mid term ttc!

THat is great news!

I have bad news though... my dad just found out he has skin cancer they cut it out but aren't even bothering to send him in for more tests! WHat if it has spread???? He has had that weird skin cancer spot for ages. I am trying to get my mom to get him to make an appointment to make sure he gets blood tests done and whatever else they can. ARG!
Oh Kelly, I'm sorry. I, of anyone, know how scary the word "cancer" can be. Try not to worry though. I always believe in getting a second opinion. However, not all skin cancers are the super dangerous, what we think of, kinds of cancers. Just over the winter my Aunt had a small skin cancer spot removed from above her lip, and TWICE my mom has had spots removed. It is probably nothing. Do keep us posted though, and either way i will pray for you and your dad :hugs:
They say it is a simple form and they removed it so he goes in again in a couple of months to get it checked out again.

On happier note my friend got her amnio results in and the baby is just fine!
Sorry about your dad Kelly. I hope everything is fine now that it ws removed. That's great news about your friend!
Kelly - my dad had to have a small skin cancer spot removed last year... the Dr actually laughed when he diagnosed it, saying "oh look, you've got a little cancer there"!!! My dad told him it was inappropriate to laugh while diagnosing cancer and the Dr reassured him that it was type that never spread (although how he knew that by looking at it, I'll never know). Sounds like your dad has the same thing - still scary though, I know.

Ladies, can I ask you if I'm being unreasonable about something? I went to a party at the weekend and it turns out one of my oldest friends is pregnant. She's 36, came off the pill at Christmas, and got pregnant immediately, without ever having a proper period (in fact she didn't have periods while she was on the pill, so hasn't had any sort of period for years). She knows that I've been trying since last summer and that I'm quite sensitive about the issue. That didn't stop her, however, moaning to me for several hours about the pregnancy, basically saying that the only thing she was looking forward to was having some time off work. I kept trying to change the subject but she kept bringing it back to herself... I actually had to walk off at one point to stop myself losing my rag with her. I know I am a bit emotional about the whole thing and she was in a difficult situation, but surely it was bloody insensitive of her to keep going on like that? She may have been trying to say the right thing, but she just seemed utterly ungrateful for the wonderful thing that has happened to her. :hissy:
You have every right to be annoyed by her. She's terribly insensitive! I had a friend who complained throughout her entire pregnancy. I wanted to slap her every time I was around her. I'm not sure why this happens, but some people think that complaining about it would somehow make us feel better. Maybe because they want us to feel lucky that we aren't dealing with sickness, etc. Little do they know that we'd give anything to experience morning sickness. We want to go to the bathroom excessively. We want to be ridiculously tired. I think a few months of discomfort is such a small contribution for a lifetime of happiness!
Thanks BizyBee. I did wonder whether she thought that complaining about it would make me feel better... little did she know that when she told me she 'wasn't very excited about having a baby', the only thing that would have made me feel better would have been giving her a slap! :rofl:
:rofl: I would have wanted to give her a slap to. It is hard dealing with a friend who gets pregnant especially when they didn't want to. I didn't talk to a friend of mine for 3 months because of that because I couldn't deal.

My dad has a second spot he just found on his other arm so I guess he'll be going in to get that removed to. There are 3 main kinds of skin cancer only one (melanoma) can spread throughout the body the other 2 types don't spread to internal organs etc.

Even though there is no possibility of me being pregnant right now I feel more pregnant then I have ever felt before. I haven't O'd yet so am not in the 2ww but I am nauseous with heartburn and tired and have weird stomach feelings. Thought I was constipated at first but nope just slightly less regular as in more time in between each movement (sorry tmi) I just think it's funny cause I know I am not pregnant but if I were in the 2ww this is how I would expect to feel. How bizarre!
Can you imagine if you were in the 2ww, you would be symptom spotting like crazy! I'm on CD17 at the moment, just praying that I can stretch this cycle out longer than the normal, crappy, 22 days... feeling a bit crampy already though, which isn't a good sign :nope:

Sorry to hear that your Dad has another spot that needs to be removed, fingers crossed that it will be the last one that needs dealing with. How is your job going - is it easier now the end is in sight? I leave my job in 4 weeks and 6 days, I can't wait!

BizyBee - have you started on the clomid? How's it going?

