Mid-May buddies!

What is the standard length of stay for a vaginal birth for you guys? I think recently they've changed it here to 24 hours instead of 48 so that will be nice
We went for the icandy raspberry as we live in London and its an 'urban pram' https://www.icandyworld.com/uk/en/collections/raspberry.html

Lanet I think it depends on the hospital and where you give birth. I am hoping to use the midwife led unit and they said if you have the baby in the morning there is no reason why you can't go home in tbe evening.
If you have the baby in the more medical unit with doctors I think you stay at least 24 hours.
In the US, you have to stay at least 24 hours for the baby to get the hearing screen/metabolic screen. Well, at least on my hospital. Not sure how a birthing center would do it as that's not allowed in my state.

The cafeteria food at my hospital is pretty good but the food on the tray is awful.
Where I am (qc, Canada) vaginal birth is 24-36 hours depending on dr and mom/baby. C-section is 3 days.
I have no idea what the hospital food is like, nor do I know what snacks to bring. There's a subway, and various coffee shops in the hospital though, so we should be good to find some good food if the hospital tray food sucks.
Hey there ladies, so nice to read everyone's updates and hear how babies are doing! Isn't it wild that we're in the home stretch! Our babies are now to a much "safer" stage... and some of them could truly come any minute!

I can totally relate to the pregnancy clumsiness someone mentioned! I feel like I run into things constantly and have little bruises pop up here and there all over as proof of my clumsiness. Lol.

And nice to see what everyone's packing, too. I've started on my hospital bag. At the last minute I'll add comfy clothes to wear about the hospital after delivery and on the way home (probably stretchy flowy skirts and loose tops), some comfy pjs, and a robe for after delivery, and my hair curler and makeup, as well as phone and iPad. Everything else is in there. I have so far: My own labor gown and robe, non-slip socks and flip flops, a bralette and undies to wear in the tub in case I'd like to get in for awhile for pain relief, hair clips, general toiletries, hair dryer, granny panties and pads for post delivery, cooling Tucks and dermaplast to help with post delivery pain, ear buds to listen to music, and a towel from home.

In baby's diaper bag I have a couple onesies/sleeper gowns with little hats and mitts, a blankie, and I may bring a nursing pillow.

Need to get the carseat installed too!

I'm crazy busy at work pretty much up to 39 weeks, so really hope the baby doesn't come before that, even though I'm already feeling like there's no way he can stay in there that long. He's a big boy already, and every time he moves I get shooting pains vaginally. Not fun.

Oh, Lanet, my hospital's standard is 48 hrs for a vaginal birth, BUT if all is well and you request it you can leave after 24 as long as they've done all important tests and the pediatrician has rounded on the baby.
You def seem to get longer stays over in North America! Quite a few people I know have been out the same day in my local hospital if they gave birth in the morning! My sister in law was crazy quick - first baby, went into hospital at 7am having laboured to 9cm at home, gave birth at 9am and was discharged at 2pm! :-o

My hospital won't discharge anyone after 7pm, so if you give birth later in the day you'll probs end up in overnight.

Think I'd quite like at least 24 hours just for some support with it being my first! But i guess we'll see how it all goes.. !
I'd love to be able to leave after 24 hours if possible, I think that's the minimum here in NY for vaginal birth. I just printed out five copies of my "birth preferences" for the hospital. I figured that's better than calling it a plan :haha:
Ha ha I am the opposite! I am looking forward to my hospital stay like a hotel holiday sojourn! I think we can get discharged after 48 hours with vaginal birth but if I can I want to stay for 3 nights! With my c-section I was so silly and left early after barely a day and a half but it was Christmas!! I was so lonely and bleak. This time I'm anchoring in!

I also have those fold down yoga pants from last time Lanet -they are sooo good. Even though I bounce back quite quickly after a few weeks there is certainly no hiding that monstrous flabby belly that is so swollen you look at least 6 months preg for at least 5 days. Loose flowy tops are a must.

We get a whole maternity bag gifted to us through my medical aid which has all the pads nappies creams etc but I am definitely being smart this time and using normal ultra thin ultra absorbent normal pads and not those mattress maternity pads that I thought you HAD to wear. Normal pads work just as well and are MUCH more comfy.

My pelvic pain is hitting an all time high today. We are having an unseasonal heat wave too and I actually cried crossing the park to fetch DS1 today. Hormones heat and feeling sorry for myself only getting a parking spot miles away from the school gate.

