Mid-May buddies!

I've been sleeping OK at least. Not getting up to pee more than once (and only if I happen to wake up for other reasons) but I'm waking up after dreams and sometimes can't get back to sleep. And then the cat decides he's hungry an hour early every morning and needs to let us know about it. :(

Stop trying to train me for baby, cat! I need sleep while I can get it!
Haha, my cats can be terrors too! Although funnily enough the last couple months my more vocal cat has started waking me up at bang on 7am which is when I need to get up anyway! Just annoying at the weekend! They are going to be very confused when the babies born bless them!
I sleep ok as long as I take unisom, which I was taking for nausea. Last pregnancy I literally didn't sleep at all some nights bc my restless legs were so so bad. It was miserable. I'm so glad to have that under control and I hope it stays that way. I have a toddler that ends up in my bed in the middle of the night and the needs to pee several times but overall I'm sleeping pretty ok.
I was amazed at how much better I slept with newborn twins than I did during pregnancy!
Have you guys decided when to pack a hospital bag? I'm thinking I will around 33/34 weeks.
I keep ordering cute baby clothes but the weather in May can be pretty iffy
Dh is putting together the dresser and bookshelf and then the nursery will be ready for finishing touches. I'll show you a picture when it's done. I'm excited!
Has everyone settled on a name?
I'm sleeping ok, besides getting up to pee a bunch. There have been a few nights where I've been up for an hour or two, but not too often. We just finished our basement, painting the baby's room is next, and we already have most of the furniture.
We have settled on a name :) She will be Brielle. My husband is French so we needed a name that sounded pretty in both languages, where spelling was easy. I also love the nicknames Brie and Belle, so after MONTHS of debating, and feeling like we would never come to an agreement, it's nice that we finally have.
I have been sleeping pretty well the past few nights too.
We have decided on a name for a boy but not for a girl yet.
DH and I are off to Malta for 5 days next week and I am using the bag for the trip before I pack it for hospital but I have a pile of stuff somewhere. If worst comes to worst DH knows the essential things for me (big knickers,nighties,and pads) and he can grab those!
I plan to pack my bag when I finish work at 35 weeks.
Eek! Haven't even thought about bags yet. I took way too much last time.
My nursery won't be done until after the baby shower when I shop for anything remaining that I need.

Hospital bag... I dunno. Seems likely that'll get packed in stages after the shower and when I go on maternity leave.
Oh, I'm jealous of all the sleeping! But glad most people are doing alright with it! :)

Nursery is being done this week for me, eek! My inlaws are arriving tomorrow to do the painting and furniture building, which is very kind!

We have mountains of baby clothes, I've lost track of what we have! At the moment, it's all in a big box on the spare bed! I'm looking forwards to the nursery being done so I can sort it all out! I'm not having a baby shower or anything, so we've been bought stuff by friends and family as we've gone along instead.

Not thought about the hospital bag yet.. will probs do mine once I'm on mat leave, which starts on 01 April! :)

S'all getting quite real now.. !
I didn't have my bag packed when I went into labor early with my daughter, so I want to be prepared early this time. I imagine I have no more than 8 weeks left now. That would be the longest I've gone.
I'm not having a shower but my sister is throwing me a sprinkle, just dinner with friends to celebrate and bring diapers or other necessities. I think it's sweet and it also falls on my birthday weekend in April
Oh I love that - a sprinkle! What a lovely term! :) that sounds very nice! I was debating something similar myself in April but it's both Easter & my mums 60th in April and so there are already two big family get togethers happening, so I'm happy to just see everyone at those!

Ugh, I think baby has wriggled into a squashing my stomach position. I've been feeling so sick the last day or so, particularly after eating! Two mouthfuls and I feel full and queasy! Trying to encourage her to flip back over to the other side, I was quite comfortable with her laying on my right side!
I just finished my 3 hour glucose test. I was sneakily testing with my own meter and I think I passed! I'm waiting for actual results of course. I almost passed out afterwards, I got really sweaty and couldn't think clearly. My sugar was 44! That's so low. I'll be so happy if I passed
Sorry you're feeling sick sonny, my baby has either moved super low or flipped and the movements are more uncomfortable now
Yay Lanet, congrats!!

