*%* Miracles In The Making 2015 *%*

I don't check this thread every day anymore since I'm not really on the list anymore so if I miss an update plz send me a message!!! Thanks

GL Ladies!!
sounds like a good idea to tell our stories and get to know each other a little better.

Ill post a bit about me:

Im Louise - Lou, Im 42 and pregnant with my second baby. Im married to Brad - my best friend and soulmate! we have been together for about 10 years, married for 8 :)

I have a little girl Lana, who is 2 in November. it took us about 14 months to concieve our little girl first time round and we had 2 MCs in that time.

I was Breast feeding and not having any periods at all till Lana was 18 months old and we had been using no contraception in all that time, hoping for a miracle. eventually I decided I needed to try stopping BFing to see if my periods might come back. I was also accepted on a clinical trial for 'Clearblue' - who make all the preg tests/ OV tests etc, so I had to collect daily urine samples (and now weekly for the rest of this pregnancy) in return they supplied me with a ton of paperwork to fill out and also a load of very expensive digital OPKs (I used CBFM ttc first pregnancy) - these were brilliant and we were so so so luckyto concieve in the second cycle after my periods returned

so here we are at 10 weeks, I have been having nausea a lot but no vomiting, in the last few days I seem to be feeling a bit more normal though - trying not to think that this is a bad sign!

I have my first, 12 week scan on 8th october

Im going to be under consultant care because 1) Im old ;) 2) Im overweight and 3) i had a big baby last time and needed emergency C section (she was 11 lbs 3)
still waiting for that appt.

thats all about me.... looking forwards to 'meeting' everyone else
Hi Im Kim, and Ive been on BNB for a while. I have two kids, Amariah who is 13 and Malcolm who is 3. We had a hard time conceiving Malcolm because I have PCOS. We tried metformin, and clomid, nothing worked. When I gave up, we ended up conceiving Malcolm that next month. Prior to that, a baby was literally tearing us apart. We had to regroup and remember that our marriage was number one. Fast forward to July, I had been reading up on Vitex and their were so many success stories, that I thought Id give it a try. Well I got my cycle about 6 days after taking the first pill and I was taking two per day. Most said that it takes 3 months to get in your system, so I thought thats what I was up for. Well we went on vacation around Aug. 9 and I noticed I was "wetter" than usual but didnt think anything of it and we BD as usual. August 26, I got my BFP. I didnt chart or use OPKs. All that stresses me out. I just wanted God to handle it and He did.:happydance:

We have our first 8 week scan tomorrow, and I cant wait to see the baby and ensure that all is well!! Aside from some nausea and sleepiness:sleep: I feel fine. Ready to start showing so I can stop looking fat.

BTW, Im 39 and Ill be 40 in December. Hubby is 41. Yes we are old parents:dohh::coffee::winkwink:
Welcome MrsKC and Dini!

PurpleLou - I don't think that no vomiting means anything bad. I never vomited with any of my pregnancies.

Great idea for the stories, Katie!

Here's mine...
DH and I are both 37 and will both be 38 when LO arrives (nicknamed Penguin bc he looked like a penguin flapping his wings on his 8 week US. DD still has her nickname Robot from her 8 week US as well). We have a DD who will turn 2 next month. DH and I have been together for 14 years, married for 4, just took us awhile to decide we wanted kids. Well, we always said we wanted them "someday", but were having too much fun to get down to business. Then several of my friends were having troubles getting pregnant so it made me nervous and we decided to start trying when I turned 35. Got lucky with DD as it didn't take too long. I bf her for 15 mo (stopped mostly to increase chances of getting pregnant as we'd been actively trying for 4 mo by that time). I got pregnant, but had a MMC in March. Things worked out a few months later and I'm due February 16th. We're super excited and will be making another big life change by moving across the country after LO is born to be close to family. Crazy, but should be good overall.