Having hair highlighted tomorrow. I also want a proper wax full Monty for my Queen Victoria. Then I am ready! Bring on the baby!!
I'm getting my wax in an hour! I'm so nervous for sone reason! I've only ever done it myself but now I can't reach
I'm also restless and nauseated and just so ready for this all to be over.
I feel you Lanet! Anytime now baby is just fine with me!

I haven't scheduled a wax although I've been debating it but I have given in and decided to dye my hair! It was looking rubbish and all the advice suggests it's perfectly safe to do so! The smell isn't helping my nausea though.. it's gross!

Nesting is at all time high :) I'm hoovering every 5 minutes .. my OH thinks I've gone bonkers! Our car really needs a clean out inside and it's honestly stressing me out knowing it's not clean :) normally I wouldn't care at all..! My OH has the car in the week for work though so it'll have to wait until the weekend!
My wax is done and I'm so glad, it wasnt bad at all
My twins destroy my house daily but I have done the deep cleaning. I also got my oil changed and they clean the car too so now it's all clean! I don't know how long it will last though. I have an appt tomorrow and then I start weekly appts.
Baby is head down and really low so unlikely to flip. I'm measuring 35 weeks so pretty close
I keep expecting to log in to some new babies :).
I spent the day in the hospital but no baby. I was having a really bad stomach ache today and suddenly it moved down low and wrapped around my back. It was SEVERE. I was lightheaded and had chills and couldn't even walk. They said I was also having contractions 2-10 minutes apart but not dilating. They think maybe a virus? They gave me fluids and iv meds. I'm still sore but not nearly as bad. It was not fun! At least with contractions there's a break in between
I keep expecting some exciting news here too you guys are almost there!
I think I had food poisoning yesterday and was having contractions. I had sudden nausea at some awful hour. Hurt a loooot. But I hopped in the bath for instant relief though it took 3 hours before I felt up to hopping out. So tired today. In bed early.

Would have called the midwife had it not settled, but it did.
Sorry to hear you've not been well Lanet & Arturia :( that does not sound nice! Hope you are both on the mend ASAP!

I thought I might be getting some early contractions yesterday evening, some much more painful than usual tightenings that made me get up and walk around. They were quite frequent and short though, every few minutes for 20 seconds, so that made me think maybe it was something else. They had eased off back to Braxton Hicks by bedtime..

Has anyone else got a really sore stomach all the time? I'm thinking it's maybe my digestive system being so squashed! It honestly feels like it's bruised in there :( it's crazy how much your stomach & intestines get moved and squashed up when you are pregnant - It's surprising they still function OK!
Hey girls! Sorry you guys are feeling so yucky lanet and Arturia. Hope you're feeling a bit better!
My stomach doesn't hurt, but I'm getting BH like crazy, and probably 1-2 contractions a day that are quite painful. Baby definitely feels like she's moved down though, as my waddle has become much more prominent. I had an appointment on Friday, and everything is good. Going for another scan next Monday, and if they feel she's getting too big they'll induce me to try and avoid a c-section. Getting VERY excited that she will be here likely within the next 3 weeks! Pretty much she can come anytime now and the dr will be happy. My hospital bag is pretty much packed, just don't know what to bring as snacks.
Friday night I had a scare, as I tripped and fell, and busted my knees up pretty bad. I called L&D and they had me go in to be monitored. Did an u/s, hooked me up to the monitor, and gave me another win-rho shot since I'm A-, but after 2 hours sent me home saying everything looked fine. I'm such a klutz, I'm actually surprised this is the first fall I've had all pregnancy!
Oh no falling is scary amanda! Glad you checked out ok!
Sonny I can't really help bc I'm sore all over from yesterday, but I don't think I was sore before that.
I'm wondering which of us will be the first to deliver? 2 weeks from now will be the farthest I've ever made it!
My contractions are very painful now but I'm sure it's because my stomach is already sore. Just makes it all more confusing.
Ooh Amanda, that sounds painful! Glad all is OK!

The waiting is so weird at this stage! I'm so excited, impatient and also really quite nervous! It's really quite odd just waiting for a lot of pain to start.. I just want to get it over & done with it! Although I'm just waiting on the results of a Step B test, so if you could just hang on in there until I have those results please baby! :)
I was just telling the nurse that I've never gotten those results back before baby came and have always had to be treated like I had it. They are doing it a little early this Friday so hopefully I'll have them this time

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