mid term ttc!

Still no witch yet! Arg! I wish it would get here already! I know it's coming. Will test day after tomorrow if no witch though, just to make sure. Although with an open cervix it shouldn't be possible to be pregnant!
Just wondering how everyone's doing today. Still nothing to report from me... I'm on CD37 today, so still a while to go!
So it seems the spotting has begun... very little amount of brown cm in panties (sorry TMI) but that means by tomorrow I should be ready to start CD1! Won't know till the evening though if it turns into a light flow.
My BBs are feeling rather sore and I think I'm ov'ing today or tomorrow. DH is due back in the early hours of tomorrow morning (he works away from home) so I'll be making the most of it first thing in the morning. A little Easter treat! :blush:

Hee hee!
Well ladies, I'm sorry to hear that she got you. Onward and upward for us all!!!
Sorry Kelly & Claire... :hugs:

Leila, that's perfect timing. PMA that you'll catch that Easter egg!
Hi girls, we've finally made it home. We ended up going to visit my mom from Thursday until today as she was having a minor surgery. Anyway, she is doing well now and at home resting up.

I'm so sorry Claire and Kelly that witch got you! :hug: I agree with you all that it would be great if someone else gets a BFP to cheer us back up and renew our hope.

Well I had an almost positive opk just before I left, on CD18, so I was excited and thinking that my cycles were getting more "normal". But then it never actually turned positive and a few days later I started having loads of EWCM, followed by a very very dark positive opk today (CD26). I wasn't taking temps while I was away, so I'm not certain, but I'm thinking this later one must be the real ovulation and that earlier one was an unsuccessful attempt. Which means my cycle will probably be 38 days or more (assuming I actually do Ov in the next day or two), so really it hasn't improved at all. :( I'll be glad to get in to the doc to figure out what's going on! At least we BD today and plan to the next two days, so hopefully we will catch that egg!

Good luck to everyone this cycle!
Turns out DH's course is only 1.5 hours away and he is thinking of driving it everyday since work pays for his kilometers on the car. This means we should have a shot of catching the eggy. My cycle was 2 days later this month which could mean instead of Ov'ing on CD18 I might Ov on CD16 like I should have this last cycle. At least I hope! That would put Ov'ing day at April 27th (the day dh's course starts) which would be better, instead of the 29th cd18. Fingers crossed! I'll be driving to him if he doesn't come home lol!
I'd be driving to him too if I were you Kelly! :)

How is everyone else doing?
I figured out I will be O'ing on my birthday (or within a day of it) this month! Hopefully that will be some sort of good luck or a good sign.

Hope everyone had a good Easter Weekend!
I'm good. My OH and I had a nice Easter. No TTC news for me. Still waiting for :bfp: or AF so I can start Clomid.

Cutie, glad she's doing well after the surgery! Hope you catch that egg...

Kelly, looks like that's a good plan. You'll definitely have a better chance if he's available around Ov time.

Hmm, I wonder how the other girls are. We haven't seen them in a while.
Well hello ladies! Glad to see everyone has had a nice holiday. I had to work, but managed to squeeze in some family time :) It looks like most of us are around ov time also. I always love this time of the month (up to and including ov) it's so much more stress free... just waiting and having fun ;)

As for me I am getting close to ov. I am a pretty reliable cd10 kind of gal!
We haven't had a whole lot of luck yet this month in the :sex: department. Guess this month just isn't meant to be. Only got 1 in so far... It's been nutty though. Here's the scoop...

I had to pick up DH from work last night at 2am (works 2cd shift law enforcement). On the way home we saw 6 or 7 police cars running balls to the wall around the belt line (ps, thats really fast :rofl:) When we got home it was on for some :sex:. I was pre-seeded up and everything! :rofl: Then the phone rang.... Nothing good comes from a phone call at 3am. I told him to answer because of it. It was work calling him to come back in. They needed addition units to cover a massive man hunt because one of his coworkers had just been shot.

As a wife my heart sank. That has been one of my biggest fears and this is the first incident in his agency (and area of town!) since we've been together. Needless to say it has shaken me. I also found mself feeling rather drawn to vigilantism :rofl: I was so angry!!!

Anyway, It just so happens that a fellow law enforcement wife and nurse friend of mine was taking care of the officer at the hospital and was text messaging me all night with updates on his condition. I also had the police radio on listening to hear any developments in finding the suspect. Turns out the officer was shot in the shoulder and it went from one shoulder across to the other... ouch!!!! He had some surgery this morning, but is expected to be just fine and make a full recovery. THANK GOD!

So last night was full of stress, texting and listening... but no :sex:.
Thats ok. My boys in blue come first!!!
OMG wishn2Bmom! I don't think I could handle the stress and all the worrying that would come with being a wife of a police officer. I have a lot of respect for people like you that can do that!! Major kudos to you and your DH, and hopefully you guys can work in some :sex: tonight!
Thanks you, that means a lot :) and yes, there will definitely be some effort in that area after work!
Hey wishn2bmom, my hubby is an RCMP officer so I know how you feel! Thankfully he hasn't had anything crazy... 1 high risk take down and other crap but he works in a smaller area. It always worried me when he is late so now he has taken to calling me even when his shifts end at 3am and he is going to be late, otherwise I wake up around the time he should be there and he isn't so I start to worry. I just keep hoping that he will never have to patrol a very dangerous area.
The course he is going on at the end of April during my Ov time is his tazer course! He is excited but I want the Bd'ing!
Wow Wishn, that's crazy. I'm glad he'll be okay and your OH didn't get hurt. Catch that egg tonight! :dust:

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