AFM, I'm waiting on my amazon deliveries to get more work done on the nursery...

Hospital bag, I've been thinking about it - but I'm either going to have to order doubles of the things I like to wear or stop wearing them in order to have them in the bag. I'm torn! I guess it would be a good idea to stock up on pads etc, though the SIL says the hospital will supply some and refill them daily while you're there. I haven't packed anything for the baby yet as far as a coming home outfit - I'm waiting to wash everything until my wardrobe thing arrives. I really want to air out the dresser drawers in the sun before I put anything in there, and since it's been in the negatives and blizzardy here, I guess that will have to wait :rofl:

Definitely feeling rounder and rounder these days.
lanet - Congratz!

Becca - I think with my bag I'm just going to pack whatever outfit is clean at the time. I mean, early labor lasts for hours, so surely I have time to pack a handful of items and toiletries, even if I'm in pain. Heck, I might even have time for a load of laundry, and the movement/bending would theoretically be good for getting her into position. But anything that's not in regular use can go into the bag in advance.

AFM - My last appointment two weeks ago, she appeared to be head down. My appointment yesterday, she is apparently transverse. Ugh. She slid to the side! Now I've got to peruse Spinning Babies to get her back head down. And hope she gets her head stuck this time so she doesn't flip over again. (Admittedly, I still sometimes feel wriggly hands at the bottom of my belly and pain in my cervix, so I actually think the midwife caught a transverse moment and she's just not -always- head down. I still feel her reposition fairly frequently.)

Oh! And yesterday I assembled the crib and tomorrow I'm picking up a dresser/nightstand combo. My hips really felt it this morning as a result.
I didn't have a slow early labor last time so I'm going to have to be mostly ready early. I'm afraid I won't make it to the hospital if second babies are faster. I think my baby has his head on my hip and his back to mine. It makes for tons of movement lol. Hopefully he goes completely head down soon but I like no rib kicks!
I'm also going to make a dash to the hospital in fear of baby coming too soon. And if my water breaks like in the past that's a rush to the hospital too. I plan on having a list with my bag of all the last minute things I need to throw in. And I plan to start shaving my legs daily as I get closer lol
Yes, showers and nice legs from 37 weeks on. :haha: My labor started with my water breaking and contractions were hard immediately.
Haha, I was thinking to myself in the shower this morning at what point I need to actually start shaving my legs on my usual regular basis again and go back to getting my bikini waxing in preparation for labour :) handily, being pregnant has fallen over winter when I care a whole lot less but I do miss keeping up with looking after myself! I doubt I'll care one jot at the time but you know!

Nursery is now done (ish).. hurray! Just decor and a few storage bits to go! :) Baby is laid in such an uncomfortable position at the mo, I'm actually waddling and desperately need a wee constantly if I'm standing up. Marvellous! Does anyone else not really get kicked anymore? I get masses of wriggling (she's like a worm) and squirming but rarely actual kicks anymore! Is that normal?
I get rolls and squirming too now.
I saw the midwife on Sat just gone and baby is head down. She showed me how to find the head vs the bum.
Heartbeat was 133 and fundus was measuring a bit on the smaller side but I have a scan booked next Friday to check placenta position (fingers crossed its moved!) And she said they will check size and fluid level then too, she didn't seem concerned so I l'm not either.
Yes, the worm thing! :haha: Much squirming is happening.

I have a hard enough time shaving at 32 weeks. What kind of pro tips do you have for shaving later on? I'd like to get waxed a couple weeks before, but they don't have any of the waxing places I like nearby and I don't trust any other ones.

Also putting the finishing touches on the nursery here! It's coming out pretty well. My wrists are killing me, though...I have a brace on the right and am now thinking of getting one for the left. So weird!

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