OOh, I'm jealous of those of you taking maternity leave before delivery! I love that. I get such a short amount of time off that I'm going to work up to delivery and try to maximize time with little one, but I'd so love to take off a week or two early to just be home and get things done.
All is well here. Next scan in 8 days (next Tues). Baby boy consistently measures on the larger size by 1-2 weeks... can't wait to see if that still holds true next week. I asked my doc to hazard a guess as to birth weight and she said that is always a hit or miss based on so many factors but she did say "I can tell you you're not going to have a small baby", haha. So that's a little scary. When pressed she said she thought the most likely scenario would be 8.5ish lbs.
He's head down and KILLING me with his movements. Tiny baby elbows and knees and feet scraping across my abdomen every time he moves... which is all the time. Lol. But I love it. It's a nice way of always knowing he's there, and real, and healthy.
What I'm not loving is the constant heart burn, terrible sleep, and hip/lower back pain!
Major nesting mode hit me, too. I don't know if it's because baby is coming or because we'll have guests this weekend (my shower!) and likely after baby is born, but I've been on a massive cleaning streak. And trying so hard to get a ton done at work to make things easier for me to be on leave when little one comes. I just want all of my ducks to get in a row, darnit!
Hope all of you ladies are doing well!