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*%* Miracles In The Making 2015 *%*

I have only 11 days left till my 12 week scan - but I have a feeling that something isnt right. I dont have any bleeding or pain, just a feeling :(
I have only 11 days left till my 12 week scan - but I have a feeling that something isnt right. I dont have any bleeding or pain, just a feeling :(

I get those feelings sometimes, and then they go away...but I really hope your feeling is just hormones! Do you have access to a doppler?? Could you call and see if your doctor will bring you in to listen for the heartbeat? You said you are a nurse, maybe you have access to a doppler at work and can go hide in the bathroom with it? Of course if you did it yourself and didn't find the heartbeat it would make you feel worse...:hugs: to you, I hope you are just hormonal!

I had that same feeling last night, even after a great appointment at the OB, and this morning I found baby right away on the doppler and had to keep chasing it to hear the HB because it was all over the place.
Right after I typed this I got a phone call from the Maternal Fetal medicine people and my NT scan is scheduled for October 9th! OMG..now I have a date...and I'll be 12w5d so if all looks good I think we can start telling people then...Wow...now I'm nervous!!:winkwink:
Purplelou: I pray all is well. Think positive:winkwink:.

As for me, I never think negative about my pregnancy. I am a Christ follower and everyday when I wake up, I thank God and I thank Him in advance knowing that Ill take this baby to term. I just trust Him and I dont believe that He'd get me this far to say, surprise it was all a joke! (Maybe I shouldnt talk about Christ here but I did.)

Praying and wishing blessings to all of you ladies.:hugs:
Purplelou: I pray all is well. Think positive:winkwink:.

As for me, I never think negative about my pregnancy. I am a Christ follower and everyday when I wake up, I thank God and I thank Him in advance knowing that Ill take this baby to term. I just trust Him and I dont believe that He'd get me this far to say, surprise it was all a joke! (Maybe I shouldnt talk about Christ here but I did.)

Praying and wishing blessings to all of you ladies.:hugs:

I don't see a problem with talking about Christ..but if someone does they can nicely tell you. I also thank Him every night when I go to bed and all the time for this little miracle.
Purple - hope you are able to resolve your feelings - all will be fine!

Hope you are feeling better ladies!

Things are sure moving here...
I'm so lazy!! I need my energy back and I'm also ready to start showing so I can stop looking like the Goodyear blimp lol:nope:. Have a fun Saturday
Can I join you all? I'm due aroubd June 7th. OH and I are 41, and this will be our second. Our son is almost 18 months.

Taurus- were you in the October 2012 35+ testing thread? Name looks familiar. I was due June 2013 but my son had other plans and arrived on April 17 at 29 weeks.
Hi Ladies,
Isn't that nice..I'm the one who suggested writing down our stories and then I skipped town and never came back and posted mine. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's stories! It's nice to know more about everyone's journeys to get here. I'm going to try to get better about checking this thread and posting going forward. Unfortunately, I'm not great about posting regularly, so my when I do, it's very longggg.

Believe it or not, my name is Katie. I'm 37 and have a 5 year old daughter with my husband. We've been married 8 years, together 11, and he's 15 years older than me, which seems frightening but I've never been in a better relationship, obvioulsy, since we've been together so long. I have step-children who are grown and am really lucky to have a great relationship with them, as well. They were excited about my DD and are excited about this new baby, too. The funny thing is, my "grandchildren" are the same age as my children and my daughter is close friends with her "nieces." Our little boy, who is on the way, will only be a few months younger than one of his "nephews" who was just born. Basically, they are growing up more like cousins. We are a wacky, non-traditional family in that respect but what are you going to do?! Can't help who you fall in love with!

I got pregnant with my DD after 10 months of TTC at 31 years old. After she was born, I tried going back on the pill and it screwed up my cycles so badly that I said, "Forget this!" and said we'll just take our chances. So about 2 years of NTNP and then, 2 years of being completely obsessed with TTC #2, it finally happened, with one very early m/c a few months prior to getting this BFP.