Looking forward to hearing what everyone else has to say!
Quick story -

Hubby and I have been together 17 years and married 2. We started ttc the November after we got married (I had planned on running the NYC marathon that year - but Sandy had other plans for me.) After 8 unsuccessful months (with temping, fertility monitor, etc) I went to the OB for testing. My tests came back normal, hubby had some male factor (low count, motility and morphology). We were referred to the RE and happened to time the first visit with CD3 - so did my first IUI that cycle - this was Nov of 2013 so one year into ttc. We tried 4 IUIs with cysts developing with each one -but all were BFN!!

We decided to take the summer off before going forward with IVF to clean out my body and save up the money - which was a good thing because it took 3 cycles for my last cyst to finally leave. I started BCP in July and started stimming the day I got back from vacation on August 5th. I stimmed until the morning of August 15th (4 shots a day) and took 2 ovidrel triggers that night. They retrieved 10 eggs on August 17th. 7 of the eggs were viable but only 3 fertilized. On the day of the transfer (August 22nd) 2 of the 3 had died and only 1 remained - which was "a little behind - not yet a blastocyst" so the doc gave us a 20% chance of success.

With the low percentages I did not test early. Went for the beta on August 31st. It was my BIL bday so we planned on letting the message go to voicemail and checking it after we got home from his bday brunch. Well the clinic called a lot earlier than expected so I checked the message (which I get transcribed on my phone) expecting it to be something else...saw the word "congratulations" and instantly turned off the phone. Then turned it back on and with hubby tried to decipher the message - they are not always clear - but it did say congratulations twice! We were on the subway on the way to BIL bday brunch and so had to wait until we were off to listen and sure enough - BFP!!!! The rest is history (or in my signature below...) Still VERY cautious but hearing the heartbeat last week was amazing!
I just love hearing the stories!! Moni I adore hearing yours especially after going through some of that with you on BNB.

DH and I have been together 4.5 years, married for 1.5. We actively started TTC in Sept. 2010 after I came off BC. I knew I had PCOS, so figured it'd take a while. We weren't really talking marriage then (had just gone through a terrible divorce) but knew we wanted to be together and have children. We tried for almost a year, then went to the OB who gave me clomid and we did a few rounds, after the second I had a hemorrhage, and kind of wonder if I was pregnant even though it came back negative. Almost had to have a D&C but with high doses of BCP it stopped. We went back to trying on our own but were referred to a RE. He ran some tests on me, put me on metformin. However we weren't married yet so he couldn't treat us because the hospital he is affiliated with is 7th Day Adventist and they won't treat unless you are married. We weren't ready at that point yet but were talking about it. We kept trying with opk's for over a year while discussing and then planning the wedding. No luck of course. Got married in May, 2013 and in July 2013 went back to the RE.

Got DH tested and were shocked to see he had very low morphology at 1% on the strict scale. RE recommended IUI's. We were hoping to avoid that but went that route. First round only 50mg Clomid produced a nice follicle but no luck, the next time that cycle was very long as my ovaries had no desire to work, and after stairstepping and doubling hcg injections finally had a huge folli but again, no luck. Progesterone was low with both but acceptable with the last IUI. RE said we could keep trying the IUI's or go to IVF, but we were out of money as we had to self-pay. We took a break in Feb and decided we'd wait till next year and save our money and just do IVF. Meanwhile DH finally started taking the supplements he was put on, cut back on smoking and caffeine and started eating better, I also started eating better, cut out most caffeine and lost 24lbs when we got a surprise :bfp: on Aug 10th!!

Sorry that was so long!! Geesh lol. We couldn't be happier right now but still very nervous that something will go wrong. Can't wait till 2nd trimester!! Made it to over 10 weeks so that has to be a good sign!
Enjoying your stories ladies! Here's mine.

