mid term ttc!

Glad to hear your dad is feeling better. No messages from the fertility clinic on the phone yet so the waiting game continues. Had a horrid day so going for a nap!
ok i think i m 12 DPO today and dunno how but i havnt tested as yet... its a miracle for me to hold out that far...
this cycle has been weird.. like i said i dunno when i O exactly cuz didnt used OPK or didnt chart as was on holidays, so going by EWCM.
on Sunday went out for drive with friends and then i go to pee and on my undies there was a big blob of white, lotion like CM..
i dnt get CM after O and it was a big one... my breasts have been sore ... whis is normal for me after O but they become normal 1-2 days before :witch: is due to arrive and thats the big give away for me each cycle .. today they r still sore.. and yes im getting on and off nausea..
i have no idea if its all in my head or its actually happening.. i had all the symtomps before then :witch: arrives ,so im not keeping my hopes high... im waiting to be actually late (if) then i wil ltest..
may be testing this friday if she doesnt arrive...

another good news is that we just bought our first house and will be moving by month end.. im super excited and just having a look to fir in blinds and curtains.. thats how my mind is off and i havnt tested yet..
Well good for you! I am a firm believer in waiting till the day AF is suppose to show or later. The house will keep you busy, we bought our first one just over a year ago and are still going strong on fixing it up in our spare time or painting etc. Fingers crossed for you.
Thanks toptack. I didn't get any bruises this time, but I will see how it feels on Friday when it is around ovulation time.

Leila: :hugs: Hope your dad is ok...

Aussie: :dust: good luck hun! Congrats on the house.

Kelly: hope you hear from the FS soon. xx
I almost ended up going to the emergency room last night at 2am. I woke up with the most intense sudden pain in my lower abdomen it last for about an hour I was wimpering and crying trying not to wake DH up and just when I was going to get up and see if the urgent care section was still open here it started to subside and I was able to sleep again. My abdomen is still very sore and tender but not as bad. It really scared me I kept thinking maybe I was pregnant and it was ectopic I can't think of anything that would explain that kind of pain. If it comes back I will be heading right to emerg.
omg kelly. I hope that pain doesn't come back. I use to get the worst stomach pains and have had quite a few crazy intense ones where I think I need to go to the hospital.. but right when we are ready to leave they go away. :shrug: Hope your feeling better and its nothing serious!:hug:
YAY!!! +OPK on CD16. The Clomid is definitely working. I am on track for a somewhat normal cycle. :happydance:
I am ok now went to urgent care they did preg test negative which I told her it would be since I am 9dpo and with DH's sperm results not likely. They are sending me for an ultrasound to check for cysts etc but say not to worry as I have never had these issues before and that it could be super early bad menstrual cramps.. I am thinking not though. I want it to be implantation but not getting hopes up. No infections or anything unusual. They sent out my blood for a hcg test results will be in tomorrow but I won't be able to see doc till wednesday at the earliest. Besides I don't think you can detect hcp in the blood like a day after implantation is thats what happened... can you?
I am ok now went to urgent care they did preg test negative which I told her it would be since I am 9dpo and with DH's sperm results not likely. They are sending me for an ultrasound to check for cysts etc but say not to worry as I have never had these issues before and that it could be super early bad menstrual cramps.. I am thinking not though. I want it to be implantation but not getting hopes up. No infections or anything unusual. They sent out my blood for a hcg test results will be in tomorrow but I won't be able to see doc till wednesday at the earliest. Besides I don't think you can detect hcp in the blood like a day after implantation is thats what happened... can you?

Sorry hun! I have no idea what it could be if it isn't ectopic. Hopefully you've implanted late and experienced pain from that... :hugs:
Hi girls look at doing the acupuncture just wonderin if there is a specific time to go around your cycle to help with fertility etc!! Only my cycles well out of whack still so if i need to go around ovulation that be hard to track..

Only fancy giving it ago but not sure when we need to go or if you can go when!!
How is everyone else doing????

Cycle 7 has been on gone for me so coming into cycle 8 now however my cycles been long so got alot wait for my big ovulation!!
Back for my internal scan at gyno in july and then a consulation with the gyno week ltr to go through results scared but also just want them to sort my cycles out.. hopefully clomid might be given as 54days to wait for AF is just way to long!!!!!..

54 days is way to long.

Turns out you can pick up hcg as early as 8dpo if you've implanted. If what I felt was implantation then it would have been 8dpo when I did but I seriously don't think it is. No other symptoms, cramps have gone away for the most part... thank god, so now I wait and see. I am still waiting for my fertility clinic call... sigh... why did god make me so impatient!
Hi ladies. I am sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been lurking here and there but haven't felt up to posting.
I know a couple of weeks ago I filled you all in on the tough time my family and I have been going through with my grandmother and her failing health. Well things got heart wrenchingly bad until last Tuesday when she passed away on us. I am glad her suffering is over and that God has called her home, but my mom and uncle are having a hard time and I am just sick at the though of not having her anymore. Tomorrow is the funeral. Tomorrow we start to heal...
SO~ the day before she died was really hard (the cancer got into her brain, she was confused and incontinent) She couldn't remember her husbands name and said that she didn't want to die yet because she wanted to meet the baby...... The last two weeks of her life she thought I was pregnant:cry: My inability to give her the great grandbaby she wanted has been the hardest thing about her being sick. She fought cancer for 2 1/2 yrs and has been asking when DH and I would give her a baby before we were even married. I failed. I am gutted that I couldn't give her a baby.
I knew you guys could relate to that story.... Anyway, thats where i've been
Wishn, so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine how hard that was for you. Thinking of you today.


Wishn I am so sorry for your loss... I am also very close to my grandmother and can relate to how you feel about wanting to give her a great grandchild. Take comfort in the fact she is at peace now and she will still be there when you have your first born you'll see.:hugs:

Thinking of you at this very difficult time.:hug:
I am so sorry for everything wishin. But she will be with you at heart just remember that when you hold your little bundle for the first time.
So the FS called me this morning! She said my progesterone levels were 70 and were great I definitely ovulated. She def thinks our problems are from DH's sperm but is sending me on June 26 for a Hysterosalpingogram, the dye test just to make sure. I think I'll be getting an ultrasound to then if they are all clear that will be as far as they will go with tests for me. So thats the updates nothing else very exciting going on.
Thanks for all the love ladies!
So~ I know that I am going to be pregnant very soon. I came to this peace of mind today after my grandmother's funeral. Which, by the way, was wonderful. It was exactly what she wanted :) But on to my revelation....

My grandma was English through and through. She died a British citizen and was proud as hell to be one! As most in her generation do, she loved the queen and had a minor obsession with the royal family! I have always thought that she looked a bit like the Queen and shared many of the same mannerisms. ANYWAY~ for a while now I have been having a recurring dream where I am with all of the females in my family minus grandma talking about a baby coming and rubbing my belly and what not when the queen comes out onto a balcony above us and waves down at us. I know it's strange, but I think the queen on a balcony is symbolism for my grandma looking down on all of us.
Also, I was told this afternoon by my aunt that just before grandma died in one of here rare, clear thinking moments she again referred to me being pregnant. When corrected she said "No, she must be. God would not be taking me if she wasn't being given a baby".:cry::cry::cry:

She is ALWAYS right about these things and I trust her with all of my heart. I also think it will be a girl, because I was going to name a girl after her :)

I've been long winded lately. Sorry.
And if you got this far... thanks....
I hope you get your BFP! Dreams can be powerful things so fingers crossed for you!

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