Toptack lots of questions.. why are you leaving your job? DO you take b vits to lengthen lp? The job is going ok, some things to get used to. It's just part time but I am already tired form the boring training cause I work another day job so I can't wait till aug when I can go back down to one job on weekends, it will be nice.

I would be symptom spotting like crazy if I were in the 2ww but I am not and I am hoping this feeling goes away soon cause every now and then it hits and I just feel like puking everywhere. Maybe I am coming down with something.

Hey I got an interesting question... can a sun burn raise your temps? I think it can.
How's everyone doing? Where are you all at in your cycles?

I am in the tww... 4dpo. I really really hope we got it this time or else I'll be entering double digits... 10th month ttc. Fingers crossed for us all. xxx
Well, my first round of Clomid was unsuccessful. :witch: got me this morning... :cry:

I am starting round 2 in a few days and I'm also going to call about setting up an acupuncture appointment. I've heard great things about it, so I'm going to get past my fear and try it.
Well, my first round of Clomid was unsuccessful. :witch: got me this morning... :cry:

I am starting round 2 in a few days and I'm also going to call about setting up an acupuncture appointment. I've heard great things about it, so I'm going to get past my fear and try it.

I'm sorry Clomid didn't work the first time around. I have heard many many women on here that end up getting it on their 2nd time though! And I have heard that acupuncture is a great help in conceiving. Those two combined I'm sure you'll catch it this cycle!!
I am cd 13 so another 5 days till O. I start opks tomorrow. We're holding off having sex on cd:13 14 15 with bding on cd 16 just to try something different then we'll BD every day till after O.

I have a 14 hour work day tomorrow... I am not looking forward to it!
Cd50 today and still no witch so i think its a late one for me, which really is a shame cause i go away for a nice wkend break with oh next friday and i just know i will be on my bloody period! lol

I think i ovulated last week well i was really wet Cm so i think it may be due sometime this week or early next week, least i get a good idea on my LP tho

No idea why its so late this month... mind you off for internal in july and hoping to get some medication to help with periods as these 50days plus cycles are so hard to try to track ovulation and we tried the SME plan up to cd45 and still not in time! OH was shattered!!

Here is hoping july brings me good luck as i prob be heading into month 10 by then and gyno mentioned clomid to help with things..

How is everyone else getting on??
Well, my first round of Clomid was unsuccessful. :witch: got me this morning... :cry:

I am starting round 2 in a few days and I'm also going to call about setting up an acupuncture appointment. I've heard great things about it, so I'm going to get past my fear and try it.

Has your cycles improved tho with clomid huni? Like did you know when you ovulated? And were your cycles within cd35? Only i maybe taking it in few months and my cycles are well in the plus 50s and there everywhere!! So doesnt help with trying to know when i ovulate!! I heard clomid will help with shorter cycles and earlier ovulation is that right?

If you knew when you ovulated this cycle then hopefully next round your be able to just go wild and have loads of nookie for a whole week knowing when you may ovulate .. :happydance: and hopefully catch that eggy!!!!!!

I here too that some ladies are lucky a few months into clomid so keep positive huni your get there, better chance knowing when you ovulate as you can time sex around then but if your having short period i think it might be worth trying SME plan for the second cycle and maybe going from like cd6 all the way through to cd25 just to be sure if your AF was coming in before cd35

Worth a go that way you know your not going to miss that egg..

Really sorry to hear that that stupid old :witch: showed her face, Bizybee. I think you're doing the right thing with the acupuncture. I had it through one cycle and it was the only one since coming off the pill that was a decent length, with a normal LP. The acupuncturist then moved away and I didn't continue with the treatment, but I've gone back to short cycles, so I started again this month with a different acupuncturist. I'm not fond of needles, but it's not that scary, I promise! I get a mild, throbbing pain for about 30 seconds after a needle is inserted, but then it goes away. Some spots are definitely more sensitve than others... some you can't even feel going in. One of my friend's is having IVF and her FS told her that it increases the chance of pregnancy during IVF by about 10%, so it must do some good!

Kelly - am on B50 to try and lengthen LP but it hasn't had any lasting effect, so am thinking of going up to B100 next month. I'm leaving my job because my husband is in the army and has got a new post (another desk job, thankfully) which means we have to move. I'm really glad to be quitting though - my job is pretty stressful plus I spend two hours a day commuting, which is all quite unhealthy. Am going to take some time off and try to just unwind and get fit again... and hopefully enjoy some summer sunshine. I can't wait! :happydance:

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