Hello ladies,
Red cabbage sounds interesting, but I only have pickled kind at the moment, think that will work?!?!
Ttc dh FIFO - sorry you're feeling rubbish, but hopefully it will pass soon enough.
I'm going to admit to you ladies - I've had my first proper crazy pregnant lady meltdown last night. There may be TMI but anyway...I'd been to the loo and when I wiped I swear I felt my cervix, and it scared me. So I wash my hands, and check it like I did before, and it felt wide, wide open. I don't know why I checked, I don't want to be messing around with it, but I freaked.
Then, of course, I googled it, and freaked out big time, thinking that this meant very bad news. I burst into tearts with OH and couldn't sleep for hours. Managed to get to sleep and, yes I'm an awful person, but went and checked this morning. Now, it was super high, and it felt like it did last night, but it I kind of realised it felt more like an open top that was closed behind it (kind of this the tie of a balloon??) and it felt open because it was so, so soft.
SO - I now hope I'm right the second time, and had a freak out because I'd just told someone our news, and am for some reason terrified I jinx it everytime.
I've stopped worrying, because all that will do it more harm, and I will speak to my midwife when I see her. If it is, they can't do anything til week 13 or 14 anyway.
But I now feel like a seriously crazy lady. Oh and I'm not going to check it again - I don't want to do any more harm than I've probably already done...