Mid-May buddies!

Miss doc that's exciting! Sounds like it could be any second!
My midwife cancelled yesterday due to another client's water breaking, had to go immediately to the hospital. :| So I guess I might find out tomorrow how I am, after the discussion anyways.

In the meantime, after Monday's chorefest, it feels like she's all down in my hips. Even sitting around is a little uncomfortable. I hope she waits a bit longer, I still need to get the upstairs windows done, wash some baseboards, and finish my weekly chores. Today is 'tons of lasagna for storage' day.
Oo. My freezer is full of lasagne as well :-D and chilli..! Hoping it'll help us not just eat junk food for the first week or so!
Oooh, Lasagna. That's a good idea. I'll be getting it from Costco, though. :haha:
Ive made tons of stuff too, hope I actually want to eat it afterwards!
They weren't wrong when they said the end of pregnancy would drag huh! I get such bad cramps from rolling over too Dannypop!

This little one is bothering me with movement. She has days where she moves very noticeably a lot of the day. Then suddenly has a day where she's really quiet :-/ She does still move, just a lot less. I have to give her a good poke or drink some Coke to get her to shift! It seems to just be her thing, it happens every 2/3 days but it's very disconcerting! I don't know if it's normal or something I should maybe get checked..? :-/

I find the strangest thing gets my little one to move -when I tickle my belly! It works every single time. She obviously reacts to my reaction of liking the sensation.
Midwife said I'm 2-3 cm dilated, fairly soft, but still fairly long (not a lot of effacement I suppose?) and cervix still facing posterior. No estimations on size at this point or anything. Internal exam hurt more than I expected and started a couple cramps. Also I am spotting a bit. Midwife said there was a bit of blood on the glove. Hmm.
Oh, good dilation ladies! Things are moving forwards! I hate not knowing what's going on in there.. I wish they checked in the UK! I should be offered a sweep on Tuesday, so I imagine I'll get some information then hopefully!

Good luck for progress over the weekend everyone! One of us has to pop soon :-D
Arturia, spotting is common with exams. I hear they hurt a lot. I don't remember them hurting but I was in labor with checks.

Sonny, here they offer but I've declined so far. I don't want to be disappointed lol.
Arturia those exams hurt soooo bad! And yes spotting is common. I was still very posterior while in labor so that doesn't necessarily mean anything. It's got to be any second for you I would think!
Hi ladies, i keep checking in though havent been on to post in ages. Pregnancy with an 18mo just isnt fun.

Im 38+3 today.. They tried to do an internal but babes head it soooo low she couldnt even reach my cervix.. And trust me she tried lol.. Feel crampy now but dont expect any movement given they couldnt do a sweep or anything. So no indication of where im at.

Hope you guys see some progress soon! Best of luck for quick and safe arrivals of your babes
Having a 3 year old is tiring enough. I can't imagine an 18 month old! Hopefully not too much longer!
2 year old twins and a teenager here. It's not for the faint of heart!
Aghhh. Is anyone else getting fed up with family either asking 'when is baby coming then?' or 'it's time she came' or 'come on baby, we are waiting'..!!

It is all from a place of caring and excitement, I know that, I'm not really cross. But I also know that she's not here yet and I have no idea when she is going to come! I'm not even at my due date yet, give her more time! Sighh...
I think with it being my second, people mostly are leaving me alone but I'm only 38 weeks. Strangers have been asking me when I'll pop in the last week or 2. That is pretty obnoxious.
With it being my 4th I'm saying those things to myself daily lol
Today I am still a 1 and 60% effaced which isn't much at all. I'm measuring 38 weeks. The dr estimated by feel that the baby is just under 6 lbs. so I need to be patient and let him get bigger. Going earlier with the others has messed with my head and made me so impatient like I'm getting an extra month of pregnancy. I really need to get past 38 weeks.
Sonny yes yes yes. Seriously, my MIL is calling every other day. My mom is bugging me a bit but not too much. My brother keeps texting me. I'm sick of it, I'll let you all know when I'm in labor, jeez. (My MIL even annoyed me to find out the results of my cervix check which I told the midwife her questions were a little creepy... they are)
Lanet you've just pinpointed how I'm feeling! Because DS2 was a week early I have expected from when the stick was still drying that this one would come early too. I'm 39 weeks on Monday and feel overdue! I keep getting cramps and twinges and am convinced it's the start of something, only to have it fizzle out within 30 mins.

I've had my wax, my bag is packed and I've finished up at work. I've been so patient this whole pregnancy but now I'm grouchy and restless. It feels like I will never be so lucky as to meet my little girl. Oh and DH and I finally came up with a name! Lexi Rose. So I am seriously READY!!!!
This is my first and I feel overdue! :) But I think it's because I finished work at 34 weeks! I had 5 weeks worth of annual leave to use up, so I finished at the end of March! My actual maternity leave doesn't start until Monday! So I've just been kicking around the house a bit bored really! I wake up everyday wondering if it'll be today.. then go to bed a bit disappointed! I have this niggling feeling it just won't happen on its own and I'll have to be induced. Although I have absoloutely nothing to base that on, probably just my impatience!

Hold on in there everyone, babies will be here before we know it! :)

Love the name Dannypop!

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