**Minor Update Page 9** My 3 day, traumatic (failed) induction... :(

That sounds horendous! Im so sorry! I too was wondering why they induced you so early and if medically indicated then why did they just let u go home? Im really confused- where is this? Im a NICU nurse so dont deal to much with the delivery part unless it is high risk- but i have never heard of starting n stopin pitocin n then sending mama home? I hope after going home and getting some rest u will feel better and ur body does what it needs to do by itself.... I cant imagine having to go through labor without an epidural on pitocin-- sounds just horrible. Will be thinking of u.

She's in Tokyo.
When I had my daughter almost 22 years ago I had a VERY similar experience. I can't believe anyone is still practicing in this way. I honestly thought it was because I was in a small/hick type hospital. The whole ordeal was very traumatic. Huge hugs for you! I VERY much hope you're able to go into labor on your own after that mess.
so sorry to hear what they've put you through hun wishing you all the best over the next few days xx
i hope your ok and have regained some energy <3 <3 xx
Omg, this is seriously barbaric. Subjecting a unborn baby to contractions and pitocin and then being sent home without monitoring?!?!?! :nope: :nope: I dread to think.

OP please let us know you and baby are ok.
I hope everything is OK with you and your LO hun :( Not only does the whole thing sound barbaric, it sounds dangerous too! Will be stalking for updates and hoping to hear some good news from you soon xx <3
They are crazy!! How dangerous is that!!?? I was induced and hadn't dilated enough and my doctor came in and got me to dilate the extra centimeters in a matter of minutes... I had my baby half an hour later.
This happened with my first pregnancy, I was induced at 39 weeks due to amniotic fld being incredibly low. I was expecting to go into labour that day, omg was I so wrong. The first day they gave me the folley bulb, works like those seaweed sticks, it's a balloon they put in your cervix and inflate to mechanically expand the cervix. It was incredibly painful and I got to 4 cm, but when it fell out, ,y cervix shrunk back. The started me on pitocin and I was on it all day, no eating and hooked up, like you. After 12 hours I was still 3 cm, so they took me off it, and I ate and tried the next day. States pitocin the next day and cervadil to ripen the cervix. Again, another 12 hours and nothing, just loads of comtractions. They even got a special waiver to put the pitocin up to 30 as technically you're only supposed to go to 20!
Next day, I did cervadil and pitocin AGAIN, hooked up all day and another 12 hours of painful comtractions and mo progress. This was the end of day three now and nothing.

They told me, c section, but I said, no. So they said the next da they'd try citotec and if that didn't work I'd have to have a c secton.
Next morning they inserted the citotec pill to stimulate contractions. I had four doses and finally lost my plug. Contractions started and they hooked me up to pitocin again...I finally went into labour after 86 hours of induction! When labour did start they were so afraid of it stalling they had me on pitocin full wack, all the way to the max and wouldn't turn it down, I was in agony, back to back contractions and I thought my uterus was going to explode. I begged for am Epi which they did give me and I had a super fast labour but the baby had heart rate decels and I pushed for an hour. She had meconium in the waters and was distressed but the midwife pulled her out with forceps and I managed to just avoid a secton. Luckily baby was Ansolutely perfect but my god was it the worst experience I ever had. I suffered third degree tear and lost lots of blood.

If you can avoid induction, I highly recommend you try to go into labour naturally.

Hope everything goes better net time.
Oh hun that sounds horrible! I was just lurking through but wanted to give u some encouragement..hang in there hunny, little nora would be here soon, but my god that is traumatizing!
I'll keep this short as I'm physically and mentally exhausted, not to mention depressed.

On Monday I went into the hospital to be induced and my doctor thought it would be a good idea to insert these things called Laminaria sticks into my cervix to get the process started (they're some sort of seaweed stick that expands with moisture). I found out later that 1cm dilated they usually don't put in very many, but my doctor wanted to speed things up and put in 10. This was the most painful thing I've ever gone through in my life. It felt like someone was ripping out pieces of my cervix with rusty, sharp tongs and the puddle of blood left behind on the examination bed also could attest to that. I was sweating, shaking, crying and ended up throwing up from the pain.

She said when I started having regular contractions they would start the Pitocin but after I had about 10 hours of horrid contractions she decided it was better waiting until the next day to take out the sticks and start the Pitocin... so I had to try and sleep at the hospital alone (hubby couldn't stay in the monitoring area overnight, something they didn't tell us) while I continuously heard women next to me coming in, screaming, then having their babies within 20 feet of me. All while in torturous pain. Kinda messed with my psyche.

Anyhow the next morning they measured my cervix (and take out the sticks, which was just as painful and bloody as when they put them in) and I was nearly 3cm dilated so they started the Pitocin. I wanted to hold off on the epidural until I really needed it so I dealt with the pain all day (and it was bad, but not entirely unbearable) and in the late afternoon I figured I couldn't take it if it got any worse so my doctor checked my cervix... and I was still only 3cm (I don't know how). She also said it was too late for the epidural since the anesthesiologist goes home at 4. Which they didn't tell me... Until that moment. :nope:

Anyway I just wanted baby out at that point so I figured screw it, I'll just keep going. Then at 7pm they came into the room and took out the IV and said that the Pitocin was done for the day... Apparently if you don't get to 9cm on your own from 10am - 7pm they make you try again the next day... I don't understand the reasoning but its not like I could argue with it. So they hooked me back up to the machines to monitor baby, my husband left again, and I spent another night in tears, alone, listening to baby after baby being brought into the world. Just not my baby.

