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*%* Miracles In The Making 2015 *%*

Just wanted to say hope All is well w u guys!!!

Driving so sorry about the pain :(

Dini congrats on the scan I say Boy ;)
Congrats on the scan Dini :)

We had our anomoly scan this week, and found out we are having a boy! Things should be good from the scan, since the OB hasn't called, and we see her in a couple weeks to go over the results. (They said they'd call if something came up from it)

OH says now it feels so much more real to him with knowing what we are having and seeing the scan.
Congratz on the scans, Dini and River! Such a relief to have a good scan... I actually ended up with an amnio after mine (all was fine).

Pain has actually gotten a little better, so I am hopeful. I have been doing stretches and hot pads help a little. The dr. basically said that there was no real help, especially as I can't take advil and advil-type drugs.
Congrats on all the new and exciting news of gender and etc!!!!:happydance::happydance:
Hi all I hope you are all well!
Congrats on the good scan river!

Seems a lot of people thing boy for us so will be interesting to find out in a month or so.

Started telling friends at work today and now it feels more real. Everyone is very excited and supportive.

I'm so tired tonight, I pray I get some good sleep!!
Still here...

I think it is just a quiet time for most of us. I go in for the harmony blood test tomorrow, will have the results within 2 weeks. NT Scan on 10/27 and next OB appointment on 11/6.
Still here as well but not much going on (thankfully) as I'm moving through first tri. Hope everyone else is doing well!
I will be 12 weeks Saturday and I go to OB on weds 10/22. I always feel pretty good but I seem to get nauseous pretty quickly. It seems as though everything is simmering down, my boobs still hurt, and sometimes I feel regular until that nausea hits. I hope all is well when I go to DR on weds. She says it will be at least an hour so Im sure they will be taking my blood and etc. My husband says my tummy is getting bigger but I dont see it.:shrug: Im still wearing regular clothes but they are getting snug.:winkwink:
Hi ladies! I'm still here as well just super busy with work.

I'm sure all will be great at your appt MrsKC! I'm also in regular clothes still and no visual changes to my belly but I can't atand pressure on it. I bought a pair of maternity jeans today and will try them tomorrow just to see if they are more comfortable.

I probably won't post much until next week as I am in a class for work and the work all weekend. My next appt is Thursday and I have a regular Dr appt Tuesday to go over labs I had 2 weeks ago. Not pregnancy related just normal labs they like to check every year or two.
Hi ladies! I'm still here as well just super busy with work.

I'm sure all will be great at your appt MrsKC! I'm also in regular clothes still and no visual changes to my belly but I can't atand pressure on it. I bought a pair of maternity jeans today and will try them tomorrow just to see if they are more comfortable.

I probably won't post much until next week as I am in a class for work and the work all weekend. My next appt is Thursday and I have a regular Dr appt Tuesday to go over labs I had 2 weeks ago. Not pregnancy related just normal labs they like to check every year or two.

Wow you are almost 14 weeks!! We are moving right along. It seems like its speeding up yet it seems so slow too:wacko:
Tell me about it!! 14 weeks tomorrow and it seems to have flown by but I also feel like I should be closer to 16 weeks for some reason.

Next appt is Thursday so that always makes me feel further along!
Tell me about it!! 14 weeks tomorrow and it seems to have flown by but I also feel like I should be closer to 16 weeks for some reason.

Next appt is Thursday so that always makes me feel further along!

Yeah me too! It seems like my appts come quick:thumbup:
Hi everyone! Hope all is well all around. Question for you all... Is anyone having trouble sleeping? I really don't remember having this much trouble this early with DD. I'm wondering if it's bc I'm not exercising as much this pregnancy. I just feel like it takes me forever to fall asleep and then I sleep really lightly. Usually I sleep really well, so maybe I'm a bit of a baby about it. Has anyone done anything that helps?
I am definitely having trouble sleeping but I always have. It's worse now and different now though. Can't get comfortable and I'm not even showing yet!
I sleep pretty good, but my boobs hurt like hell when I do. Its almost like someone is poking pins in them. I go to the DR today and pray all is well. I wont be able to breath until I hear the heartbeat. Ive had no complications but you know how those thoughts come into your head like what if...:wacko:. Ok im praying all the way for a great DR appt. Ill update later. Be blessed:hugs:
MrsKC - Let us know how the dr appointment goes. Will this be your first scan? It's such a relief to hear the heartbeat.
I sleep pretty good, but my boobs hurt like hell when I do. Its almost like someone is poking pins in them. I go to the DR today and pray all is well. I wont be able to breath until I hear the heartbeat. Ive had no complications but you know how those thoughts come into your head like what if...:wacko:. Ok im praying all the way for a great DR appt. Ill update later. Be blessed:hugs:

Hey hon, hope all is well! My next appt is tomorrow. We seem to be on the same schedule!
Hey guys so I went to my appt yesterday and it was going well until she went to get the doppler. Well she was looking for the heartbeat and couldnt find it. She was pressing really hard and she was like, hmm... I think your baby is hiding. At this point my heart dropped.:nope:. My DR continued being upbeat, talking to my hubby etc, while I lay there fighting back tears. She tells her nurse to send me to ultrasound to check for heart tones. Her nurse looks puzzled. The dr goes on to say, you know just for confirmation. So the nurse says ok. They send me to do blood work and get my flu shot, while I wait for ultrasound to get free. My husband looks at me, and tears are welling in my eyes. He says, dont do that. Everything will be fine. I say OK, still knowing in my heart that maybe it isnt going to be fine. So finally they call me to ultrasound. She scans my tummy, the room is silent, you can hear a pin drop! Then she turns up the volume and the heart beat is 170 BPM!!:happydance::happydance: She said your baby is strong and is right at 12 weeks. She said it happens when you are early along, not to find the heartbeat on a doppler. I smile, wipe away tears and go home!!:cloud9:

This is the main reason I will not buy a doppler! Id die if I couldnt find the heartbeat.

Thanks ladies xoxoxoxoxoxo:hugs:

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