Mid-May buddies!

Oh hey, I guess I might be first, yeah. I'm due on the 7th. The midwife said since I'm a FTM I'll probably go a bit late. I'm sort of -hoping- for next Monday or Tuesday since dh will spend a couple days at home with me then. (and I can finish cleaning the house) Then again, I am as ever worried how he'll take to fatherhood, so maybe I'd prefer the weekend, ha.

I haven't really had any signs besides those I've mentioned. She sure is wiggling a lot lately though. Hard to imagine that she won't be wiggling inside me soon, but outside. :wacko: I'm looking forward to getting my body back (I like being able to move faster than a slow waddle while my husband teases me, thanks) but less looking forward to losing out on all my personal time, heh.
I'm so with you, art! I'm due the 9th, but who knows what will happen. Everyone is all over me, asking how I'm feeling, etc. I'm also looking forward to having my body back to myself, though also feel kind of content to be as I am for now. According to the OB, 1.5cm dilated and fully effaced as of last Wed. Lots of fluid retention and borderline BP, so I have to lie down all day twice a week or be put on hospital bed rest (nooo...!).

Any more contractions for you ladies? I think I had one last night but I was half awake and it was very mild. The pain held for about 30 seconds, though, which is yet another new and different sensation. Hopefully more dilation! Oh yeah, MP came out last week after my exam, but I know they can grow back etc. There was blood, but I think perhaps more as a result of the exam than anything else.
Becca that sounds promising! I continue to contract regularly but nothing like the other night. No sign of mucus plug either. I can't wait to have my body back, eat normally, carry toddlers, and start running again. This is hard!
Wow, congrats on all the progress ladies! Effacement and dilation already! Glad things settled down Lanet. It is so frustrating how you can have all these active things happen and then stop and then continue and stop. For weeks!

I have been so patient all pregnancy. Truly I've held on to the special feelings despite all the difficult ones. But now. I. Am. Ready! I am so impatient I could cry. Which I do anyway -yes those emotions all over the place ha ha.

I keep getting so excited whenever I feel the tiniest twinge. When baby headbuts my cervix I think surely my water will break any minute. When I have a cramp from rolling over I think, here it starts yipeeee! Nothing.

I am 38 weeks today. See my gynae tomorrow morning and I know he will scan me and say how healthy everything is looking and send me off till next week. Which is perfect and normal I'm not due for 2 more weeks but I feel overdue already! I am just so impatenitn to meet my little girl!

We have a middle name and are not even CLOSE to getting a first name. I can name 20 boys but no girls.
Oh I have several girl names but we cannot agree on a name for our boy!! And I feel you, although I'm early I'm even more impatient knowing all of my others were born early. I just don't know what to expect. Once I reach 37 weeks I'm going to be really impatient!
They weren't wrong when they said the end of pregnancy would drag huh! I get such bad cramps from rolling over too Dannypop!

This little one is bothering me with movement. She has days where she moves very noticeably a lot of the day. Then suddenly has a day where she's really quiet :-/ She does still move, just a lot less. I have to give her a good poke or drink some Coke to get her to shift! It seems to just be her thing, it happens every 2/3 days but it's very disconcerting! I don't know if it's normal or something I should maybe get checked..? :-/
Sonny my sister is a labor and delivery nurse and says as long as you count 10 movements in a 2 hour period then it's ok even if it's less than usual. Of course if you are concerned then you can get checked!
That's good to know! Thanks Lanet! I'd say if I have a drink and sit and concentrate on movement, I do usually get 10 jabs of some kind! She's been very quiet all day today but is now having a party in there..! Its like she tires herself out being super active and then sleeps for a day! Mind you, it's exactly what I do after a busy couple days so maybe she's just being lazy like me :)
Yes that sounds like me too. I have no energy to even move and the will suddenly start cleaning everything. I just organized my cabinets! I'm having a big increase in discharge suddenly.
Busy day in here. I did 8h worth of housecleaning today. Deep cleaned the kitchen, washed the main floor windows, swept under all the furniture. Only thing dh helped with is moving the stove... it was gross underneath. And now I'm enjoying my reward which is just a can of pop and sitting down lol. (I did take a two hour break where we went out and had nice burgers and milkshakes at a restaurant! Yummy! Probably the last date before she arrives, but our anniversary is in July.)

