Mid-May buddies!

So I had my growth scan this afternoon, and baby is 5lbs10oz, and measuring 3 weeks ahead. I have to do the 3 hour glucose test tomorrow and go back in another 2 weeks to see my dr and get another growth scan. Also, the dr didn't say anything, but I noticed on the report I had increased fluid. It was 25.2cm. However on the biophysical profile, it says normal, and baby scored 8/8. The only thing dr said was that she's big, which is often caused by gd, so to go do another glucose test. I'm kinda panicking. If the dr didn't specifically mention any concerns about my fluid (even though it's mentioned on the report that it's increased and to check again next scan), and if I only have to go in again in 2 weeks, do you think I'm overreacting by going into panic mode?
Amanda- Weights can be really off at this point. Did you pass the first glucose test?
Yes I did, but they want me to redo it as baby girl's in the 95th %.
With dd I had increased fluids too, "borderline" too much. My water did break early and I think that was the cause. I delivered at 36 weeks 6 days and she was 7lbs 9oz which is big for that gestation.
How many weeks are you?
High fluid is also a sign of diabetes I believe although I didn't have it with that pregnancy. I wouldn't worry too much and definitely wouldn't panic,
Lanet, yes, 25.2 was afi. I know high fluid is also a diabetes sign, so I'm fully expecting to fail the test today. When you google high fluid, you find out all sorts of scary things, which I probably SHOULDN't have done. Ugh, DH calmed me down a bit yesterday saying that I shouldn't worry about fluid if the dr didn't think it was important enough to mention.
Lanet, at 36w6d was everything good with dd? I'm not worried about her coming early, as long as she'll be good when she's out.
Mostly if they come after 34 weeks there's such a low chance of disability that they'll be fine.
Honestly, most babies 30 weeks on do great in my work experience. They just have to feed and grow bigger. At 36 weeks there's always a chance of a short NICU stay. Hope the glucose test goes well and your next scan is great!
Not much to add but my colleague had her baby at 36 weeks recently and baby didn't even have to go to NICU. She weighed 5lbs 5 and was absoloutely fine. She was in hospital for about 5 days though on a normal ward with mum for monitoring.

I was only 5lbs 2 when I was born at 38 weeks and I never went to special care or anything. I was just a scrawny looking thing, my early baby photos are a delight :)

Good luck with the test and hope all is OK!
Dd was totally fine and came home with me. I also googled and scared myself about high fluid, but there were no problems. I think if your Dr saw a problem he would mention it and it seems it might just be sugar related and possibly nothing to worry about at all
My sister thinks I have high fluid now. She's a labor and delivery nurse and says she can always spot it bc they belly is perfectly round like a beach ball. I don't know if that's accurate of course and I doubt I'll have another scan unless I start measuring bigger.
I'm very curious about your glucose test!
Me too! Do you know what your score on the first one was?

Just had a 33wk check up! I finally got the results of my GD test, which is that I scored a 74/140, which I guess is good in that I don't have GD. I've always had borderline low blood sugar, guess I still do.

I asked for another ultrasound, so he said we'd do a growth scan in two weeks, because it *could* be a big baby. I'm pretty sure he was just finding a justification for the scan, but I overthink everything! They haven't mentioned anything about my weight gain, even when I bring up that I'm concerned about it.

Anyway, regardless of how silly it seems, now I'm stressing a bit that the baby is measuring slightly ahead and that I'll have a giant 10lb baby :haha:
Thanks guys! You've definitely calmed me down a bit! I wish I wasn't such a worry wart lol. I guess I will try not to worry unless I'm told to.
Becca im going to tell my ob that I want another ultrasound too! I hate not having a peek since 20 weeks! With the twins I had an ultrasound 3x a week after 27 weeks! I don't want that extreme but just a check on growth would be nice. I'm convinced I'm going to have a giant as well.
I never asked for the specific score of my first test, they just told me it was normal. I'm hoping I can find out the results of the glucose test today!
lanet, 20 weeks, really?? I'm surprised they didn't schedule anything for third tri! I know I started out being considered high risk, but at this point I don't think the miscarriage risk is too high :haha:. I hope they will give you one! They should if you emphasize you're concerned about growth/size...really it seems like they just need an insurance justification.

Amanda, I can't wait to hear how your test went!

Belly is feeling so hard today! Baby's rolling and seriously feels like she's grabbing my right pelvic bone with her little hand or something. Anyone else have a feeling like that?

Also I finally found the May babies group on FB. Didn't know if anyone else was on there, but it's pretty cool, lots of bump pics, etc. It's crazy to see some babies have been born at 32/33 weeks and how...baby-like they look :lol:
I know I'm considered advanced maternal age which is high risk and also history of PPROM so I'm surprised they haven't even scheduled a growth scan. I see my ob Friday so I'll see what she says
I saw my ob today and got my tdap vaccine. She estimates baby to be just under 4lbs. She said I won't get another ultrasound unless something comes up like he starts feeling big to her etc. she said right now he's right on track so I guess I'll sit back and let him be a mystery to me. I can't wait to see him! Hoping to make it 6-7 more weeks!
No news yet, so I'm hoping no news is good news! Tried calling but it's so hard to get through to reception.

Lanet, I hear you on making it at least to 36-37 weeks. I'll be happy with that :) I'm so ready to meet her!

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