Mid-May buddies!

It'll fly round I'm sure! :) glad to hear everyone's babies are behaving and going head down.. hopefully they'll stay that way! Can't be much room in there now, my stomach feels so stretched and sore inside! I'm slightly concerned baby still has 6 weeks to grow!
OOh, I'm jealous of those of you taking maternity leave before delivery! I love that. I get such a short amount of time off that I'm going to work up to delivery and try to maximize time with little one, but I'd so love to take off a week or two early to just be home and get things done.

All is well here. Next scan in 8 days (next Tues). Baby boy consistently measures on the larger size by 1-2 weeks... can't wait to see if that still holds true next week. I asked my doc to hazard a guess as to birth weight and she said that is always a hit or miss based on so many factors but she did say "I can tell you you're not going to have a small baby", haha. So that's a little scary. When pressed she said she thought the most likely scenario would be 8.5ish lbs.

He's head down and KILLING me with his movements. Tiny baby elbows and knees and feet scraping across my abdomen every time he moves... which is all the time. Lol. But I love it. It's a nice way of always knowing he's there, and real, and healthy.

What I'm not loving is the constant heart burn, terrible sleep, and hip/lower back pain!

Major nesting mode hit me, too. I don't know if it's because baby is coming or because we'll have guests this weekend (my shower!) and likely after baby is born, but I've been on a massive cleaning streak. And trying so hard to get a ton done at work to make things easier for me to be on leave when little one comes. I just want all of my ducks to get in a row, darnit!

Hope all of you ladies are doing well!
I have been in nesting mode too but I can't remember if it happens this early?? I have cleaned things I haven't thought to clean in years!! And organized closets and scrubbed bathrooms!
I'm working up to delivery as well to maximize my time off!

8.5lbs, miss doc! Well, that's not *terrible* - like people have been saying to me, they aren't great at predicting size before delivery. Plus, maybe an extra pound or two wouldn't make that much of a difference in the pain we feel etc. I'm hoping, anyway.

Had to start taking zantac for the heart burn, it got so bad I couldn't sleep and was coughing. Ugh.

Hope everyone's week is starting out well! We have probably our last scan tomorrow and a baby shower on friday. Not feeling great today, some kind of head cold or sinus thing, ugh. Still, the sun is shining, flowers are coming up, and it might actually be kind of warm today, so that's got me in a pretty good mood :)
It's a lovely day where I am too :) can't complain at all for a first day of mat leave! I decided to get started on washing the baby clothes, nice to hang them outside for a change!

I have so much respect for you ladies working right up, you are super women! Hope it goes quickly and as painlessly as possible for you! We are definitely very lucky with maternity leave in the UK!
I'm self employed so I can take off whenever, but I won't be paid and I'll be leaving my clients with a substitute so I'm trying to make it short. I figure if I take off at 36 weeks I'll likely only have a week before baby is born but who knows! I'd like 8 weeks off after.
It's a little rainy here but still pretty nice out. I have my "sprinkle" Saturday and I got a car seat, swing, and bassinet this weekend so really I'm all set. All in need is a name!
Sonny, yes, I wish I could hang things outside!! I wasn't even able to air the dresser drawers out here with the weather as it was until today! Now of course I'm working...

And yes! The UK/Canada's maternity leave definitely makes the US look bad. Our whole healthcare system is just a mess as far as priorities go, but we make do with what we have! Honestly I'm worried about being gone longer because of the mess I'll have to come back to and fix, lol.

Yay, Lanet! Can't wait to hear how the sprinkle goes :) Sounds like you're pretty much ready!
Aww, looks like a lot of us are having sprinkles/showers in the upcoming week or so. How exciting!
Hey girls! So we finally have nursery ready, and I think we've purchased all we need! 34+1 today! Had a scan and appointment, baby's still measuring very big, (6lbs6oz) but she's healthy and I'm healthy, so dr says we'll check her again at 38 weeks, but there's no reason for now to think she'll come early or need a c section, so that's good! I was born 2 weeks early and was 8lbs7oz, so she's kinda following in my footsteps for now.
Heartburn is rough, but thankfully Zantac really helps.
I can't believe how close we're getting!!
Yay for all the fun showers coming up. That was fun with my first. I think I did most of my organizing nesting while I was in the 20s. haha. I bugged the crap out of my husband while I did it. Zantac is my friend too. I don't really get much of a maternity leave but that's because I only work part time/required 16 hours a month. They will make me go back at about 6 weeks but I'll do tiny shifts and the minimum.
Thankgod for Zantac.