DH and I have been married for 15 years and just started thinking about babies 5 or 6 years ago. We conceived our DS on our first try and I had a really easy and normal pregnancy. When he was just over 18 months we decided to try again. Again I got pregnant right away, but at my first ultrasound I was told it was a blighted ovum. I tried the pills to bring on a miscarriage as we were going away on vacation, but nothing much happened. Ended up having a D&C. Several months later I started having bad headaches every day and my AF hadn't returned. Consulted the doctor and was told it was nothing. Finally started bleeding, but when it continued for several weeks I finally had another u/s which showed retained products. Had another D&C. Had follow up testing and ended up having yet another D&C and hysteroscopy. Finally all clear! Unfortunately my AF didn't return and after several months of hormones to bring it on I finally decided I had Asherman's Syndrome and told my gynaecologist! He agreed it might be a possibility and I was scheduled for another hysteroscopy. This time they found "minor" scarring which was removed and AF came back! A year after starting TTC we were finally back at it. Tried for several months and then started letrozole. Became pregnant right away, but was again told it was not developing. Miscarried naturally. Became pregnant again the next month and was told again it was not developing. Refused repeated doctor requests for a D&C and eventually miscarried several months later. Found a doctor at a fertility clinic who specialized in Asherman's and she agreed to do a hysteroscopy to check for adhesions, but ended up finding retained products again. Started trying again but no luck. Tried letrozole and clomid with no results. Turned 40 in May and decided to do IVF. Because I had to fly and live in another city for weeks at a time it was very difficult to arrange (and expensive), but turned out to be worth it! Hyper-stimulated, but retrieved a large number of eggs. Nine were frozen at 5 day blastocysts and we transferred two 6 weeks later. Now I've got twins on board!
Loving all the stories here!
thank you all for sharing :)
7 week scan today - heart beat is 172:


  • 7weeks.jpg
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Hi all! My scan today went great! Baby is measuring at 8 weeks and HB was 146:happydance:. I held my breath until I heard that HB. Im so glad all went well. We also made our announcement today although Im still not telling anyone I work with until I start showing. Im at a new middle school this year and I dont really know these teachers well enough to be chummy chum and share my business with them:shrug:.
Moni what a great picture, so happy for you!

Mrskc, congrats on a great scan! I know how you feel, I held my breath at my first one as well, it was early, only 6w4d and I was so nervous!

I'm currently dealing with a horrible cold. I barely made it through work yesterday and only did because I was training a new nurse to our unit who is pretty independent. One of the docs told me I needed to go home, and gave me grief(not in a bad way) for being close to our nurse practitioner who is about 25 weeks pregnant. He says " she's pregnant, you don't want to make her sick". It about killed me not to tell him!

I think I have an ear infection along with it so I'm making an appt at my regular doctor today. I took today off work, baby and I need the rest!
Moni - beautiful pic :D

MrsKc - aww great news about the scan :D

Dini - get well soon. Im also a nurse - we are the worst at taking care of ourselves when poorly!
Moni - beautiful pic :D

MrsKc - aww great news about the scan :D

Dini - get well soon. Im also a nurse - we are the worst at taking care of ourselves when poorly!

Yes we are!! I don't know how many times I've been told we are bad patients!
I work at a hospital too, and I forced myself to take Monday and Tuesday off with a horrible cold. Sure was nice to sit on the couch!
Mowat - well done for taking the time off to look after yourself x
I took yesterday off because I was so nauseous. I couldnt pull myself out of bed. I didnt feel better until noon!!:wacko:
I think it's good we are taking care of ourselves. This society is always so work focused and I personally want to be more selfish lol. I want to take care of me and baby, the rest of the world will still go around!

I feel a bit better today, but my head and ear still hurt quite a bit. I'm relaxing in bed for a bit and it's nice.

Had my second prenatal appt today, heartbeat was loud and strong in the 160's and she had no trouble finding it. I haven't gained any weight yet, Yay! They will call in the next few days to schedule the NT scan.

I just can't wait for the first trimester to be over so I can breathe a bit better and "feel" more pregnant.

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