Well, my first round of Clomid was unsuccessful.
got me this morning...
I am starting round 2 in a few days and I'm also going to call about setting up an acupuncture appointment. I've heard great things about it, so I'm going to get past my fear and try it.
Has your cycles improved tho with clomid huni? Like did you know when you ovulated? And were your cycles within cd35? Only i maybe taking it in few months and my cycles are well in the plus 50s and there everywhere!! So doesnt help with trying to know when i ovulate!! I heard clomid will help with shorter cycles and earlier ovulation is that right?
If you knew when you ovulated this cycle then hopefully next round your be able to just go wild and have loads of nookie for a whole week knowing when you may ovulate ..
and hopefully catch that eggy!!!!!!
I here too that some ladies are lucky a few months into clomid so keep positive huni your get there, better chance knowing when you ovulate as you can time sex around then but if your having short period i think it might be worth trying SME plan for the second cycle and maybe going from like cd6 all the way through to cd25 just to be sure if your AF was coming in before cd35
Worth a go that way you know your not going to miss that egg..