Day 3 - Doc came in and said she was SURE that baby would come today. The only thing they didn't tell me was that the anesthesiologist was not available that day (great) and again, I found out when I really needed it that I couldn't have it. I spent the entire day on Pitocin feeling like my pelvis was being pulled so hard it would rip in half. My doctor and the midwives kept saying things like "You're doing so well, you'll be able to meet your baby today!". I tried so, so hard for hours and hours... barely spoke, just concentrated on keeping calm so the contractions could do their job. But honestly by late afternoon I was completely delirious. I've never been in so much pain in my entire life. I had 90 second long contractions (that measured 100% strength on the monitor) every 2 minutes for over 7 hours.

Doctor came in to see how much longer until I needed to be moved to the labor room... I was only dilated to 4cm. After all that work. Then my doctor said "Well, I thought that might happen." (After saying she was sure my little girl would come that day). Then she told me we might as well quit the Pitocin, I should go home and rest and come back on the 5th and try again since they couldn't give me any Pitocin past 7pm. I was completely gutted. I was so tired that I don't really remember leaving the hospital except the fact that I had to walk by the nursery to get to the elevator and just seeing all of the adorable newborns with their happy Moms and Dads pushed me to tears.

When I got home the first thing I saw was a bunch of presents for my baby from family, a sign that said "Welcome Home Baby Norah" hanging above her decorated crib, and a Teddy bear just sitting in there waiting for her. I felt like someone ripped my heart out and tore it to pieces right then and there.

I would have updated sooner but I'm just so down right now and am still in horrible pain over a day later.

I would like to thank you ladies for giving me encouragement on the other threads during my induction... I hope in a few days after the next induction attempt that I actually have a happy ending and can share pictures of my little one. Here's to hoping.

Darling I am so sorry you were put through this ordeal. I am disgusted and very angry at the way you have been treated. It seems like the Dr just did whatever she thought was good for her and certainly not you! You don't need all this intervention! Your labour wouldn't progress because you were very stressed and anxious. Labour slows, even stops when we are stressed, just like it does with animals. We, like the animals, need a safe relaxed environment to birth. I can't believe the way you were treated!
I hope you are ok now. Sending lots of love xx
Please let us know, as soon as you can, that you and baby are well.

Thinking of you x
hugs that would never happen here. u hav a drip in go home! thats outrageous!
This happened with my first pregnancy, I was induced at 39 weeks due to amniotic fld being incredibly low. I was expecting to go into labour that day, omg was I so wrong. The first day they gave me the folley bulb, works like those seaweed sticks, it's a balloon they put in your cervix and inflate to mechanically expand the cervix. It was incredibly painful and I got to 4 cm, but when it fell out, ,y cervix shrunk back. The started me on pitocin and I was on it all day, no eating and hooked up, like you. After 12 hours I was still 3 cm, so they took me off it, and I ate and tried the next day. States pitocin the next day and cervadil to ripen the cervix. Again, another 12 hours and nothing, just loads of comtractions. They even got a special waiver to put the pitocin up to 30 as technically you're only supposed to go to 20!
Next day, I did cervadil and pitocin AGAIN, hooked up all day and another 12 hours of painful comtractions and mo progress. This was the end of day three now and nothing.

They told me, c section, but I said, no. So they said the next da they'd try citotec and if that didn't work I'd have to have a c secton.
Next morning they inserted the citotec pill to stimulate contractions. I had four doses and finally lost my plug. Contractions started and they hooked me up to pitocin again...I finally went into labour after 86 hours of induction! When labour did start they were so afraid of it stalling they had me on pitocin full wack, all the way to the max and wouldn't turn it down, I was in agony, back to back contractions and I thought my uterus was going to explode. I begged for am Epi which they did give me and I had a super fast labour but the baby had heart rate decels and I pushed for an hour. She had meconium in the waters and was distressed but the midwife pulled her out with forceps and I managed to just avoid a secton. Luckily baby was Ansolutely perfect but my god was it the worst experience I ever had. I suffered third degree tear and lost lots of blood.

If you can avoid induction, I highly recommend you try to go into labour naturally.

Hope everything goes better net time.

Just wow. How traumatic. I hope this time is much different for you.
I just read through and I'm shocked and appalled at your treatment there. What's with that seaweed stick thingy? I've never heard of that and maybe that's how they do it in Japan? I'd be traumatized seeing that much bleeding from those things being inserted and would wonder about the trauma to my cervix. Then failed induction after another, oh, OP....I shook my head as I was reading. I can't believe that happened to you. I certainly next is better. I'd hate for you and any woman to go through that. Hope you are okay now.
I am so sorry that you had to go through that, it just doesn't seem fair or seem like good practice. I'm not sure if baby is here yet, but I hope that your next experience is/was so much better. :hugs:

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