mid term ttc!

I've really resented society lately for telling all of us for years that if you have unprotected sex, You WILL get pregnant. It gives us false expectations:hissy: As for being able to have children... I am 100% sure that all of us are capable, 1 way or another! It's just a matter of getting those stubborn doctors to do their job and fix it!!:rofl:

I know how you feel. At the school I teach at, we have had 9, yes 9 pregnancies this year. Why do bloody teenagers get pg so easy???!!

Is everyone keeping up the chilled out attitude? I've been running loads and it feels great to get back into it! Even had a slightly undercooked omlette last night!!! Life on the edge!!!
I took a wonderful journey of discovery with DH today! We saw my cervix for the first time ever! It was beautiful and open with creamy cm. Dh said "it's disgusting" lol oh well at least he helps out with all my wacky ideas. I think I am going to continue to look at it to see the position and how open it gets. It is nice to be back!!!!
I have been keeping my chilled attitude as well Mrs G. Went for a nice long run today and pushed myself pretty hard... it felt good! :) Also, I am not forcing my DH to a strict BD schedule. We have been BDing just every other day, sometimes more. But since we aren't all stressed about sticking to a schedule it's been nice and we've actually been having more :sex: then normal because we are more relaxed. Its made our sex life fun again instead of robotic! :thumbup:
Yup, I bought some clothes and I've been running too! Not going to let TTC stop me anymore. Still waiting for AF, but once she arrives I am having some frozen margaritas. Yum!
hey ladies how r we? small update on me .. :witch: got me today.. after 2 weeks full of symptoms.. shes here with her ugly face..
well im kinda disappointed but i had feeling after 10 DPO that it will come.... i was thnknig to take abreak from TTC thing earlier.. but guess i will keep trying...
well this will be last cycle befor ei go to doctor and ask him to refer me to fertility clinic..
this TTC is taking a toll on me..

how are all of u doing??
anegaraussie aww hun so sorry about :witch:

hope u get it this month and there is no need for fertilty clinic.

Im just waiting for my temps to go up and hope i get a nice line on my chart to show me ovulating :( its nervewracking but i need to know one way or another for my gyne to move forward i will also be going bk next cycle for more investigations and ill take my chart with me xxxx
Hey Kelly~ glad to have you back!
I'm jealous of all of you going for a run. I've always though that sounded like a nice way to relieve stress and stay healthy. I've got to get my jollys elsewhere cause i've got some asthma and bum knees. Total bummer. I am however more sore today than I ever remember being when I was dancing.... All because I raked up dead grass from my front yard!:rofl: I guess i'm a little out of shape. :blush:
lol I went for a small run to nothing much, but the burn in my legs was a nice feeling. I am still hanging around waiting for O. SHould be coming soon. I am eager for something to happen by now!!!
aneageraussie- sorry the :witch: got you babe! :hugs:

Kelly9- I am waiting to O soontoo! I'm expecting it on Thursday or Friday...might be on my birthday which is Friday! That would be nice to conceive a baby then :)

Hope all is well with everyone else!
:witch: finally arrived last night so I can start clomid tomorrow! :yipee:
bobobaby - Well I should not be O'ing till monday but when I input my cm on ff just now it gave me dotted cross hairs and is putting me at 3dpo.... it is NOT right! I have never ever ever ever had a cycle less then 29 days in my entire life and this would give me a cycle of 22 days. I think it's cause since I Have been back from traveling I have gone back to using my duvet and it has been super warm in the house to. My temps are about .2 high this cycle overall then last cycle so I am not putting any stock into it, I still anticipate O on cd16 and will start my opks on cd13. Ugh! I was shocked to see the dotted cross hairs!
Kelly, that sounds about right. I'm sure the duvet has caused your temp change. Hope you O soon!
Yay Bizy that's fabulous news! I know a few people in real life who got a BFP on first round on Clomid!! :)
ok well my opk has turned postive!! got sum :spermy: last night and will try again tomoz i usually get a 3 day surge anyway and this month im trying the every other day rather than the every day thing to see if it makes a differnce. oooo exciting
Yay Claire that's great news!

Well I am back from my follow-up at the endocrinologist. He says I do not have an adrenal problem. He says I do have the classic biochemical signs of PCOS (such as elevated testosterone and high LH:FSH ratio), but he thinks it's very unlikely I have PCOS since I will have 8 cycles this year. He said usually people with PCOS have 6 or fewer cycles per year. (However, I disagree with this as I know people with PCOS who have even more cycles than me) Anyway, he said I just need to wait 2 more months until it's been a year and then go back to my gyno for normal infertility tests (like checking tubes, scan of ovaries, semen analysis, etc.) and hopefully she will start a medication like Clomid. So essentially I just have to sit and wait... :(

I'm 9dpo today and thought I had some symptoms, like fuller boobs and bleeding gums last night, so since I'm a POAS addict and I knew I was going to the doc today anyway, I took a test this morning and of course it was BFN.

Hope everyone else is having a better day!
Good luck with the waiting! It can be hard! My FS apt is June 2nd. I have one but I have to wait now to get in. Sigh. Oh well I should get one more shot to conceive before I go.

Well off to work now
Thats great that a couple of you will be starting Clomid soon.
I'm worried I have ovulated earlier then usual, as my temp has spiked up high this morning. Will have to wait and see how tomorrow's temp is. I didn't plan BD accordingly if I did ovulate early. We BD on cd 12, 14, 15, and 17.. I am afraid I have Ovulated on cd 17.
cutie it could just be to early for a bfp!! and i have to disagree with your doctor as i have PCOS confrimed with ultrasound and i have a regular 28 day cycle, it doesnt mean im ovulating and it doesnt mean the eggs i do produce are any good. Hope you dont get to the year mark though xxxx
Thanks Claire, you always make me feel better. :) Good luck catching that egg!!

Bobo, I think you timed the BD perfectly if you Ov'd on CD17.

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