Didn't expect to still be this capable at 39 weeks. Huh.
I am still around too, 38 weeks tomorrow.
I seem to get cramps for a few hours and then they go away, this has been going on for 10 days or so.
Baby still feels high and I can still walk (just!) So I don't think s/he has engaged.
Seeing my midwife on Sat morning for my 38 week appt.
She told me our trust induces at 12 days over which gives us a date of 29 May,bank holiday weekend here. At least I know that baby WILL arrive this month.
lanet, me too on the discharge!

I'm still puttering around the house a bit and working but I don't know that I'd call it capable! Baby is still sitting high up there.
Me three on the discharge.. it's annoying! But I'm hoping a good sign as I've not really had anything else!
I want a sign so bad. I'm so ready!!
Omg I'm also with you ladies on the discharge! I change my undies like 2-3 times a day just to be comfortable. Also getting MAJORLY hot, it's insane, pretty much I always feel gross lol.
Had my scan and appointment yesterday. 38+1 and baby girl is weighing an estimated 9lb1oz already!! Dr checked my cervix, and it's still pretty closed and high so she won't induce me yet. Since we're both healthy and baby's doing well, she said she'd rather wait until the 15th (EDD is the 14th) to discuss induction or c section at that point. I asked why they wouldn't induce me early, to avoid a c section, and she said that studies show that if you're induced when the cervix is not optimal, then it almost always leads to an emergency c section. I totally trust her, but I'm terrified that my options might be birthing a 10lb+ baby or a c section. I'm hoping and praying that she decides to make her appearance sooner! I'm SO ready. Anyone know anyone who gave birth to huge babies and how that went? I'm thinking it's time for me to start walking more and hopefully getting this show started lol.
Amanda, the scan could be up to 1 lb+ off so there's still a good chance that she's not too big. For the most part, baby fat squishes so you can do it still!! Walking, sex, EPO could help get your cervix at least favorable for induction.
Amanda I'm scared of a big baby too, I'm going to ask my dr what her estimate is Friday. My brother was 10lbs and my mom said it hurt just like her 7 lb babies. I guess it just depends on if your pelvis is big enough. Mine have always been big for gestation so I imagine if I go a few more weeks he will be huge.
Omg I'm also with you ladies on the discharge! I change my undies like 2-3 times a day just to be comfortable. Also getting MAJORLY hot, it's insane, pretty much I always feel gross lol.
Had my scan and appointment yesterday. 38+1 and baby girl is weighing an estimated 9lb1oz already!! Dr checked my cervix, and it's still pretty closed and high so she won't induce me yet. Since we're both healthy and baby's doing well, she said she'd rather wait until the 15th (EDD is the 14th) to discuss induction or c section at that point. I asked why they wouldn't induce me early, to avoid a c section, and she said that studies show that if you're induced when the cervix is not optimal, then it almost always leads to an emergency c section. I totally trust her, but I'm terrified that my options might be birthing a 10lb+ baby or a c section. I'm hoping and praying that she decides to make her appearance sooner! I'm SO ready. Anyone know anyone who gave birth to huge babies and how that went? I'm thinking it's time for me to start walking more and hopefully getting this show started lol.

My sister had un ultrasound at 40+6 which estimated her baby to be 10lbs 15oz! She went back the next day for a c-section and he was 9lbs 7oz but extremely long with big shoulders and they needed to use foreceps to get him out, it would have likely ended up a c-section regardless. She lives in Montreal (I know you are in QC) and had her baby at the JGH and said her care was amazing and she would do it again.
I feel so nauseated most days. It is hard to get much done.
Oh man, pregnancy is getting exhausting, isn't it ladies?

I'm making progress though. He's low and engaged, 80% effaced, and 2-3 cm dilated as of yesterday (a week ago it was just 1, so yay for changes). I've lost most of my mucus plug, and have been spotting constantly and feeling menstrual-y. Doctor thinks he's not going to make it to my due date of 5/18, and I'm okay with that! She said she thinks another week or so, but not to be surprised if it happens this week. Exciting stuff!

I feel like I've slacked off on my crazy long to do list, especially to wrap up work, so I need to get on that ASAP so I don't feel so frazzled if he does make his appearance very quickly.

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