**MIDSUMMER DREAMERS** Mid July - Mid August Pregnancies!!! Come join!!!!! :D

Sorry ive not replied to any ones posts, was busy makin sig lol

I hit 6 weeks today and as a present ickle bean gave me my worst batch of morning sickness when I woke up! I was in heaving hell but nothing was happening as my stomach was completely empty thank god!!! Not the best thing to be waking up to :sick: on the plus side....it makes me feel pregnant!!!

Happy to hear all is well babyboyle :) when is your next scan?

Hey serenity!! Welcome and congratulations!!

And the same to you meerdog :flower: honestly don’t worry about cramps, I have had them every day of my pregnancy so far, and yday i had them bad!! But i feel deadly sick today so i think im still pregnant hehe!Sorry to be useless but i don’t know anything about an incompetent cervix? Will that mean you will need a c section? I really don’t know sowwee xx

Haha marie wills ive got the robin hood film too (we have a good friend who downloads all cinema movies for us) and when we got it it I have attempted to watch it 3 times now and fell asleep! Wasn’t my thing at all, my OH loved it! Im more into horror films but ive not watched one since being pregs, wonder if i will be different LOL

Oh and another welcome to mumatmadhouse!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! And good luck jreece for your HCG levels!!! Let us know how it goes :flower: I haven’t a clue when i get my bloods taken, im guessing after my midwife appointment!!!

Sooo let me know what you think about the siggy! Any other ideas throw them out there and il change it xx
Love the sig!

I had awful af type cramps this morning - you know that feeling when it feels like your insides are collapsing, like they're about to all splurge out? :blush: It kept me awake from 3 til 4am, and then when i woke again at 6, it was still there - strong as ever, gahh!

I'm waiting for the morning sickness to hit, haven't felt so nauseous recently, so i'm wondering when to expect it! Maybe i'll get it at 6 weeks too :winkwink:

awww dont worry hunni! ive had the same! its horrible isnt it!!!! i just try to think its just my tummy stretching and getting ready!!!

the sickness is horrible! its like a hangover, i feel hungry but anything healthy wont work! think im gona have to carb and fat it out today!! xx
awww dont worry hunni! ive had the same! its horrible isnt it!!!! i just try to think its just my tummy stretching and getting ready!!!

the sickness is horrible! its like a hangover, i feel hungry but anything healthy wont work! think im gona have to carb and fat it out today!! xx

:thumbup:Sounds like a plan! Think i might join you on that one! xx
I feel terrible for having a cup of tea this morning!!!! i need to stop this obession haha! but a cuppa always tastes so good on a hangover and it was amazing this morning with my sickness! my FIL also gave me this DISGUSTING ginger sweet this morning which is meant to help but it made me worse as it tasted so gross lol!

I am beign a bit good, drinking the tropicana so getting some fruit in there!!! xx
i feel ok since iv hit 6 weeks so im hoping that m/s doesnt come back later on. i was queasy from 5 weeks but now i feel great. apart from boobs. if they werent sore i wouldnt know i was preg! so hopefully it will pass soon darl. xx
Yay I love the sig!! :thumbup:

Well I'm 5+6 today! cant wait to get to 6 weeks tomorrow :happydance: every week is such a huge goal for me :flower:

I've had no symptoms yesterday an not very much today....yet! I worry when I've got them then I worry when I don't feel anything! lol
I'm waiting for a call back from the midwife today for my 1st app with her. Im debating with myself about getting a private scan done, or can I wait till just before xmas when we should hear heart beat??? hmmm :shrug:

Day off work today so I'm going to do nothing all day just lie on the sofa! I'm sooooo tired was in work all last night!
i feel ok since iv hit 6 weeks so im hoping that m/s doesnt come back later on. i was queasy from 5 weeks but now i feel great. apart from boobs. if they werent sore i wouldnt know i was preg! so hopefully it will pass soon darl. xx

