did. I've never regularly weighed myself in life, I prefer to judge myself on how I look/fit in my clothes over my actual weight. So I'll do the same in pregnancy. I still comfortably fit in my size 10-12 maternity clothes, so that's fine by me! I'm trying not to worry too much about weight gain and enjoy the back end of pregnancy and the excuse to eat a few more chocolate biscuits in the day :p I know once baby is here, I'll enivitably start to worry about my weight again!

I'm with you on the sleep Miss Doc, I'm knackered! I dread going to bed as I know I'll just be awake half the night..annoyingly, I can get through the night without needing a wee but I wake up every hour/couple hours either really uncomfortable (the pain is in my ribs for me) or often for no obvious reason at all! :( Ive tried so many combinations of pillows but nothing seems to help very much! I know I shouldn't complain as we all know what's to come but I was hoping to enjoy the last few weeks of sleep! Zzzzz!

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