We were literally going to start the process of seeing a Fertility Specialist when I got pregnant with the m/c. I had finally worked up the nerve to ask my husband to agree to do "his part" of the testing when it happened. And once I got that BFP in February, I figured it could happen again naturally and we'd give it until the summer before going to the FS. April rolled around and I got pregnant again! I COULD. NOT. BELIEVE. IT. I mean, 4 years of the potential to get pregnant and not one BFP and here I got two bam, bam.

Of course, since I had that early miscarraige, I was a nervous freaking wreck the entire first trimester and into second, as well. Really, I've been nervous until I've been able to feel him move frequently as it's the sign that he's okay. But I had terrible cramping, plus non-stop spotting and a few bouts of actual blood-red bleeding in the first trimester which I never had with my daughter, so I was absolutely devastated thinking I'd miscarry anytime. I had to go in for ultrasounds almost weekly in the first trimester to check on him. And at one point, I actually found out my progesterone had dropped to 1 at 9.5 weeks and I was sure I'd lost the baby, only to go into the ultrasound and see a baby who was measuring on track and wiggling around. Doctor still can't explain it. Miracle or lab error? Who knows! But all the drama surrounding this pregnancy has made me appreciate this little one so much more and to not take this pregnancy for granted.

So that's me! I will try to keep up here more often. :)
Happy sunday ladies!! Ive been feeling great but today I have a little cramping. I know all is well, maybe growing pains. I see my ticker has moved up a box!! Im in box 3. I get excited to see that Im progressing. Next DR appt is 10/22. I live from appt to appt LOL. Everyone at my church was congratulating us today. I love my church family. God is awesome!:hugs:
Can I join you all? I'm due aroubd June 7th. OH and I are 41, and this will be our second. Our son is almost 18 months.

Taurus- were you in the October 2012 35+ testing thread? Name looks familiar. I was due June 2013 but my son had other plans and arrived on April 17 at 29 weeks.

Congrats Myra!! Happy BFP!! My wedding anniversary is June 6:happy dance: Glad that you joined us and Im praying for a healthy baby for you!!
I have only 11 days left till my 12 week scan - but I have a feeling that something isnt right. I dont have any bleeding or pain, just a feeling :(

I get those feelings sometimes, and then they go away...but I really hope your feeling is just hormones! Do you have access to a doppler?? Could you call and see if your doctor will bring you in to listen for the heartbeat? You said you are a nurse, maybe you have access to a doppler at work and can go hide in the bathroom with it? Of course if you did it yourself and didn't find the heartbeat it would make you feel worse...:hugs: to you, I hope you are just hormonal!

I had that same feeling last night, even after a great appointment at the OB, and this morning I found baby right away on the doppler and had to keep chasing it to hear the HB because it was all over the place.

thanks hun, yes Im sure Im just being hormonal and worrying.
I actually have a doppler at home - Ive had a try but havent found my little bean yet - so Im holding off a few days becuase when you dont find the HB it makes you worry more :dohh:

Right after I typed this I got a phone call from the Maternal Fetal medicine people and my NT scan is scheduled for October 9th! OMG..now I have a date...and I'll be 12w5d so if all looks good I think we can start telling people then...Wow...now I'm nervous!!:winkwink:

Ohh good luck - not too long now to wait - mine is the 8th!

Purplelou: I pray all is well. Think positive:winkwink:.

As for me, I never think negative about my pregnancy. I am a Christ follower and everyday when I wake up, I thank God and I thank Him in advance knowing that Ill take this baby to term. I just trust Him and I dont believe that He'd get me this far to say, surprise it was all a joke! (Maybe I shouldnt talk about Christ here but I did.)

Praying and wishing blessings to all of you ladies.:hugs:

thank you hun xx

I dont have faith, but I certainly dont have any problem with anyone elses x thank you for the prayer x

Purple - hope you are able to resolve your feelings - all will be fine!

Hope you are feeling better ladies!

Things are sure moving here...

thank you xx

Can I join you all? I'm due aroubd June 7th. OH and I are 41, and this will be our second. Our son is almost 18 months.

Taurus- were you in the October 2012 35+ testing thread? Name looks familiar. I was due June 2013 but my son had other plans and arrived on April 17 at 29 weeks.

