**MIDSUMMER DREAMERS** Mid July - Mid August Pregnancies!!! Come join!!!!! :D

Full on but light flow, :( maybe next time

Have a healthy and happy pg's ladies..
Congrats Cyster, I know what you mean about being so nervous, I had a chemical the cycle before my BFP and I just keep looking for blood, I wish I could relax!

Yep, chem pg's suck! But I guess it's better than hearing a hb and then it happening after that. I have to take progesterone suppositories, which keep AF away until I withdraw from them, due to low prog so I didn't bleed until after I got the results of my 3rd beta back and then stopped taking them. I did have some pink spotting on the day I got my BFP (last cycle, with the chem pg, not this time) - at the time I wasn't sure if it was delayed implantation spotting or a bad sign, but looking back, I'm going with the latter. Nothing of the sort this time. :thumbup:

:happydance: Congrats June and Cyster!!! Welcome aboard :D :happydance:
Thank you! :flower:

Full on but light flow, :( maybe next time

Have a healthy and happy pg's ladies..
I'm so sorry. :cry:

I also have a funny story to share! I forgot to say that after my uber-short doctor's appointment on Thursday I had to go for my blood test. So I went to the blood clinic, did a urine sample first, and then the blood test. I am pretty squeamish around needles - I always have been. I know it's an irrational fear, but I can't help it. So the nurse was really nice and made sure I was comfy, chatted a bit to relax me, etc, and then plunked the 6(!) empty vials down on the table beside me. My eyes about bugged out of my head, and I turned away and started my calming breathing exercises while she took my blood. When she was finally finished I looked over at the table and saw my blood in the vials... my vision started to blur and I heard the rushing sound in my ears and the nurse must have seen my face go pale :dohh: so she had me put my head between my knees :wacko: I didn't actually faint, but I was super-close!

I have a funny story to share too!
I decided to take vacation from work and accompany DH to the Washington DC area, where he had a computer certification course, which is generally known to be very tough (Cisco, if anyone is familiar with it) - and this is a boot camp. Basically if this were a college course, it would be a semester long - this is crammed into 6 days! So it's really intense, hence me not wanting to distract him with am-I-or-am-I-not (he didn't even know it was time for me to test!). I decided to test on Fri the 19th and I thought there might be a line, but it would have been the faintest +'s in the history of +'s - I mean, only visible at a certain angle in the sun. I dismissed it, thinking my eyes/mind just created the line because I wanted it to be here. But since I'd gotten a 2-pk of FRER, I decided to take the other one on Sunday the 21st. So while DH was in the shower, I decide to pee in a cup (in the "living room" part of the hotel room, no less!). Then I dip the HPT, sit the cup on the "mantle" (or what would be the mantle if there were a fireplace - the TV is mounted right above it), go hide the test in my nightstand, and then go back to get the cup with the intent to tell DH to stay in the shower because I need to pee, and then dump it in the toilet. Well, blame it on me still being groggy, or no lights being on, whatever - I KNOCKED THE CUP OF PEE OFF THE MANTLE AND SPILLED IT ALL OVER THE FLOOR! :dohh: Not to be too gross, but imagine the odor of FMU (and mine is particularly odorous right now, which is one of the reasons I suspected BFP) in an enclosed space! So I go dump water on top of it, frantically try to soak it up with hand towels and napkins, then spray some body spray on it (but not so much that it's potent when DH comes out and wonders why I'm spraying fragrance before 6:00 a.m.)! He actually didn't notice, but I did tell him the story after he got out of his test. He was quite amused, and we agreed that it was lucky it spilled forward and not to the left, or I'd be calling the front desk: "Hi, um, I accidentally shorted out the TV." "I spilled urine into it." "Yes, you heard me correctly, URINE." LOL! :D
So sorry dchacon :(

I had a chemical last cycle, but then I read that often you are more fertile the cycle after. So I chose to believe that whole-heartedly and we worked hard at it, and I got another BFP that cycle, which so far has stuck..

I wish you the best of luck!!
Hmmm, well first scan 12 weeks confirms there's something there, 20 week scan looks for any abnormalities, then when it pops out, they do some quick tests on reflexes etc. When you've been home a few days they take some blood and look for more stuff that might be wrong, then pretty much every second of everyday you suddenly see dangers and random fatal scenarios pop into your head like a mentalist. So basically, never again will you be carefree and worryless! Enjoy!

LOL well thanks!
Ladies, what is a chemical again? I've forgotten.

A chemical pregnancy is like a very early miscarriage - the egg is fertilized but either doesn't implant or does but not for long. .The body terminates because there is something wrong (chromosomal or issues with the uterine lining) - it's a screening mechanism but it still sucks.. It's very common and it's observed more often now because of the sensitive HPT's we have...
Hi everyone, I found out last Tuesday that I was expecting. I plan to go to the doctors this Thursday. I am getting cramping pains and keep checking no bleeding, so all great so far. I work out that I am due the 2nd August 2011.
So sorry to hear that dchacon :hugs::hugs:

I had a scary weekend, i was terrified of the chance of my pregnancy being ectopic, you might hae seen my thread in first tri already - but check it out if you'e not seen it yet :)

glad everything is ok gem!

How soon are supposed to start showing normally? I cant wait for my bump!
glad everything is ok gem!

How soon are supposed to start showing normally? I cant wait for my bump!

I think it depends on if you had kids before (then you show earlier). I'm not expecting to show until 12-14 weeks but I hope it's earlier! :happydance:
Hi all!
Just got my :bfp: yesterday and am still in shock! It was only our 2nd month of ttc, we were so lucky!!
Internet calculators have me due for August 7th!
This is all so exciting!
Nice to meet you all
Hi all!
Just got my :bfp: yesterday and am still in shock! It was only our 2nd month of ttc, we were so lucky!!
Internet calculators have me due for August 7th!
This is all so exciting!
Nice to meet you all

congrats hun :happydance:

Hi all!
Just got my :bfp: yesterday and am still in shock! It was only our 2nd month of ttc, we were so lucky!!
Internet calculators have me due for August 7th!
This is all so exciting!
Nice to meet you all

Hi NellyO :hi:

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