**MIDSUMMER DREAMERS** Mid July - Mid August Pregnancies!!! Come join!!!!! :D

Ha I've got an electric blanket and I fell asleep last night with it on pre-heat - my OH woke me up at 2:00am telling me to turn it off, and that I need to be more careful bless
i'm at work today and freezing - wonder what causes that
started getting af type light cramps today - thats the first feeling i have had really

Haha, ok, I'm glad I'm not the only cold one! I am seriously thinking about wearing long underwear to work on Monday...

I also have a funny story to share! I forgot to say that after my uber-short doctor's appointment on Thursday I had to go for my blood test. So I went to the blood clinic, did a urine sample first, and then the blood test. I am pretty squeamish around needles - I always have been. I know it's an irrational fear, but I can't help it. So the nurse was really nice and made sure I was comfy, chatted a bit to relax me, etc, and then plunked the 6(!) empty vials down on the table beside me. My eyes about bugged out of my head, and I turned away and started my calming breathing exercises while she took my blood. When she was finally finished I looked over at the table and saw my blood in the vials... my vision started to blur and I heard the rushing sound in my ears and the nurse must have seen my face go pale :dohh: so she had me put my head between my knees :wacko: I didn't actually faint, but I was super-close!

I know I have a bunch more blood tests to do in the next 7.5 months, not to mention the actual birth... I'm going to be a mess!!!
Hi! My name is June and I am 26 and my DH is 31. We have been together for 4+ years. I found out on our 6 month wedding anniversary in November 2010 that we are pregnant! I am 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. Our little one is due on July 26th, 2010 according to my calculation (not doctor confirmed). My first doctor's appt is next Tuesday and I am so very excited. Nice to meet you all!!
Haha, ok, I'm glad I'm not the only cold one! I am seriously thinking about wearing long underwear to work on Monday...

I also have a funny story to share! I forgot to say that after my uber-short doctor's appointment on Thursday I had to go for my blood test. So I went to the blood clinic, did a urine sample first, and then the blood test. I am pretty squeamish around needles - I always have been. I know it's an irrational fear, but I can't help it. So the nurse was really nice and made sure I was comfy, chatted a bit to relax me, etc, and then plunked the 6(!) empty vials down on the table beside me. My eyes about bugged out of my head, and I turned away and started my calming breathing exercises while she took my blood. When she was finally finished I looked over at the table and saw my blood in the vials... my vision started to blur and I heard the rushing sound in my ears and the nurse must have seen my face go pale :dohh: so she had me put my head between my knees :wacko: I didn't actually faint, but I was super-close!

I know I have a bunch more blood tests to do in the next 7.5 months, not to mention the actual birth... I'm going to be a mess!!!

started wearing long johns yesterday- and then i got super hot real fast and had to strip to a t-shirt and sweat pants, because it just got TOOOO hot!
Hi! My name is June and I am 26 and my DH is 31. We have been together for 4+ years. I found out on our 6 month wedding anniversary in November 2010 that we are pregnant! I am 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. Nice to meet you all!!

congrats hun :kiss:

Thank you!!! And congrats to you as well! Such an exciting time isnt it? I dont think I've been so elated in my entire life! So glad a forum like this exists so we can all share our experiences! :cloud9:
Hi! My name is June and I am 26 and my DH is 31. We have been together for 4+ years. I found out on our 6 month wedding anniversary in November 2010 that we are pregnant! I am 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. Nice to meet you all!!

congrats hun :kiss:


Thank you!!! And congrats to you as well! Such an exciting time isnt it? I dont think I've been so elated in my entire life! So glad a forum like this exists so we can all share our experiences!
Hi ladies! I'm new to B&B, hope you'll allow me to join you lovely ladies. :)