Hi Myra - congratulations :happydance:and welcome x
Totally know how you feel Purple. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping she can find heartbeats with her doppler. I'm going to beg for more scans---might have to break out the tears! Just can't believe this might actually turn our well.
Hi ladies! Hope you are all well today! I'm doing pretty good, tired from the last two days of work but good otherwise. I managed to not listen for baby yesterday because I don't want to do it everyday as it seems it's getting harder to get a consistent reading because I have to chase it! Must be an active little booger! Did catch it today long enough to get a heart rate of about 172.

Welcome Myra! So glad you can join us! I absolutely love this thread!

Purple I hope you are feeling better. I'm counting down the days until my scan, it's in 10 days so yours is in 9!

MrsKC, I also live appt to appt! Mine is the day after yours lol. Seems like a milestone each time doesn't it?

Katie, I enjoyed your story and I like long posts so keep em coming!! We aren't exactly traditional either, my DH is actually younger than me by 7 years. I have a brother in law that's 10 and that just seems so odd to me, and my MIL is only 11 years older than me! DH actually still has a great grandmother still alive..and I just hope she still is when this one is born so we can do a several generation pic for his family! I just adore her but she lives 18 hours away so it will be a long trip to see her when baby is here.

I'm starting to relax a little bit I think, I'm far enough along and consistently hear a good strong heartbeat, so I feel like this one is really going to be here in April!
Thanks for the warm welcome!

I was just catching up on the thread- mowat, are you still bleeding? I don't know if its anything similar to what I dealt with but just wanted to let you know that bleeding doesn't always mean something harmful going on. Last pregnancy, I had bleeding on and off for a month (2 very heavy episodes with clots and lots of blood) but baby was fine. Doctors said it was from subchorionic hematoma (sch)- in my non-technical interpretation, some kind of bubble forms when the placenta attaches to the uterus- and that's what causes the bleeding. In majority of cases, everything is fine. Mine resolved by 18week scan.
Hi ladies! Hope you are all well today! I'm doing pretty good, tired from the last two days of work but good otherwise. I managed to not listen for baby yesterday because I don't want to do it everyday as it seems it's getting harder to get a consistent reading because I have to chase it! Must be an active little booger! Did catch it today long enough to get a heart rate of about 172.

Welcome Myra! So glad you can join us! I absolutely love this thread!

Purple I hope you are feeling better. I'm counting down the days until my scan, it's in 10 days so yours is in 9!

MrsKC, I also live appt to appt! Mine is the day after yours lol. Seems like a milestone each time doesn't it?

Katie, I enjoyed your story and I like long posts so keep em coming!! We aren't exactly traditional either, my DH is actually younger than me by 7 years. I have a brother in law that's 10 and that just seems so odd to me, and my MIL is only 11 years older than me! DH actually still has a great grandmother still alive..and I just hope she still is when this one is born so we can do a several generation pic for his family! I just adore her but she lives 18 hours away so it will be a long trip to see her when baby is here.

I'm starting to relax a little bit I think, I'm far enough along and consistently hear a good strong heartbeat, so I feel like this one is really going to be here in April!

Yes and I look forward to it!! I won't even buy a doppler because I know I will drive myself:wacko: with it!! Another teacher at my school just told me she is preggo and due April 24. I didnt say anything because again Im not really close to my co-workers as of yet:shrug:. I just said oh congrats!!
PurpleLou - I understand what you're saying. I was wondering at the stage you're at too. I was pretty much past my nausea stage but couldn't feel any movement yet. Totally normal for where you are. The US will be good, I'm sure.

Dini - Hooray for getting to tell people! So fun!

Mowat - Fx that all is well tomorrow. The worrying is so hard.

Myra - Welcome and congrats!

Hi to Katie (thanks for your story) and MrsKC.

Here's a pic of our LO from the 20 week (a few days early) US. I promise he actually has a nose. :haha:


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Hi all. Scan went great this morning. RE has discharged me and says all is perfect. I'll post the scan when I'm on my computer later.
Here is my scan from last week. My baby kept moving all around so not the greatest picture!:thumbup:


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