**MIDSUMMER DREAMERS** Mid July - Mid August Pregnancies!!! Come join!!!!! :D

My boobs stopped hurting last night, should i be worried?

I also had a few sharp stabbing pains all around my tummy, is this normal?

Hi TaNasha

I am the same today, my boobs have hurt continually for a week and this morning nothing?!?!?!? I also had pains in the night ... anybody else experiencing this??
How far along are you PeeWee?

I am trying so hard to just enjoy this pregnacy, but after we have been trying so long to get to here all im doing now is worrying!
How far along are you PeeWee?

I am trying so hard to just enjoy this pregnacy, but after we have been trying so long to get to here all im doing now is worrying!

Hi TaNasha,

We have the same due date :flower:

I'm the same as you, I had sore bbs and a little nausea until a few days ago and now I'm just a bit more tired than normal but nothing else. I hope it's all normal!
Welcome MissFish, he everyone else! Boobs are alot more sore today, and I feel really bloated (pants were hard to fasten), I know this is my second, but I thought I had some more time until my clothes were tight!
Congratulations Fish & PeeWee! Such a wonderful day when you finally get to see that BFP you've been waiting for! :)

Yup - raising my hand as tired of being tired. I feel like a big sack of lazy!

And on the sore BBs issue, they were one of my first signs during 2WW, but then they went away. They've come and gone a few times now. Currently hurting again... think it must mean I'm having another BB growth spurt. Time for a new bra!

Hope everybody's doing alright this morning. I had super yucky belly last night and finally stopped at the store this morning to get some Maalox and Gatorade. My PG book says Maalox is fine to take for a lot of heartburn and sour stomach, and it recommends Gatorade if you're having a hard time drinking water. For some reason water is making me feel like rot gut. Hope you're all happy and healthy PG ladies this morning, rubbing those lovely tummies! :)
I already rub my non excistant bump! And hold it at night in bed!
I already rub my non excistant bump! And hold it at night in bed!

Me too... I love to hold it at night when I'm in bed or cozy on the couch. Just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)
Hi ladies, hope you are all well. I took my last Asda hpt this morning and am relieved to see that the lines are way darker than the one I did on Tuesday. Still don't think I will rest easily until at least after my 12 week scan. I still don't have any sickness but I think that usually hits me at around 6 weeks but my boobies are still sore and I am ravenously hungry!
Like you mrphyemma im not feeling very sicky yet!! I get all paranoid that something wrong because im not sick!! however im very hungry and tired and my boobs are feeling very big and heavy so they are good signs!! hoping to get sick next week ha ha!! roll on 6 weeks when i can see my liitle one on the scan!! x
Morning all! No cramps yet this morning so let's see if this holds off. I was up until about 1am because I felt sick :( Bless OH's heart he stayed up with me.

Forcing a bagel and apple down so I can take my prenatals. I actually ate dinner last night for the first time in about a week, finally. Boobs are sore, bleck. Another fun day! Haha.

How's everyone feeling this morning?
Sorry to be blunt, but I'm having AWFUL gas...so bad I'm cramping :(

Last night I even farted in my sleep I guess...or at least that's what DH told me. I feel so bad for him :haha:

Besides that I feel pretty good today, just a bit of heartburn and starving!!!

How's everyone else? :hugs:
Hhaaha! I told Josh if he's going to complain, I'll trade with him and he can be pregnant and see how it feels :haha:

Doing a little better than yesterday, my nausea tends to progress throughout the day. I've actually got to do some cleaning and laundry today which I've been putting off the past week. I'm definitely not looking forward to that.
I feel fine lol not really off my food, don't feel sick, boobs are heavy and sometimes sore at night when I try to sleep on them bur I guess thats to be expected, sometimes get the odd twinge say if I laugh at something hard and slight back ache now and again, think I'm getting off quite lightly so far, but is it just a matter if time lol
Was on the xbox and sitting in a really awkward position, and pulled something in my back ARRR.

Some sharp pains have come on in the last half hour, right in my lower tum - feels a little like AF cramp pains - ouchhhh.
i thought yesterdays sickness was bad........... hellooooooooooooo today :( horrid :(

so hungry but everything making me feel sick manages mash & broccoli though.. hmm..


Hope everyones well!! xxx
Evening ladies and congratulations to all the newbies!

This forum really makes me feel better...........so glad I'm not the only one that worries about every little thing.

I'm absolutely exhausted today....this baby growing business is hard work!
I'm on name patrol today, and looking for baby furniture, breast pumps, clothes...OI!:wacko:
I'm thinking nap time. My lower back is killing me. I need to do laundry really badly, but I just can't do it :cry: See you later ladies

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