Everything is good with us. Had another u/s this morning, since baby's HR was low, then went up for the OB yesterday. Everything looked fine, but the report will go to the OB in the next day and we'll know. If anything major, I am sure the tech would've done something - since we were at a hospital...
One explanation for the low then sped up HR was the cord. Seems if baby compressed the cord somehow, it'll happen. Which is what the OB thought it was, but she wanted an u/s to make sure. Baby looked like he had his cord near his feet/legs - so I could see how he could've stomped on it for a bit. He is in breech position currently and weighs approx 2lb
So, he seems on target
Starting to have very mild cramping down low - I am assuming since his bottom is on my cervix and most of his bulk is sitting down there, my body is trying to stretch to keep up.
Wondering about a baby shower. I think my mum would have one, but it seems weird to ask her if she is...