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*%* Miracles In The Making 2015 *%*

So glad all is well!! I hear so many stories like that!! I'm waiting at my appt now to be seen. I have no real teouble finding the heartbeat on my own doppler so hopefully all will be fine.

I bet you were so thrilled to see the baby though!!
So glad all is well!! I hear so many stories like that!! I'm waiting at my appt now to be seen. I have no real teouble finding the heartbeat on my own doppler so hopefully all will be fine.

I bet you were so thrilled to see the baby though!!

Yes very much so!! My co-worker told me that it took her doctor 12 min to find the heartbeat. I would have been in a coma by then, LOL. GL at your appt!!:flower:
Haha, my MW had a bit of trouble finding it, she heard it but not loud enough for me to hear it so she kept trying. Finally found it and commented it was very strong and baby was very active and not holding still. I have that problem at home as well sometimes, I have to search for about 2 min because the little bugger is rolling around. Appt went well, BP and urine tested fine and all is good for now. Now to wait for the next appt lol.
Haha, my MW had a bit of trouble finding it, she heard it but not loud enough for me to hear it so she kept trying. Finally found it and commented it was very strong and baby was very active and not holding still. I have that problem at home as well sometimes, I have to search for about 2 min because the little bugger is rolling around. Appt went well, BP and urine tested fine and all is good for now. Now to wait for the next appt lol.

Awesome!! People in my May munchkins group have been wearing maternity clothes since 6 weeks!! Here I am 13 weeks and can still fit most of my clothes as usual. I guess in due time:winkwink:
I bought a pair of maternity jeans because mine aren't comfortable but everything still fits.
Great news on the scans ladies!

I have my NT scan later so get to see my little BOY again! Yep - got my harmony results and it is a boy. Also, low risk for all chromosomal disorders!

I am down to 2 pairs of work pants that fit - and tend to be uncomfortable by the end of the day - definitely need to do some shopping!
Hey ladies!! Hope all is well. Been in Nashville the weekend because my daughter is a competitive cheer leader. Her team won and they are grand champs for the Nashville competition. SO now on to the other comps, we have about 10 more before the big comp in Disney every year. This year ill be big as a cow though. Its in March! Hopefully DR says I can fly because I cant fathom driving 12.5 hours to Orlando!!:wacko::wacko:
Great news on the scans ladies!

I have my NT scan later so get to see my little BOY again! Yep - got my harmony results and it is a boy. Also, low risk for all chromosomal disorders!

I am down to 2 pairs of work pants that fit - and tend to be uncomfortable by the end of the day - definitely need to do some shopping!

Congrats on the boy!! How exciting!!!!

We arent having the gender thingy or chromosomal thingy. We never do. We will do the regular gender ultrasound scan at 20 weeks. We just believe whatever God gives us is what he gives us:winkwink:
I only did it to find out the gender earlier....
Moni - I wanted to do it to find out the gender earlier as well, but OH figured we'd find out soon enough at the 20 week scan, and we'd save $800. So, we waited (what seemed to be a very long 10 weeks at the time). We also didn't do the NT scan, because OH and I hate odds.

But our 20 week scan was great! found out we are having a boy, and OB said that the scan report was good and short (no markers for anything, etc), and that everything looked very normal - including his head...(OH has a big head, and I was sort of scared of this possibility after MIL kept asking and saying the head looked big...and kept going on about OH's head size at birth...sigh)

I think I'll relax even more when I am in the 3rd tri. Then it'll feel more like a homestretch. Right now sometimes it feels like "hurry up and wait" ;) Of course it could also be due to not being anywhere near as busy with dd off at university now...
I only did it to find out the gender earlier....

Yes I understand. Several of my close friends who are preggers have done it as well. I think its awesome. They are pressuring me too as to why I havent done it!! Ive never done it before and this is my 3rd. Actually this is my first pregnancy ever knowing you could find out early. Im sure they asked me before but I dont remember:shrug:. Ill find out around Dec.15, I think Ill be 20 weeks.
Today I am super, dee dupper, exhausted and its only 10am. I went to bed early too. I teach 8th grade and I hate feeling this way at work. Its like Im so sleepy I could cry:nope:
Wow - it was covered by insurance due to my age - if I had to pay that much for it, I prob would have waited too!! feel better KC - I have been tired as well, but also haven't been sleeping well (already ugh)
Wow - it was covered by insurance due to my age - if I had to pay that much for it, I prob would have waited too!! feel better KC - I have been tired as well, but also haven't been sleeping well (already ugh)

My back hurts super bad when I sleep. I toss from side to side. As soon as I wake up, it seems to go away. I even sit up sometimes during the night to get relief:shrug:. So I definitely understand your pain LOL.:thumbup:
Here's MOndays pic from the NT scan:


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Adorable pic Moni!! I probably would have done the Harmony test if it was covered as well but it wasn't so we didn't have any need to do it.

KC congrats on your daughters cheer comp. My niece used to do that as well and we went to Virginia Beach for the nationals several years ago. It was fun.

I'm also not sleeping well and on his days off DH is sleeping on the couch because I toss and turn so bad. He thinks it makes him miserable..huh! Lol

My sciatica is really bad lately, standing at work all day has me near tears some days and I just hope I can learn to cope. I've been trying to do some stretching and started an Aqua Zumba class so I can get a little exercise without the impact. Honestly if it gets much worse I don't know how long I'll be able to continue to do 12 hour shifts but I have a high tolerance for pain so I'm hoping to adapt to it.
Speaking of physical discomforts... I feel like I have difficulty breathing when lying in bed. It also makes me feel more nauseous when lying down (whether I have an empty stomach or not).

I developed sciatic nerve pain after the birth of my first. It comes and goes. I hope it doesn't get worse with the second.
I do feel lucky that I haven't developed carpel tunnel. It seemed like I was at the end of first pregnancy but it subsided.

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