I just got my BFP on Nov 21st. I have PCOS (no period or ovulation w/o induction), been off BCP since 2/08, and under the care of an RE since 10/09. I did Clomid (didn't respond very well), Femara (ovulated most of the time but no BFP), and then in late Sept we moved on to Gonal-F. I was surprised to get a BFP on 10/18, but my beta was only 27 and then 2 days later had fallen to 12. :( AF came the following week. Since it was so early on, my RE ok'd me to start a new cycle right away. I really just did not expect to get a BFP again right away but I tested last Sun and got a line right away! Mon's beta was 88 and Wed's was 160. Of course those levels make me more comfortable than last month's but I still can't help but thinking about it! For the last ~3 days I've had a dull ache in my uterus area that lasts for several hours (seems to go away or be less noticeable when I'm standing) and lower backache (same thing, better when standing). I keep telling myself it's just growing but like I said, still, I can't help but dwell on it. But, I keep remembering it's all in God's hands! Whatever His will is. :)
Oh, I forgot to add (and I can't find an option to edit - maybe since I'm new?) - according to my ovulation date, my due date should be 8/3/11. First u/s is 12/7 - praying we hear a heartbeat, but the nurse said it could be too soon.
Congrats Cyster, I know what you mean about being so nervous, I had a chemical the cycle before my BFP and I just keep looking for blood, I wish I could relax!
Congrats everyone new here! Ive been a little MIA, bc my son is SICK! He's almost 2 and has never had a high fever before, he was running 102-103.7 all night! My poor bubba. Got him to the dr and some meds, its something with his throat, possibly strep, but now im sooooo worried about me getting it and having a high fever. I have my tylenol ready to go and im checking my temp constantly. Im sooooo worried! I hate this worrying stage!!!!!
So in the beginning what are our milestones that we can really STOP worrying?
:happydance: Congrats June and Cyster!!! Welcome aboard :D :happydance:

I also have a funny story to share! I forgot to say that after my uber-short doctor's appointment on Thursday I had to go for my blood test. So I went to the blood clinic, did a urine sample first, and then the blood test. I am pretty squeamish around needles - I always have been. I know it's an irrational fear, but I can't help it. So the nurse was really nice and made sure I was comfy, chatted a bit to relax me, etc, and then plunked the 6(!) empty vials down on the table beside me. My eyes about bugged out of my head, and I turned away and started my calming breathing exercises while she took my blood. When she was finally finished I looked over at the table and saw my blood in the vials... my vision started to blur and I heard the rushing sound in my ears and the nurse must have seen my face go pale :dohh: so she had me put my head between my knees :wacko: I didn't actually faint, but I was super-close!

I know I have a bunch more blood tests to do in the next 7.5 months, not to mention the actual birth... I'm going to be a mess!!!

Ha ha ha, lightweight!!! I don't mind it, although I do object to the size of the frickin needles, they could just as easily use a smaller one! I'm wondering if I'll not need as many tests this time round seeing as they tested me for everything last time?! (obviously excluding tests with regards to baby)

Refused wine at FILs three times tonight, he's so gonna have sussed, I'm normally straight into the wine as soon as I walk through the door!
So in the beginning what are our milestones that we can really STOP worrying?

When you get an early scan and see the heartbeat, thats a big milestone... Im hoping to get mine at 8 weeks. They say the majority of early miscarraiges happen before 7 or 8 weeks, and at 12 weeks, the risk is very low. So im really ready to make it to those milestones!
oh boy that makes it seem a long way off! I'm calling on monday to make my first appt.
oh boy that makes it seem a long way off! I'm calling on monday to make my first appt.

me too! I hope they can get me in around 8 weeks! A lot of places here wont see you until you are 10 weeks unless you have a really good reason ;(
Congrats everyone new here! Ive been a little MIA, bc my son is SICK! He's almost 2 and has never had a high fever before, he was running 102-103.7 all night! My poor bubba. Got him to the dr and some meds, its something with his throat, possibly strep, but now im sooooo worried about me getting it and having a high fever. I have my tylenol ready to go and im checking my temp constantly. Im sooooo worried! I hate this worrying stage!!!!!

Oh no! Poor wee guy! I was beside myself when Joshua first got a fever, I slept on the floor in his room. Hope he's better soon :hugs:

So in the beginning what are our milestones that we can really STOP worrying?

Hmmm, well first scan 12 weeks confirms there's something there, 20 week scan looks for any abnormalities, then when it pops out, they do some quick tests on reflexes etc. When you've been home a few days they take some blood and look for more stuff that might be wrong, then pretty much every second of everyday you suddenly see dangers and random fatal scenarios pop into your head like a mentalist. So basically, never again will you be carefree and worryless! Enjoy!

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