Mid-May buddies!

Aww, it sounds like everyone's getting to the uncomfortable stage of being pregnant! I keep expecting to see a baby announcement on here, too!

Last wednesday I started losing pieces of my mucus plus, and then yesterday I lost more and this time it had strings/tinges of blood in it. Exciting! I know that can happen weeks before delivery, but it still makes me feel like things are happening! Today I'm having some mild menstrual-y like sensations. Not real cramps and nothing I would call a contraction... just this feeling like you get when you know your period is coming. Weird. I hope this baby stays in 2 more weeks! I'd love to be at 38.5 rather than 36.5 when he comes.
Miss Doc, I've been having similar pain! Also a bit of spotting (brown blood) on Saturday. Friday my BP was high and I got stuck going to L&D to be monitored for 4 hours, but they said I was fine and let me out. Just some pain here and there, sore hips, and lots of BH. Ready for things to happen!
Jeepers ladies it's all happening!

Lanet you poor thing, you really have had it rough in the past and now all of this too! And you other honeys I am so sorry it's been so rough.

It does sound like we are all going through the exact same kind of motions -I am 37 weeks and feel overdue already! I have been convinced this baby is coming early and it doesn't help that everyone agrees. Even my mom who would NEVER normally say anything has been thinking next week. I'm thinking 7/8 May which will be a week early.

With both DSs I had zero cramping in the weeks leading up to birth. Only 24 hours before labour began I had strong menstrual cramps every 10 minutes for the whole day/night until the real deal begun. So now I've been convinced it's about to kickstart only to have it die down and the day to go on as normal.

I've my baby shower on Sunday and am so excited! It's at a surprise venue organized by 4 of my friends. I feel so spoilt already! Then at least I can finish packing my hospital bag once I know about baby's going home outfit ...
I've just woken up with contractions every 3-5 minutes. I'm sure I'll write back in the morning and say they stopped but I'm concerned because I've never had them wake me up. It's been almost an hour. I'm going to call soon. Gosh I hate all this false labor stuff and also I was hoping to have at the least 1 more week. My twins were born at this exact gestation to the day and my boy had to go to nicu for 10 days. Will update soon hopefully saying all is well and they stopped!
I was having my regular Braxton hicks all evening before bed but that's a common thing for me
Hope you are ok Lanet! Let us know how you get on.. I'm sure whatever happens, your little one will be OK!

Coincidentally, I've also been up overnight with contractions that actually woke me up. I also had an upset stomach overnight, so I was wondering if it might be the start of something.. but it seems to have calmed down again this morning. Just mild cramping now. Wonder if I the upset stomach is unrelated and just causing everything to spasm & hurt! Or maybe just more false labour stuff.. my midwife said it can go on for weeks!
How funny we are both up! I hope your upset stomach feels better.
It's 5am now, this started at midnight. Still holding every 4 minutes. I took Tylenol and a bath. I even started some laundry. I've been trying to sleep and can drift off just to wake up to one and see it's 4 minutes later
The nurse on call said they won't stop labor for me now so to just wait until they are very painful. I have a dr appt in about 4 1/2 hours anyway so unless something changes I'll just wait and have her check me.
Good luck you too!!! Lanet, hope they stop for you, but 35 weeks is generally safe from what I hear and I'm sure your little one will be ok if this is in fact true labour!
Sonny, keep us updated!

I keep hoping to go into labour, but so far just lots of BH and the occasional painful contraction. Got a scan and appointment Monday (38+1) to check size and see if I need to be induced.
Oh my gosh they stopped at 6:30 am!! So I got no sleep last night, and for no reason!! What is my body doing??
I'm glad they stopped for you. Even a couple more days would help prevent nicu time. Silly body for not letting you sleep at all :-(.

I had a few painful contractions last night and tossed and turned most of the night. I think I still have a bit though. I have absolutely no desire to be induced.
I'm dilated to 1. Which isn't much but does make me feels like at least those contractions did something and I'm not crazy ha! 1 week and 4 days until baby would be term! I think I'm going to make it!
I thought I might have been having contractions last night. Dunno. Just woke up with regular belly aches. It also sort of resembled hunger, I was tempted to get up and eat, but then I fell back asleep.

I'm already term, so this baby girl could come at any time. Also good we made it past my husband's 'hard to get out of work' weeks, so any time in the next 2 weeks and he can ditch if he needs to. :haha: No idea how dilated I am, midwife may check at my next visit but she's going to give me the 'risks' rundown and let me decide.

We still need a middle name, omg. My original name had a... problem. So we've got to switch it, but I don't have any ideas and dh isn't offering any. :(

I'm so sensitive I cry over everything right now. Intellectually I find it really obnoxious, especially when I have to try to rationally explain to myself WHY THIS ISN'T SAD or worth crying over.
I'm with you on the emotional-ness! I cry at everything! I was watching a vetinary programme this evening and I cried because the vet made a dog able to run again! I find it quite amusing though!

Is there a similar name you could use for a middle name? We've only just decided on one. We very originally googled what middle name goes with our first name and found one we liked that way!
We have a middle name and no first name!
No middle name here and I'm a big cry baby at times.

I haven't been checked but they offer. Maybe this coming one I will but I haven't decided.
We have a first name but also no middle name yet. I'm not too too worried about it though!
Still no labor for you ladies getting super close?
Is arturia due first? Then who? I'm last as I'm due May 30.
Nothing to report here.. 11 days til due date.. no sign of loosing any mucus plug etc .. usual Braxton Hicks, sometimes they are really quite painful and strong but never for long. Otherwise, just baby head butting my cervix and being uncomfortable! Mind you, if this little one is anything like me, she'll be as late as possible! As someone who's not really enjoyed pregnancy, I'm pretty convinced it'll drag on as long as is possible.. :)
I get a lot of braxton hicks and I am so puffy. My first came at 38.4 so we shall see I guess. I feel crappy today. My husband took some full term maternity pictures today. Can't wait to see them.

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