I hope so hun! my boobs are still sore too! i hope i dotn have a nightmare pregnancy!!! i had the worst dream last night about losing babies too! I had a scan which showed triplets then my next one there was only 2 in there then the next 1 then the next they were all gone! i woke up feeling devestated!!!! my friend whos 7 months said that m/c dreams are common as its a worry so fingers crossed it doenst mean anything! xx
Yay I love the sig!! :thumbup:

Well I'm 5+6 today! cant wait to get to 6 weeks tomorrow :happydance: every week is such a huge goal for me :flower:

I've had no symptoms yesterday an not very much today....yet! I worry when I've got them then I worry when I don't feel anything! lol
I'm waiting for a call back from the midwife today for my 1st app with her. Im debating with myself about getting a private scan done, or can I wait till just before xmas when we should hear heart beat??? hmmm :shrug:

Day off work today so I'm going to do nothing all day just lie on the sofa! I'm sooooo tired was in work all last night!

ooh your a day before me :) it feels nice to be 6 weeks for some reason, sounds so much better than 5 lol! ohhh how i wish i didnt have to work!!!

ahh your strong if you cant wait! i could not wait till 12 weeks so im having mine at 7 + 2! its well worth the money for piece of mind! plus i want my mum to be there incase she cant come to my 12 week one, im not sure how mnay ppl my hospital allows yet in the scan room! x
Hey, only just noticed this thread. Silly me. Im due on the 22nd july (by my own calculations) Just keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes to plan as im very sceptical. Having bed rest at the moment, as ordered by my doctor! Love the signature too, definitely going to steal :) xxx
Hi all hope you are all feeling well!! well i have been hovvering over this thread for the past week but have been a bit nervous to post anything. I got my bfp last tuesday and think im around 5 weeks today im due Aug 2nd i think!!(my calculations) Im a little scared to get too excited tho as i had a misscarriage in July at 17 weeks and im worrying myself sick. I havent got many symptoms although i am shattered constantly and have the odd soreness in my boobs just want all the syptoms so i know that my little bump is ok!! Fingers Crossed!!

We are due on August 3rd, we can't wait!
Keeping our fingers crossed for the 1st scan.....I miscarried last month so think my 1st scan will be early!
Congrats to everyone on here!!!
Heyy to add the pic just use this link but you need to get rid of the space in between the I and M in IMG lol xxx:thumbup:

[I MG]https://i1036.photobucket.com/albums/a450/smagrabi1986/beach-babyflowers-2.gif[/IMG]
Hi newbies! Congrats on the BFPs! :happydance:

Little Griffin you are due same days as me :thumbup:
Welcome& congrats xxMichellexx, its been here a while hehe but we have changed the name so may be why :p and feel free to steal the siggy!

Aww im sorry to hear that mumoftwoboys!! What was the reason if you don’t mind me asking! Goes to show the 12 week scan isn’t a safety net! So sorry :hugs: will you be allowed early scans on nhs due to prev m/c?? Xxx

Congrats littlegriffin too, sorry to hear about your m/c :( but amazing that you are here again so quick!!! Congrats bet your over the moon! xx
Hiya there was no reason found at pm she had developed properly and chromosone tests were normal just down to "bad luck" apparently!! which is good in a way because we arnt looking for anything to happen this time. however just makes you want to know why. This time im getting scanned at 11 15 20 weeks not getting an early one so only got 6 weeks to wait!! lol im just taking one week at a time and trying to stay positive x
HI Can i join this group.
By my calcs I should be due 30th July if i go by my last period.
Like Mumoftwoboys I had a missed miscarriage at 18 weeks which was discovered at our 20 week scan.
They found no reason at all for this loss, so i am crossing everything that I manage to go full term & hold a lovely baby this time. The only symptom i have at the minute is no period & a constant tummy ache. Like my tummy is heavy.
I hope this is a good sign and nothing to wrry about.

Congrats to all you girls on your BFP's

Tootsie xx

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