Heartburn in pregnancy is so unpredictable. It doesn't follow the normal rules for me. I'll eat a ham sandwich and be crippled with heartburn but for example, I ordered a much spicier than expected meal on Friday when out for dinner and no increase in heartburn at all! You'd think Diet Coke would give me bad heartburn but it doesn't. Water on the other hand really does?! I've given up trying to work it out, I just eat what I fancy!
Sonny, same here! Water is bad, as are granola bars I've noticed. However ate a spicy Thai meal the other day while I was suffering, and it actually helped?! Very bizarre.
Now that I've found the cure in Zantac, I just eat whatever.
I went to hospital last night after 3 hours of contractions 10 minutes apart. Of course when I got there they all but stopped. I'm sure my poor uterus is just worn out after the twins. They checked my cervix and I'm still traumatized! I should've stayed home. It made me panic thinking I have to go do this for real soon
Glad it was nothing, Lanet...scary, it's really not far off for us now!

Zantac is amazing. The HB is weird...I can eat the same thing one day and be fine, then eat it the next and be dying for hours. Go figure.

Had a good scan today, baby is measuring 5lb 5oz at 35 weeks. They did say my BP was borderline high which worries me, but they just said come back next week. I've had low bp this whole pregnancy. We have cuffs here at work somewhere if I get paranoid, lol. Of course I hit Dr. Google and now I am freaked out about HELLP and Pre-E. It just seems like it can all happen so fast!
My nursery is all but finished too. I feel ALMOST 'ready for baby's first day home'. All I want is a few cloth wipes and a bin to hold the wet bag for my brand new cloth diapers. (which I need to strip, but that's just work.) Her bed is ready, her dressers are filled with clothes and blankets and etc. (she has tons of onesies and barely any sleepers until she grows a bit, but I will be trying swaddling first before buying her more clothes.) There's a bit of additional decoration I'd like to do but that's fluff.

I feel lucky to be getting virtually no heartburn. Though I suffer at the other end to make up for it. Couple days ago I felt awful and woke up with a crampy feeling, was scared that was it, she was coming. Turns out it was just another nightmareish BM.
I had a scan last Friday and my low lying placenta has moved up! So I don't need to have a c section.
Baby was in the proper position and measuring average on everything. The sono estimated 7 lbs at 40 weeks.

I have been having the stabby cervix pains for 2 days now and lots of watery discharge. My bump has also dropped slightly and I can now breath again! Still waiting for the big drop though!
Next week is my last week of work! Ready to meet baby now :)
The restless legs from hell have started for me:( I can't sleep or nap. I thought I was getting lucky this pregnancy as it happened about 10 weeks earlier with the twins. I don't know what to do!
Hi my lovelies!

I have been useless and absent and I have missed this little group.

Mary HOORAY on not having to have a section! That is truly fab news.

Lanet restless legs sounds like absolute hell -I am so sorry you have to go through it :( I am like Art suffering with BMs -I swear it's natures way of preparing us for the pushing stage of labour! I think I should be pro by now ugh!

Becca my bub is also measuring at 2.5kgs (that was last week at 34 weeks) and I go in again next week at 36 weeks.

My OBGYN was so amazing at my last appointment. Normally they just quickly rush through and measure head, belly, femur, check heartbeat and off you go home, but he was so kind and gave me a whole bunch on medically unnecessary sneak peaks of my little one; I told him I loved the "potty shot" (actually I was hankering at getting another look to make sure she is still a girl!) and he showed me the "coffee bean" and then from another angle the "hamburger". He also let me watch her little face for a while and see her opening and closing her mouth. Bliss!

Otherwise I am more excited than ever for labour -my first was a section, 2nd was a highly medicated and assisted vaginal birth and for this one I am hoping to try do things on my own without pain relief. My doc says baby and my body are measuring perfectly for an easy delivery and he thinks it will be a quick labour. I think I won't last the full 40 weeks. But knowing that this is my last pregnancy I am not in a rush -hanging on to the incredible bond of just you and baby -a little team of two.
Thats wonderful! Danny! I am hoping my birth goes quicker this time and I'm going to ask my dr what she thinks with it being so recent since I had the twins. I am getting very excited as well! I cannot believe it's almost time! I had my sprinkle this weekend and ordered baby a going home outfit.

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